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shoshone asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Is 2 pounds per day fed in two meals enough for a german shepherd weighing roughly 100 pounds.?

This is quality beef costing $1.37 a pound bought in bulk. She also gets beef bones and some table scraps.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A diet of only beef is not a balanced diet. If you wish to feed raw, I suggest you learn more about it.

    A VERY simple guide - a dog should be fed 2-3% of it's weight daily, broken down to 80% meat, 10% bones and 10% organs (5% of which is liver). This ratio needn't be fed daily; it can be averaged over time, depending on how your dog reacts to the meals.

    So, for your dog, it needs 2-3 lbs of raw food daily - but NOT just beef meat.

    Try joining a raw food group to learn more.

    Add: dogs are NOT vegetarians, and should NEVER be put on a vegetarian diet, except in the extremely rare case of intolerance to all meat protein. As to what type of cows end up in my dogs food? The same cows that end up in MY food.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Usually dogs need at least two meals a day. It's best to discuss you specific dog's nutritional needs with your veterinarian. If you recently changed her food or she ingested something she shouldn't have then that could be a cause of diarrhea. Also, I don't suggest wet food for dogs at all. It it bad for their teeth and also causes several other problems. I suggest slowly limiting the wet food you give her and replace it with dry food. You should really just take her to the vet. It will cost you a little money, but it could be a real problem if she has, say, a Gastrointestinal (GI) tract infection. I hope she gets better!

  • Dark
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This is not a nutritionally balanced diet. If you are looking to feed homemade, I would recommend doing some research into raw feeding: (RawFed) (Jane Anderson's Raw Learning Site) (Raw Fed Dogs) (Raw Meaty Bones) (Raw Prey Model Diet Vs. BARF Diet) (Raw Dogs Livejournal Community, excellent raw feeding information on the profile page and overall helpful community for raw feeding questions) (Myths About Raw Feeding)


  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

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  • 1 decade ago

    Dogs should be fed according to their work schedule and stress levels. Unless your dog is a "working" dog -- hunting, sledding, carting, tracking, etc. U R giving a very expensive diet. I personally would add a much smaller amount of meat to a good quality grain such as rice or oats or well cooked millet. We cook an oatmeal gruel with lots of veggies (all except onions) and add one can of mackerel for 4 medium sized dogs. The fish is mostly for the aroma. All of our dogs are indoor/outdoor, so they run a lot and maintain their weight.

    Most commercial dog foods are mainly cereal grains. After a puppy is full grown, they can maintain on small amounts of actual meat. I used to breed GSD and I cooked for them too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



    How can we tell? WE can't see your pooch's condition, and we don't know know how much energy he burns off each day.

    First off, though, realise that no GSD should EVER weigh 100lbs! The LIMITS (not the wishy washy "ideally" phrasing used by the arrogant KCs who invent their own rebel "Standards") for a first class GSD are:

    Dogs....: Height at withers 60-65 cm Weight 30-40 kg (66-88 lbs)

    Bitches: Height at withers 55-60 cm Weight 22-30 kg (48-66 lbs)

    For a second class GSD there is a tolerance of 1cm above or below that height range.

    So if you have a genuine GSD he is OBESE, about equivalent to you if you weighed 260 lbs.

    If he is taller than 66cm measured vertically above the elbow he is not a genuine GSD, he might be the deviation known as an English AlsatiOn or as a NAmerican Ski-Slope Dog or as a King "Shepherd", but registered as a GSD because those deviations have no Breed Register, they are descended from genuine GSDs but over the decades their breeders selected to favour aspects that are alien to genuine GSDs. Or he might be the cross-breed known as the Shiloh.

    Secondly, a genuine GSD is supposed to be in the same condition as a champion marathon runner (during a 14 hour day of patrolling a boundary line between unfenced crops and hungry sheep a GSD will trot several marathons). With a correctly-coated GSD you can check that by eye:

    • When working/panting, every rib is outlined by the muscles working over it.

    • When rested, no more than maybe one edge of the last rib can be seen.

    With a heavily coated pooch you'll need to train your fingers on a fit dog so that you can massage your own dog's ribs to tell whether he is too lean or too fat.


    Don't get sucked in by any diet fashion - if it uses cutesy initials such as "BARF" or "RAW" it _IS_ a fad diet! And many of the people who shout about "balance" are themselves fat - so much for "balance" in their own lives!

    Domestic dogs descend from the same proto-canid as do coyotes and wolves and a few other species. That tells us that, being predators, their digestive system evolved to suit raw animal proteins - birds, eggs, fish, insects, mammals, reptiles. They lack the enzymes needed to digest plant proteins, and even if they had them their digestive tract is too short to give the enzymes time to work. Any degenerate predator allergic to animal protein has to have the enzymes poured/sprinkled over the plants and left to predigest the cellulose cell walls and the starches within the cells.

    Domestic dogs have survived through millennia of being tossed bones & table scraps, supplemented by whatever rodents they could catch.

    So your dog will do well on ANY meat & small bones (buy an old chest freezer, stock it with gifts from hunters plus the cheapest off-cuts from an abattoir - briskets, cheeks, pestles, throats, tripes, udders; always cook any offals, to kill parasites such as hydatids & sheep measles), supplemented by cooked table scraps a few times a week. The only no-nos are fish needles and baked/roasted bones - but pressure cooked bones are fine. I have few table scraps, so my dogs get commercial dog biscuits added to their briskets, whatever. My current oldest is 14½ and fine except for being deaf and incontinent (the latter possibly a result of an emergency pyometritis spaying at about 10 years old).

    My last load cost me NZ$28 per 20kg; if you care to do the weight & currency conversion it'll probably be about US.88c per pound. will link you to sites about several ways of feeding, plus the research on bloat, but basically feeding is just commonsense once you think about how predators exist in the wild.

    And the amount is based on whether your dog is getting fat or getting thin, on whether it is listless or energetic. It is the advertising produced by those "pushers" known as kibble manufacturers that has made weak-minded people too nervous to trust their instincts.

    Les P

    owner of GSD_Friendly:

    "In GSDs" as of 1967

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's a table I found that I thought you would find helpful

    Daily Diet Guidelines For Large Adult Dogs and Working Breeds

    Your Pet's Weight..Amount of Veggie Cuisine..Amount of Meaty Bone

    Up to 75 lbs...........1/3 of lb.............................3/4 to 1 lb

    Up to 100 lbs.........1/2 of lb.............................1 to 1.5 lbs

    Over100 lbs............1/2 of lb............................1.5 - 2 lbs.+ daily

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try a quality vegetarian food, your dog will live longer and healthier. What kinds of cows do you think end up in dog food?

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