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I can't make my car payment. When will I get my stimulus?

Last year I traded my old Chevy Vega in on a new Escalade. Now I can't afford the payments and the bank wants to throw me out of my ride.

When will Obama bail me out?


Marysia, I already hocked the wheels. That's why it's up on blocks.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You see. You should have traded the Vega for something a little more in your budget then Obama wouldn't have to bail you out. The problem isn't the economy so much as its people not staying within their budgets. Until we learn to spend within our means we will be in an economic downfall. Nothing like spending money on an Escalade when you could have gotten a Honda cheaper and had better gas mileage.

  • 1 decade ago

    Will thirteen dollars a week help. If so expect that in May I believe. The government will not bail us out. And they should not have to. It has a large part of irrisponabilty on our parts. We indebted ourselves, and we now live outside of our means. Don't expect to get helped on something parents tell their kids every day. LIVE INSIDE YOUR MEANS!

  • 5280
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He WILL NOT bail you out! You put way too much "hope" and trust into this "man".

    The stimulus check is not a check. You will probably get about 13 bucks each paycheck starting this summer sometime. I don't think that will help you that much, but that's Obama's definition of help. Sorry to break it to you but he lied to you! He's not going to help.

  • 1 decade ago

    Starting around May, you are going to start getting your $13 a week.

    Just talk to your bank, I'm sure they will wait around for the Anointed One's Stimulus Bill to kick in!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe it's so you have to get your car repoed so you have to buy a new American car. You're stimulating the economy!

  • 1 decade ago

    hock one of your hubcaps - those spinning things - that should hold you until he snaps his fingers and the money rains down LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You will get tax cuts, but you will not see that money until 2010. Tax cuts are the answer to everything.

  • 1 decade ago

    Looks like somebody has been "Hannitized". I am sorry to hear that. Two weeks of NO kool aid should cure that, however.

  • 1 decade ago

    call who ever handles your car loan to make a deal with them, most of them will work around your budget.

  • The stimulus isn't designed to help individuals; its designed to help the national economy.

    But there are some individuals whose economic woes don't help anyone.

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