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Obama laughs at our current economic state of affairs....?

this evening on 60 minutes. Why then just a couple weeks back was he in dire straits stating that if the stimulus did not pass economic armaggedon was imminet? Which is it the end of the world or we will recover by the end of the year?

And I don't want to hear well Bush blah blah blah. Bush did the same thing I know!


KB~ Just to be clear I was stating that Obama had commented on us recovering by the end of this year. I expect nothing of the sort.

Update 2:

Lord Percy~ damn I could have sworn I said I don't want to hear bush blah blah blah... Can you not answer the question without playing party politics?

Truth be told I think they were both puppets. AIG bailout was written before Obama took office. But who wrote it? It was Timmy Geitner while still holding it down for the FED of NY. At the time who was working at AIG? Rhammy Emmanuel! So please enough with the partisan hackery. This is not dems vs. repubs this is us the common man vs. them!

Update 3:

8 years??? This is 30+ years in the making so enough with blaming the other side of the aisle! Let's hold all their feet to the fire!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I didn't vote for him, I don't like his policies, and I am appalled at his appointees. However, I won't stoop to the petty game of making a tempest in a teapot over some minor gaffs that President Obama makes. To do so waters down real substantive arguments about genuine issues that are affecting us.

    He speaks poorly off the cuff, and has issues with teleprompters. What a shock. President Clinton was the last one we've had who was really an expert craftsman of words (yes, even if most of them were lies.. he was a hell of a speaker), both when prepared and extemporaneous. Before him, Reagan, and prior to that? I'd say Kennedy. Bush was a laugh a minute whenever he spoke.. but I don't dislike him for that, I dislike him for the actions he took.

    President Obama's flippant commentary has directly cost me and many of my colleagues a great deal of money; State Farm insurance canceled their big annual show here, because of his rant about companies 'running off to Las Vegas'. That has cost our city tens of MILLIONS.. on that show alone, from a company who didn't receive a dime of 'bailout' money.. it was all just PR. Who knows how many other companies are canceling or scaling back their meetings in order to look 'responsible'. So, in trying to 'save' the economy, he brings it to a grinding halt. Good job, spanky.

    To all those crying in horror; Wealthy companies, and wealthy people, spend a lot of money. They waste a lot of money. In doing so, they give JOBS to the rest of us. I celebrate their excesses.. they allow me to live.

    So, was his laugh insulting? Sure, but was it intended to be so, or has it caused any real damage? No, I think it was just a nervous reaction when he was out of words for a moment. It's fine to disparage the man.. just remember to do it with solid evidence, and for the right reasons.

  • 1 decade ago

    I applaud you! Finally someone with a brain who can see what is really happening, while the care bear american citizens run around repeating commentary from Propaganda TV, these so called representatives are passing out trillions of dollars to their buddies.

    America is broken and corrupted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Recognition of a DESPOT is not universal nor will history reflect this unless the writers are replaced! Keep up your correct analysis & questions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Excellent question. But I like your additional comments even more.

    How many dork-a-boobs are still dense enough to play party-me-this/ party-me-that? God forfend!

    Oh well, the good news (as evidenced by recent spending) is that they can't even count, though their days are numbered.


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  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are mis-stating. We won't recover by the end of the year but the hope is that we will start back up from the free-fall the Republicans put us in. You can't fix what took 8 years to break in 2 months

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As President the economy doesn't affect him. Everything he needs is handed to him. And the House is already payed for. Everything to keep him safe is payed for by out money, just like the people in Prison.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, his social engineering agenda is moving through smoothly now, why not take a chance to laugh at how American taxpayers are being screwed.

    Plus CBS is his friend, why not laugh at how they're just manipulating a bunch of his supporters....I'd be laughing too.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He probably read the wrong script, thinking that he was still at Jay Leno's. He seems to slip more often lately.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    were not gonna recover by the end of the year, it takes years

    everbody expects soo much in soo little time

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    as he said gallows humor no one has ever faced a economic disaster the size of the republican economic holocaust, unless he gets it Right Bush will crush the USA to its knees

    I so much wish the economy will recover by the end of the year, I am not sure it will be by the end of the decade

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