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thornezoo asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Help with a VERY vocal cat!?

I have a stray we've taken in. I want to get him ready for adoption and he's being treated for two bacterial strains. The problem is that every night at 7:30 and thru the night he meows. He tries every meow tone he knows. He'll be quiet for about an hour, just long enough for us to doze off and then he starts up again. Part of it is that he's not neutered yet, which is being done in the next week or two, depending on how fast the bacterial infections clear up.

I know he doesn't like being isolated from the rest of the house but that's necessary as well. He's going for a follow up at the vet on Thursday to see if he's well enough for neutering. So I think its safer to keep him isolated until I get the green light from the vet.

Has anyone got any ideas on how to get him to stop meowing so much? (besides the obvious, get him fixed, etc.) I've fostered for many years with a variety of cat personalities and I've never had one this vocal! He's driving my husband nuts (he shares his office with the cat).

I'm almost to the point of moving him at night to the downstairs bathroom, but that's just a hassle. I just plugged in a Feliway diffuser to hopefully calm him a bit - it worked on my other cats.

Any suggestions (besides obviously stupid or cruel answers) would be appreciated!


This cat was obviously someone's pet and not a feral. I feed and house a feral outdoors and had her spayed so I know exactly how a feral acts. You have to love ferals as they are! But this boy was obviously a drop off by some stupid uncaring person. Three cats have already showed up at the same time (probalby same idiot dropped them off) and I've taken in two. The third is more skittish. These two are lover boys! BTW the first one I rescued was placed in a loving forever home.

Update 2:

Oh yeah, and when he starts up the meowing at 7:30 every night there is someone in the room with him for a few hours after that. I think its because whoever had him either came home at that time or gave him food then. I feed him on a schedule because the medicine is giving him diahrrea. I leave the dry food out for him if he's hungry, so that's not it. Something triggers him that's all and I haven't figured out what it is. We have two other cats that he has not met yet so I can't just let him out. The vet (and my experience) suggested isolating him until his meds are done. He is feluk negative so when the time comes (after neutering) he'll be out in the house with everyone else. But right now he needs to be isolated with a litterbox because of his "delicate condition". Thanks for all the advice. He really is a sweet cat and as soon as I can he's coming out into the house so he'll have some company!

Update 3:

Thanks to all that responded. We started letting him out into the rest of the house last night. It helped until bedtime. He only meowed a few times and then slept the rest of the night. I can't leave him unattended with my other cats yet because there was much hissing and spitting, but maybe soon!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are doing a wonderful thing taking care of this cat, and I think he is trying to show you how much he appreciates it!! I know its a huge pain, but I think its something you just have to deal with until he is fixed and healthy enough to be with you and the other animals. Try putting some stuffed animals in with him at night, some cats find them comforting and like a little family and will snuggle up to them, also that Feliway will probably help somewhat too. I think he just wants to be near you, so hopefully he will be able to do that soon. Good luck to you guys and thank you again for being so kind to this boy!!!

  • briney
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The question is, considering that its 'spayed', is it a male or woman? And secondly, it would desire to be vocal. although a super number of the time whilst a cat meows it needs something, I truthfully have an extremely vocal 14 year old snowshoe siamese blend. She's my infant, i've got had her for as a result long. yet I ought to admit, if i did no longer have a super number of years along with her under my belt, she does not be residing with me now, partly for the problem you voiced. If it has siamese in its blood, its greater services to be talkative. attempt retaining it at yet another end of the dwelling house with each and every thing it desires, of direction, and according to threat then you definately heavily isn't waiting to hearken to the meowing? yet whilst that's loud and disruptive, according to threat its only asking for interest?

  • 1 decade ago

    I took in a stray cat for a short while until I was able to find it a home. He did the same exact thing at night. I think it may be because you took him in and are taking care of him he is attached to you. He gets confused at night and meows because he wants to be near you. He associates you with safety and food. My cats meow when they are trying to find me in the house, they just walk through the house meowing until they can find me or I call out for them. Your stray is just trying to "find you". Since you have to keep him isolated for a short while he probably wont stop until he is allowed to be around you again, and gets used to the house. When he figures out you are not going to disappear forever when you go to your room at night and shut the door, he will hopefully stop this behavior.

  • TENI
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hi, it is nice you are trying to save a life of a feral cat. You got to remember this is a feral cat, and have never live in house before. Yes having it neuter will help, but it will not stop him from living the outdoor life where he is used too...

    Sorry I am always there if you want to help a cat, but remember it is an adult feral cat not feral kitten.

    Here are some article maybe it will help you...

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  • 1 decade ago

    don't bar him off.there are only 5 infections that can be passed from animal to human and he don't have it.let him in your room.and if he was meowing because he's in heat you'd smell it so if you don't,he ain't....he wants to be loved.

    Source(s): i have 1 dog,10 cats,23 kittens and 4 small children.i used to work at shelters and took strays off the street and seen the worst of the worst,your little boy just wants to be loved.
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