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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

If the LDS church isn't racist any longer, why do so many LDS folks blame black folk for prop 8 passing?

"It wasn't the Mormons voting. It was the African Americans"

I've heard this line from many Mormons on the forum. Are "black people" and "Mormons" mutually exclusive? are none of the black folk that voted yes on prop 8 LDS? couldn't you be both black and Mormon at the same time?

If there really are so few black people in your denomination that you make statements like this, why do you think that is?

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I notice you use the word blame...LDS are only 2% of California.

    I don't blame anybody, but we are the ones getting the heat from gay people when more than 2/3rds of blacks voted for it too.

    Yes you can be black and LDS at the same time

    go ask Gladys Knight for her reasons she is a black Mormon.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess I've missed out on something... this is the first time I have actually seen such a comment. Besides, assuming this comment was made by a Mormon, why would you be so quick to generalize the LDS Church as a whole based on a single statement you have quoted here from one person?

    Also, why would an LDS person blame any one group for passing Prop 8? Over half the state of California passed it. I am sure that majority included people from all backgrounds.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've not read any of the other answerers, so forgive me if I repeat anything . . . and I know I'm not really qualified to answer, as I'm not LDS, but whatever.

    Mormon demographics, at least so far, are hugely white-dominated. Of course there could be a few (hundred) black Mormons, and I'm sure there are somewhere, but demographically speaking the percentages are such that a black Mormon would probably startle most other Mormons (lol).

    Also, there are many more black people in the Prop. 8 voting area than Mormons (more than likely, just looking at a map). I would bet that a vast majority of BOTH sets of voters voted against Prop. 8, in any case. And since the black community turned out so well to vote for Obama, and Prop. 8 happened to be on the ballot as well, that's what happened to 8.

    I would also bet that had both presidential candidates been white, Prop. 8 would've been shot down. Just my opinion.

  • pono7
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i don't think that is the point that those that say that are trying to make. I think the point is that the mormon population of california is significantly smaller than the african american population (2% vs. around 35%)- and the african american population voted at 51% in favor of prop 8. and since voters are not categorized by creed, there is no way to say how many black people in california are LDS that voted yes. One can only work with the statistics given. But I can guarantee that it's not 51% there are not even enough mormons in california for that to be the case :)

    basically people are trying to give the LDS church far too much credit when it comes to the poll numbers. Like the church members single handedly passed this prop. Even if every memeber of the church in california was african american- and 100% of them voted yes for prop 8 that still wouldn't account for even half of the votes.

    * EDIT- besides- no one is "blaming" them. most LDS members wanted prop 8 to really it's a matter of thanking them. but when they say that to other people, it is because people are acting as if mormons are the entire reason that it passed and that its not really what the californian people wanted. which is bogus. the majority of californians voted yes. at 52% even if every LDS member could vote at 2% of the population it still would have voted 50/50. and since we know that not everyone could even vote- or voted yes,we can assume that even without LDS votes the prop still would have passed. barely- but passed.

    Source(s): * just for some people's information- africa is one of the fastest growing areas in members of the LDS church. And members ethnicity is relevant to where you live. You live in an area where it's mostly asian- guess what- the members are going to be mostly asian- same for white, latino and black. our wards are zoned like school zones- where it is by where you live is what bldg. you attend. so you will be attending with people in your nieghborhood. there are quite a few members in our congregation that are black. i would say about 10-15% the rest is split up pretty even between latino and white (only 2 asian families) and that is around the same ratio of our nieghborhood as well. it's all relative.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I've never heard this from any of the members I know or even from the members of this forum. Of course there are black members. Of course there are many of them. If someone has said that the African Americans in California were more involved with Prop 8 than the Mormons, then there must be some statistics to back that up. It's not about being racist, because we're not.

  • 1 decade ago

    All the talk of race, or Mormonism, or being a black Mormon aside, for me the bottom line is this: I blame EVERYONE who voted for Prop H8.

    The time has come to tear down this wall that deprives our fellow citizens of equal rights. As has been said, the sand is shifting beneath the feet of the bigots and will not last much longer. Look at Iowa.

