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I am a mother of 2. I don't believe in coddling or babying children, but I do believe in lots of hugs & kissess!

  • Can I use ice on my cast?

    I sprained my ankle and now have a hard cast on it. The swelling is pushing my ankle bone against the hard side of the cast and turning my toes purple as soon as I stop elevation. I'm also taking Advil but this swelling SUCKS!!!

    I sprained it on Sunday and have not put any weight on it since Monday.

    I'm hoping that the ice will help the swelling go down quicker, but is it even worth it? Will the cold get through the cast?

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • What DS game is Pokemon PacMan?

    My son wants "Pokemon PacMan" for Christmas, but this game does not exist. What game is he talking about? It's for his Nintendo DS.

  • Why can't I see my question?

    I posted it 2 days ago, I was recently offered to extend the expriry and it's still not showing in my category. When I go through to my profile, I can find the question, but it's not out there for anyone else to see.

    The link to my question:

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Which corn maze is best for kids?

    I can't decide between Boonstra farms and Six Pines. The kids are 3 - 6 years old and one of them is a 'fraidy-cat, so we'll be going during the day.

    3 AnswersWinnipeg1 decade ago
  • Is Health Care a Necessity?

    Or is it just a luxury?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see Ron James's bit on US health care?

    Or are Canadians misunderstanding the situation? What are we missing that has so many Americans clinging to the current system?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How is the swine flu different from a regular flu?

    The effects of the swine flu that are reported on the news every day, but the information and symptoms and recovery rates etc etc all seem to me to be the same as the regular flues that come around every winter.

    And before someone says “H1N1 kills people”, remember that every year, thousands of people die from other flu strains, but those other flu strains don’t get the same notoriety as the swine flu. What gives?

    I don’t see why getting the swine flu is any more dangerous or potent than any other strain of flu. Am I missing something?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Which corset pattern should I use?

    So, I’m making my Halloween costume. It has a skirt and a corset. I’ve finished the skirt as per the pattern instructions. Now, to make the corset, I can use the pattern that comes with the skirt (option A) or use the corset pattern that I’ve made before (B). There are several pros & cons to each and I’m not sure which one to choose.

    Option A

    It is the corset that comes with the skirt

    Has only three panels

    My husband says I make things too complicated

    I’ve never made it before

    Is lined with exposed seams (which I hate!)

    I don’t know if it will fit properly

    Option B

    I’ve made it before

    It’s already cut to my size

    I know the pattern

    Uses 3x the boning of option A

    Has 4 panels (more complex)

    May not go with skirt as well as option A

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Is it really popular opinion, or is it the few and the loud? (re: health care)?

    Do most Americans really want to have no/short wait times for health care at the expense of those with no health care?

    It seems that there is a strong opinion that basically, "if you're not smart enough to pay for your own health insurance, then why should I help you?" mentality with a lot of Americans. Also, they enjoy the fact that millions are not getting any health care as this makes getting their own care more convenient.

    Is this really the popular opinion?

    And the opinion that people with pre-existing conditions basically lost the health lottery and now deserve a death sentence because even if they wanted insurance, they couldn't get approved?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Health care reform means that you can't choose your own doctor?

    I've seen this mentioned several times and I don't understand. It is being presented in a way as if to say that should the US go to universal health care (or something like it) then you won't get to go to the doctor of your choice.

    Now (please correct me if I'm wrong but) with your standard insurance policy, there can be a list of approved doctors and facilities where you may go to have your medical treatment covered by your insurance provider.

    Now, as a Canadian, I can go to any doctor and any facility to receive medical treatment. If I am not happy with my care, then I may get another opinion or go to a different doctor for treatment until I am satisfied with my level of care.

    So with these understandings, it would seem to me that Americans currently have LESS choice than Canadians.

    Now, if you are not happy with your insurance provider, you may switch, so you do have that choice (unless of course you have a pre-existing condition in which case you're lucky you have any insurance at all). If I'm not happy with my treatment, I can contact my elected official (my MLA) and if they don't fix it, and it goes wrong for enough people, they could lose their job by not being re-elected.

    Now, an employee at an HMO who doesn't decline enough claims may lose his job so he would be more inclined to deny coverage and then by denying enough coverage, may earn himself a bonus.

