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3.5 year old can use computer. Is this totally wierd?

my 3.5 year old has been playing games on my laptop computer for like 4 months now. The last 3 people ( including someone from early intervention) that I told this to were totally amazed. One lady has a son who is 1 week younger than my son.

My son cannot turn the computer on yet, but he can:

open an internet explorer screen

use the drop down menu to find the correct site

pick a game and play it

he has also been known to pull up an instant messenger screen from the bottom toolbar and send an IM to one of my friends with his name in it. He also recognizes Yahoo and Facebook and that they are favorite sites of mine.

My question this totally wierd? Is he like some sort of savant when it comes to this?


he sticks with right now. I just think it is so funny that people are amazed that he does this. It is just another day in my house...

Update 2:

beetlemilk...yep, my computer genius is my little guy with apraxia. His support administrator with MRDD was amazed when I told her about this. Now that I think about it, my guy with PDD-NOS was pretty good with compters by about 4 years old. We used to have to hide hubby's work laptop so he would not find it and get it out without permission.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think its very unusual. I think that given that your children haven't always followed developmental milestones at typical ages that its not suprising at all. This is the child with apraxia? Development that isn't typical is very scattered and uneven, so to be behind in speech, you would expect him to be way ahead in something else. Given the history of your oldest son that i know of, its not suprising that this son is very smart and good with electronics.

    Source(s): sons who don't follow typical developmental milestones and are way way ahead in areas, and behind in others.
  • Yvonne
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Alyssa, YOU ARE FUNNY... you are so great at asking this relative number questions. Do you love the math involved or just the odd way of asking common questions? I like them, anyway. Very amusing. And now on to the question. If I am the 74 year old and she is a real hottie, then, NO, it is not at all weird In fact I am close to that age and was just looking at the cute 24 year old on Deal or No Deal and thinking, Wow, I sure would love having her around all the time. She seems intelligent and talented and obviously has an electric personality, is happy, jumps around, very, very cute. My guess is she is trying to get into show business or modeling as she is a waitress in NYC. I tell you again, if I was very rich and had an nice place in New York I would be more than happy to take her away from her waitress job. I might do this, but not with an American woman because they are too much into material things and youth. No, I'll probably go to Russian and find a beautiful woman, or maybe I'll find a Hungarian or Czech girl like Donald Trump's latest wife. How is that for a long answer for your funny joke?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it's weird. I think that makes him pretty smart. My 3.5 yr also gets on the computer and plays games and has since he turned 3. I showed him once how to do things and he just took off from there.

    He can turn it on & shut it down properly

    open the internet

    he also knows where to find the games already loaded on the computer

    he can maximize and minimize a window

    and a few other things

    I have also had friends who are amazed that he can do all this but, I don't think it's makes me a proud mama!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I don't think it's weird at all. My son (at 3) was doing the same thing. He knows all the favorites, how to bookmark sites, how to find all his favorite games. Some kids who have never seen a computer or who were brought up in a diff. generation may be totally unfamiliar with the computer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, I don't think it's weird. I think it's great!!!! Kids now a day are learning much quicker and more than we ever did.

    My son is so eager to get on my desk top and laptop, he doesnt know what hes doing at all but hes only 14 months. I hope he knows as much as ur child when he 3.


    Source(s): mother of 14 month old
  • My son played computer games at 2 1/2 years old, he mastered how to click and drag thing in his game, he has 2 sesame street preschool games he only plays on his own. I let him online to do games but only when I can play with him. I never let him play on the computer without supervision!!

  • A
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Not weird at all, if this is what he's grown up around. It makes sense he would know how. Use this to your advantage. Let him listen to some of the preschool singing/teaching videos on you tube. is a great website for him. Brainpop, learn to read at star fall are also great sites. You'll need some internet safety classes soon if he keeps up.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son did this too. He would open up the browser, click on games and then scroll through for the web games that he wanted to play on Yahoo! Kids will pick up on whatever they're exposed to if it is interesting enough for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    not al all .. my 2 yr old son cannot read but uses the apple laptop as if he know severthing . he can reach the game and click on the right buttons. so just chill , this is a new generation..

  • 1 decade ago

    No, my daughter started using the computer at around 3. We even taught her how to use the "favorites list" on IE to get to different sites (that we set up for her).

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