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Jess21 asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

How can I get my kitten to stop nipping and scratching me?

My two month old kitten scratches and nips at me. I know he is only playing but he puts some force down even when I yelp to show I'm in pain. When I do that, he licks my hands and then starts nipping forcefuly again. Another thing I noticed is that when I'm sleeping lately I will wake up to him playing with my hands or something and then he goes for my face! I will open my eyes and he stares at me for a bit then attempts to claw my face again. He clawed my cheek twice this week while i lay in bed and he has attempted to claw my eyes while they were shut. I don't mind him laying in bed with me I'm just worried he will get me good sometime when I'm not cautious. Anyone have suggestions or know why hes going for my face lately?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Make sure you never encourage your cat to play with your hands. Use a toy, instead that she can bite and claw at. Never, ever punish or yell at her. Cats don’t understand punishment, and the only thing they learn from it is to fear you. Also keep in mind that kittens between the ages of three weeks old and eight months old will be teething off and on, and will have very strong needs to bite. It is important to know that you shouldn’t prevent her from biting, but instead give her something that she can chew on, like a stuffed animal.

    Any time she bites or scratches you, (whether she's playing or she's mad) say "OUCH!" really loud, then walk away from her. If you've ever heard a cat howl when you accidentally stepped on its tail, mimicking that noise or hissing will also get the point across in a way that she may understand better. Walking away from her helps her learn that when she hurts you, she gets no more attention.

    Trimming your cat’s claws can benefit both of you. If your cat ever snuggles up to you and starts kneading on your leg, then you probably know that this can actually be a painful experience! A regular trimming will end your pain. Cats with sharp claws can also accidentally hurt you while playing. So, learning how to trim your cat’s claws can be very helpful.

    If your cat has never had a "pedicure," then you’re going to need to get her used to having her feet touched, first. Many cats dislike having their toes messed with, but if you start when your cat is young it will be easier on both of you. While petting your cat, casually glide your hand down her legs and feet. Once she is tolerant of that, use your fingers to gently squeeze her paw until the claws are exposed. When she will let you do this without struggling, then you’re ready! Be sure that each step of the way you are reassuring and praising her for being such a good kitty.

    I’ve heard people say that wrapping their cat in a towel is helpful to maintain control and avoid getting scratched. It’s a good idea if you are a first-time-trimmer, and your cat’s claws are razor sharp. When preparing your cat, try to be as calm as possible. Feeding your cat a nice hearty meal beforehand should help. Kitties with full bellies are a lot less likely to put up a fight.

    Be aware that if you are nervous, your cat will most certainly pick up on that, and become nervous, herself. Take it slow, and realize that even if you only manage clipping one nail, you have made progress! Don’t be discouraged if it takes a few days to get to all of them. Always reward her with treats and lots of affection.

    Use cat claw trimmers and only take off a tiny bit at the end of the nail. Some people say to do it every other week. I think it‘s safer to cut off less than you are told, and to do it more often, (like once a week). Never use trimmers that are made for humans or dogs, because you are more likely to hurt her that way. You can ask your vet or groomer to show you the proper way to do it. Here's a website that shows you how:

    I hope that helps. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    My kitten did the same thing for a long time. One thing you really gotta make sure you don't do it encourage him. Don't let him play directly with your hands, always use a toy or another object. Really you can use anything that's safe because kittens are so playful. Have no fear, he'll grow out of it. My kitten is about 6 months old and he's just now starting to grow out of that phase and actually cuddling with me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Once again, they are just being their crazy cute selves. He is probably nipping at you because he is teething which means his teeth are growing in. If you don't want him to nip or scratch at you, I would suggest you get lots of kitty toys and a scratching post:-)

  • 1 decade ago

    i get this one a lot,kittens are at there most playful around this age, he will settle down dont worry, my cats were both little maniacs until about 12 weeks old when they start to calm down a bit.

    make sure he has plenty to do and play with him just before you want him to be settled,ie.before bedtime!

    good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Keep a spray bottle full of water on hand. Whenever it does something it shouldn't, give him a little mist. Cats hate that and will soon change their behavior when they realize they'll get wet.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's their nature to be very playful with everything they see. As soon as they grow up, they'd be behaving mature and poised enough. If you don't want to get hurt, just get rid of him/her by not letting him/her sleep by your side. If his or her behavior is beyond normal, I guess you'd have to consult a vet.Good luck on your kitty..

    Source(s): I have cats too.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Kittens are young and playful. It will probably go away when it gets older

  • 1 decade ago

    There is only one thing for it. A nice big shovel round the back of his malicious head. He won't ever scratch you again that way:D.

    Glad I could help!

    Source(s): Had many previous cats......had being the dominate word.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    kick it

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