    Am I missing something? Because from where I'm sitting, it would seem that universal health care = more choices and more coverage. Or have I totally missed the boat on this whole "doctor of choice" thing?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why is Health Care Reform a bad idea?

    I am a Canadian and I think that universal health care is the best thing ever. I love that when my son required speech therapy, he was assigned a speech therapist for semi-monthly visits, when my father needed by-pass surgery, he got his by-pass surgery (and he didn’t have to sell his house to pay for it). I love that I can have children without fear that I will have to give birth at home because I can’t afford to have them in a hospital.

    I don’t understand why so many are against healthcare reform. I’m sorry if I sound ignorant, but this is just what I understand from being north of the border:

    1. Americans like paying for individual health insurance?

    2. Individual health plans are still preferred, even when certain claims are refused by the provider and an insured is forced to go out of pocket

    3. Americans are opposed to wait times. They would prefer that many (mostly lower class) never saw a doctor so that they could see one on short order if they need one.

    4. Paying insurance premiums to a private, for-profit company is preferred over paying insurance premiums as higher taxes to the government

    5. Americans want to pay for their own health care and do not want their own income taxes/insurance premiums to go towards the health care of someone less fortunate

    I know my statements sound slanted, but I truly don’t see what is so bad about the plan. I’m not saying that Canada’s health care is the model of perfection, but at least no person is forgotten, or left to die because of their social status.

    I tried reading other’s questions and answers, but mostly it’s snarky back an forth so please, I’m not trying to start a debate, I’m looking for a rational response as to how health care reform will be bad for individuals.

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where I can get a Star Wars backpack in Winnipeg?

    I went to Unicity Wal-Mart a I couldn’t find any there and I can’t spend a whole day driving all over the city. I was hoping someone’s seen one somewhere.

    3 AnswersWinnipeg1 decade ago
  • Getting rid of lice - is a dryer only enough, or do you really need hot water too?

    Everything I read says hot water and dryer but isn't a hot dryer alone enough?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between a “need” and a “want”?

    My husband and I are trying to save money and cut down on unnecessary things. One of our problems is that things that we want often have a way of morphing into something we need.

    Is there any kind of simple check list or specific way to determine if a particular item is actually a need or is just a want?

    What are the specific characteristics of needs vs. wants?

    9 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Where can I find u-pick blueberries in Manitoba?

    This is really frustrating me. I know that there are blueberries in the Whiteshell area and in Ontario but I cannot find a web site or listing or anything. I am willing to drive up to 3 hours for a u-pick farm and will go as far a the western edge of Ontario (Kenora area). Does anyone know where to pick blueberries in this area?

    2 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • How hard is it (how much work is involved) with converting old barn board into flooring?

    We are building next year and I love the idea of re-claimed flooring, and living in the prairies, we may have access to an old barn. I would like to use the boards for flooring. What would be the steps involved? I assume that you can’t just nail them down, as is. Has anyone ever done this before? What’s involved? Is this an un-realistic project to take on?

    Thank you for your help.

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • What colour is your province?

    I am building a patchwork quilt of a map of Canada and I am trying to think of which colours or prints will best represent each province and I am open to suggestions (anything but blue). Any colour or print including a reason why you think of that colour.

    Thanks everyone.

    8 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • How do you talk to a Schizophrenic?

    My cousin is undiagnosed. He is so far off his rocker that we have no doubt that he is Schizophrenic. He really needs to get on medication but he doesn’t trust very many people. He thinks that everyone is being manipulated (by whom and to what end we don’t know) but he seems to trust me and my mom but whenever she suggests that he should go see the doctor, he says goodbye and hangs up. Should we just keep suggesting the doctor?

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Anyone have some ideas and recipes for playoff munchies that are heart friendly and cholesterol free?

    My dad has to go for bypass surgery and as a result he has completely re-vamped his diet to avoid all the bad things and get more of the good things that he’s supposed to be eating. But, we’re watching my cousin play in the play-offs (hockey) and my dad can’t partake in our buttery popcorn and cheesy nachos.

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Anyone have some ideas and recipes for playoff munchies that are heart friendly and cholesterol free?

    My dad has to go for bypass surgery and as a result he has completely re-vamped his diet to avoid all the bad things and get more of the good things that he’s supposed to be eating. But, we’re watching my cousin play in the play-offs (hockey) and my dad can’t partake in our buttery popcorn and cheesy nachos. What else is there?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago