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What, if anything, are you giving up for Lent?

For me, it's chocolate.


I ask because Lent is an important part of the liturgical calendar. Though not expressly mentioned in the Bible (after all, how could the Apostles know 40 days beforehand that Christ was about to die on the cross?), 40 is a symbolic number. Lent is our way of imitating Christ's 40 days in the desert, during which He fasted and prayed, as we lead up to Easter and the celebration of His Resurrection.

The sacrifice is meant to be of something difficult, something that is keeping us from developing a close relationship with God.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like Solarius and I are on the same page. Each year, I ask the Holy Spirit to show me a personal fault that really grieves God. I then pray that He will remind me each time I commit that sin, and for each instance, I put a quarter in the Operation: Rice Bowl box. At the end of Lent, my "fines" go toward feeding the hungry in Third World countries.

    Last year, it was my tendency toward sarcasm. This year, I'm being led to work on my temper. I remember reading somewhere that anything you do for a month becomes a habit as far as your brain is concerned. So I figure six weeks' worth of fining myself for each temper outburts ought to help me curb my anger.

    And I may be the only person who has to send her Lenten penance money to church in a Brinks Armored Car! ;)

    Source(s): Catholic convert
  • 1 decade ago

    Time. I plan on giving an hour a day to God, be it reciting the Rosary 3 times, going to Adoration, reading the Bible, doing extra charity work, etc.

    I am very busy, work a lot and travel 100% for work. Time is something I seem never to have enough of. To give God an hour a day for Lent will be a serious challenge.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We're giving it up together! This is the first year I have faithfully decided to give something up and I'm really excited and happy!

    If Jesus can die for my sins, I can go without chocolate for 40 days.

    I'm also going to pray the Rosary every friday night.

  • 1 decade ago

    For years now, I've been trying to make my Lenten discipline more philosophical in nature. Instead of giving up something trivial or mundane, I have been trying to give up harmful personal traits and attributes. I haven't decided on what this year's sacrifice will be, but the idea is for it to lead toward increased spiritual growth and enhancement.

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  • A1
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am giving up burgers xD no joke I eat burgers a lot and I can actually handle it. I did it for last year.

  • 1 decade ago

    Chocolate for me too it will be hard but I will try

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm giving up lent

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion... oh, wait already gave that up.

    How about nothing since I don't believe in lent.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    i dont believe LENT is an actuall biblical holiday or religious ritual. or that it was instituted by God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not a thing. Reason #152 I'm glad I'm an Atheist.

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