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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 1 decade ago

married men are you happily married honestly?

As i get older thinking about the future i wonder how it would be to be married, more importantly how do men feel about being married.? I can not imagine men being happily married because men are sexually driven and being with the same women could not fulfill all there fantasy's? Just wondering, do you ever regret getting married, or ever wish you were single again? Did you feel like your were pressured into being married?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You must not know much about marriage - or men.

    FWIW, I'm very happily married to my 3rd wife. We've been married for almost 4 years and have more sex than ever.

    What you don't appear to know about sex and men and marriage is that all the studies say the same thing; married men say they're happier with their sex life than single men are. With some lucky marriages, the longer you're married, the better it gets. All the stress that goes with hooking up and junk when you're single, all the stress about STDs and pregnancy, you can let all that stress go after you get married.

    I wish I'd met my wife years earlier. She's wonderful and I've never been happier - and I'm turning 50 next month.

  • 1 decade ago

    Marriage is like a hard job that pays well. If you put a lot into it, it goes well and it is fun. If you goof off, people get angry with you - and you risk getting fired. You are RIGHT about the sex part being hard. However after 20 years I like sex with my wife as much as ever. We just do it a little less often than in the beginning. The first ten years we average maybe 5 times a week. Now 2 times a week. But each time is good to great. I think for her also - I sure try to make it that way. Never cheated. Hopefully :) :) never will.

    1. Marry someone you are attracted to or sex will be something you avoid and you will both be miserable.

    2. Stay in shape/stay in shape/etc. Or find a guy who doesn't mind overweight women. And there are many guys like that. However - sorry for this but it is true - most better educated/higher income guys do not like heavy women. Don't know why that is just the way it is.

    3. Marry someone who is adventurous and fun and ideally funny. Lets face it those factors are part of the bedroom experience.

    4. Marry someone who makes an effort to bring you to cl***x every time.

    Some people end up in sexless marriages - if that happened to me I would either have open affairs - I would not hide affairs if my wife would not sleep with me - or get divorce. How some men live without sex is a mystery to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I definitely wasn't pressured. I asked her before she even thought I would. Married life is great I think. The best years of my life. Everything hasn't been a bed of roses, but, I would not rather be single.

  • 1 decade ago

    My wife is pretty good about indulging my interests. Not all of them, and none with a third party. Not all interests need to be pursued.

    Not all males are men. Some will live their lives as boys until their dying day.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    i'm sorry but i found that last part really funny in a sad and suicidal type way. do we ever feel "pressured into being married?" of course - by those tramps that trapped us. they make us feel bad for not giving them a ring and then they make little comments here and there that grate on your nerves until you finally crack and just give it to them. you think it won't be any different, but it always is.

    no one is happily married. we all lie so that we don't hear crap from the women we are married to.

    you are enlightened to think that we can't ever be happily married because it is in our nature to conquer as many pink tacos as possible before we eventually die a miserable death.

    in my case i was actually physically beaten and dragged, barely conscious, to the alter. i managed to be coherent enough to keep my mouth shut and not give in but i cracked when her daddy put the shotgun to my nuts. i planned on getting that joke of a ceremony aborted but her father was smart enough to keep me locked up in the basement until the nullification period was over.

    don't be fooled!

    suicidal in Sydney,

    -Mayor McCheese

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I regret it but not because my woman can't fulfill my sexual needs, it's because she doesn't, won't and doesn't care to. I would be perfectly happy being married to a good wife.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly... Yes I am. I have been married for 10 years. The only complaint I have is that our sex life has gone south, but I know the reasons for that. I have never cheated on her dispite the lack of sex because I love her so.

  • 4 years ago

    Men are correct, ask.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am happy. Its great to have someone love and care for you. and to be your partner in this life. No matter what happens.....I have my wife.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't know how old you are but here is a clue:


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