    Lady Morgana

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh My what hath God Wrought? Now just where do you get this wonderful propaganda? Did the people voting in California have to declare their race and religion to vote and then have the votes recorded in that way? Well if they did not then you cannot have any reliable information to back this silly assertion of yours. What you "hear" on this forum from "Mormons" is not all that reliable either since there are many "Pretenders" here as well set on Defamation of the LDS Mormon Church! One thing is that the real Mormons do not use their time "Defaming" others and their Religion, only putting forth their own and correcting misconceptions. We believe that everyone has the right to their own Religion and be respected for it.

    Of course in spite of what ---Jeff Lemon Grass has to say about "trusting" him, Blacks or African Americans or Asians or any other ace or creed have always been welcome in the LDS Mormon Church and there have always, Yes, Always, been African American Members of the Church. And just for Jeff's information there are also many Gays in the Church today. My own Grandson is Gay and a member of the Church and holds the priesthood! You understand don't you that you can be Gay without being Adulterous or engage in Fornication! Every time I go to church there are African Americans there and some are are Bishops etc. No, we are not racist and never have been. Oh, I suppose there are some individual Members that are but not the Church as a whole. Do you really know who Mormons are? Here is a web site to Famous Mormons and I suspect that you will recognize many of them and even be a bit surprised.

    No we are not "Mutually exclusive" and never have been, we are all God's Children! And no the Mormons have never Blamed the African Americans for Prop 8, although we are very happy that it passed in order retain the Sanctity of Marriage!

    Edit:---I watched your Video on your profile and find it amazing just how much you can twist the truth. I won't take you point for point because it would take to long. It is however a study in Propaganda production! Now you say that $20 Million was spent to defeat it! , well I have not completed my research of facts but it was a little Higher but how do you know how much came from Mormons? Did they sign the donation "From a Mormon"? Not the Gays want the names for no other reason than to harrass them. Is this Christian like? Much more was spent to the other side but you don't even mention that. Everytime a Celeberty talked about it did that get included as a donation? No! Yet if a Mormon Flew to california to attend a rally then they had to declare that as a donation! A donation to who? The Airline! You have a very uniformed one sided argument that follows the Hitler propaganda of the Big Lie! If you tell a Big enough lie, the bigger the better, and tell it often enough then some people will come to believe it but not so much with a small lie!

    The Church donates a great deal to Charities other than to Mormon charities include in hurricane and natural disaster relief. My daughter, a Mormon, flew to New Orleans area and spent two weeks assisting with disaster relief. Did You? Did the Church get credited for it? No even though all members of the group were Mormon and a Mormon, not church but individual) owned Company, Her Employer, sponsered it and payed the transportation and expenses as well as time off. This is played out tens of thousands of times but you never mention that, Just Mormon Bashing because you did not get your own way! Why not Catholic Bashing or Baptist Bashing? Why any Bashing at all? Is this not a free country to vote for what we want? Donate to what we want or do we need to get your permission! Are you the one who is all knowing about right and wrong, good and Bad? What have you given to other than Gay issues and Mormon Bashing?

    Yes there are African American Mormons on this Forum

    I guess I have to excuse you as you seem very young and , Sorry, very un sophisticated in your approach. You speak of things you know little about but parrott others who are wrong!

    Proud Vet in New Jersey

    Source(s): 73 Years LDS Mormon, Not a Racist nor Gay Basher! Are you a "Mormon Basher"? If so, why?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My best friend is morman and she is not the least bit racist. Also there are plenty of people at my church (a non denominational in orange county) that voted yes on 8. Black people too. Besides, why would you think they were blaming them? Isnt that they voted and helped it pass something that they would want?

  • 1 decade ago

    Only 2% of Mormons are in California. Plus you can't prove whether they did vote for it or against it either. Should I remind you that Steve Young's wife was against Prop 8.

    Your arguments are really lame.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey my nephew is mormon. That church changed his life. he was always in trouble- my sister didn't know what to do with him. when he started talking to those missionaries he started to get it all together. Based on my nephews background, and things that he has done, i would say not only are they not racist, but they are pretty accepting on other levels too. My sister is talking to the missionaries right now- she seems to really like it. I went to his baptism- it was cool i guess. (only thing was it was boring- music sucked) but everyone was really nice, and happy and spiritual. haven't looked much into myself, but it can't be too bad if it's helped my nephew so much. Nothing else worked. this church was it. So back off the racist stuff...they are good people.

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