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Lv 6

Leaving child home alone?

My son finally got to open his Christmas gift from a friend. (Long Story)

Well I had my Husband call our friend so that he can thank her personally. Turns out she and her Husband are out at the store, probably buying things for their new dog, but they don't have their boy with them. He is 8 years old, left home alone. I figured that they must be doing this for quite sometime now, just going out and leaving him behind, or allowing him to play outside until past 9pm. One time they were the mall and he was in the restroom alone doing the number 2, while the parents were halfway across the other side of the mall. They trust him and feel he is responsible enough, and besides he has a cell phone! Like WTH!!! My friends are crazy and I cannot believe they could think this way!

I know what to do, what would you do considering you know this friend for more than 10 years?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You obviously know your friends and why they would feel that their son is able to handle certain things. Everyone has different parenting styles, just because they don't think the way you do, doesn't make them bad parents or crazy. I personally know many well-educated parents who leave their responsible children 9-yrs and up at home alone for short periods of time. The bathroom thing at the mall is what concerns me, because there are so many dangers lurking at public places, like sicko pedophiles etc. I suggest you simply talk to your freids honestly and openly but do not expect them to see eye to eye on the issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would never let my kids do that, i have to daughters (under 5). Girls are a bit different is what my dad would say. My brother lives with me and is 15 but my dad lets him do things I wouldn't approve of and he just says boys are different. My brother does look a lot older than 15 but I still wouldn't let him. I don't even like him home alone at my house. Where i'm from i've heard kids can be left alone when they are 8 yrs old. Depends on parents if they think there kid is able to do so. Some say 12. that's young for me even. You have to think that maybe they were raised a bit different from you. It may be normal for them and crazy to us. I would just talk to them about how it makes you feel. The worst to happen is she hates you for judging her parenting. But if you call any of the law or children services, she will hate you for that to. So no big lost but a friend of 10 years. Its your call. I would just try to talk to her as a friend in an open minded way about the situation. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is legal in some states to leave an 8 year old home alone for hours while the parents are shopping and who knows what else?????

    I find this hard to believe, that would never fly here. That lady would be in jail ASAP!

  • 1 decade ago

    Your friend needs a wake up call. She and her husband are way too trusting. An 8-yo is too young to stay home alone, and shouldn't be by himself at the mall.

    Please talk to her about your concerns before someone calls CPS on her.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If I was in that situation I would prolly go to that friends house when I knew that he was there alone and sit with them until the parents got home and when asked about it I would tell them that alot of people would consider this abuse or neglect so you were lending a helping hand......About the store situation that is just crazy!!!!!

  • 5 years ago

    the place I stay a baby must be 10 years previous earlier they are in a position to be left on my own. i could circulate by ability of that besides as how mature that youngster is. Legally they are no longer allowed to babysit here till they are 13. My neighbor leaves her 9 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous on my own to babysit the fewer than 2 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous and the 5 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous each and all of the time. they run the streets. I even have referred to as the MP's on them two times and that they have got yet to do something. by ability of something i advise the MP's by no ability confirmed up. i detect that style of parenting unacceptable and while it is militia regulation somebody could do something. i think of you in basic terms would desire to be sure the regulation the place you reside and additionally circulate by ability of ways mature you think of the youngster is which would be babysitting. i do think of a 10 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous is in basic terms too youthful to babysit a 2 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous and 5 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous for 5 + hrs. at a time. working to the acquaintances for a cup of sugar is okay. i do no longer think of they are in charge adequate to acknowledge what to do in emergencies. i went to the acquaintances abode questioning her son advance into mendacity, he opened the door for me, have been given impolite, after which closed the door. keep in mind he's in basic terms 9. come on what if i advance right into a stranger and not in basic terms the neighbor? I even have an 11 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous and an 8 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous. i to right now have by no ability left mine on my own. there is not any the place in this international i'm going to circulate that my teenagers can no longer and if there is, i be sure they are in college while i circulate. (occasion: lady's annual rfile apt or bday determining to purchase for them).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I started babysitting at 8. Some kids mature faster than others...

    Obviously, her kid is able to be left alone and it's not your business that she chooses to do so.

    ETA: It wasn't child neglect, I asked to babysit my sister while my mom and God mother went on a walk. She let me. I did a good job. Ever since then I've been babysitting.

    Once, when I was 9, my sister even cut her toe open and I did EVERYTHING I was supposed to do. Like I said, some kids mature faster than others and it's not your business unless she leaves him alone on a daily basis, doesn't clothe him, feed him, or bathe him.

  • 1 decade ago

    that is crazy! the child is too young to be left at home alone. and then the whole mall thing, i don't approve of little boys going into the mens restroom alone. my son's will go with me to the ladies restroom till they are 10, you need to confront her as nice as possible and tell her that is child abuse. or call with an anonyomus tip.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would definitely say something, because regardless of the lack of parenting, it is just not safe. What if something happened? We live right beside the school that me daughter goes to, and you do not have to cross any roads or anything to get there, but I still walk her to and from school everyday. I could not forgive myself if the one day that I did not walk her , something would happen.

  • B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Mention your concerns to her as a concerned friend. And never let her babysit your son. Ever.

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