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I am using an injectabe form of meloxican in Mexico?

I have a bad knee, no carltiage, been using ibuprofen for many years and came to Mexico and found an anti inflammatory that is injected rather than pill form which was killing my stomach. Anyone know of any side effects of this medication besides not using alcohol which not a problem. I inject myself every 3rd day and get relief from the severe pain on a bone on bone knee situation. I am scheduled to have the knee replaced in April. Feed back on the medication Meloxican please.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Looks like the most common side effects are gastointestinal with oral form. I don't see any problem with continuing on it till our surgery.

    Source(s): American R.N. living in Mexico...and I have 2 knee replacements.
  • 1 decade ago

    What does your answer have to do with Cancun? How come you don't go to Web MD and look it up there. Or ask your question at. Ask Jeeves.

    I think their is something also wrong with you. It is your eyes. You seem not to be able to read either. This is forum is for Cancun questions.

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