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What kind of a low life, would do something like this to an innocent, defenseless 4 month old baby?

This is long, but if you have the time, please read and tell me, how stories like this one really make you feel inside. People that do things like this, really make my skin crawl. This barbaric idiot, after a domestic disturbance with his ex girlfriend, beat his ex girlfriend, he slammed this poor, innocent 4 month old baby into the concrete floor and by the time the mother got up and tried to go after him and stop him from taking her baby, he had already kidnapped the baby, and taken off! Then he threw the baby, out the window of a moving car onto a very busy freeway! I can't imagine what this baby's poor mother is going through right now. The Photographer who found the baby, said he saw something on his way to work, on the side of the very busy freeway and discovered the dead baby laying in the Emergency Lane of the highway. This person did basically the same thing to another baby 2 years ago. That baby survived but it's mother dropped the charges against this idiot. Another low life loser of a mother! How can someone do this to a child? It makes me wonder what's could possibly be going on in these peoples heads, when they do something this disturbing. This person had absolutely "No Remorse" at all for doing this to an innocent, defenseless baby and even if he did, that doesn't change the fact that he killed this baby! His response when asked why he did this to the baby was "The Dirty Game", whatever the h@ll that is supposed to mean. What do you think should be done to this loser? Here is the story!

Please "STAR" this question! I would like to get as many opinions as possible, about what you think about things like this! Thanks!


Too bad he will probably be put in protective custody. The Inmates would have a field day with this sadist. From what I understand, when I saw a Special Report on prisons, prisoners don't take very well to anyone who goes to prison for abusing or killing an innocent child. They should let him into the general population of prisoners and let them all have a go at him. No one in their right mind, would even consider doing something this heartless to an innocent child. No punishment could be harsh enough for someone like this low life!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All I can say is we live in a very evil world, sadly we will never understand people like this the only way to describe them is pure evil.

    What I don't understand is how a woman can stay with a man that dose this then go on to have a child with him, you know this was not the first time he had done this.

    My dad worked in a jail don't think that this man will get away with this in there you know accidents happen..

    It's heart breaking and very sad that this stuff goes on all the time..

    Source(s): LB
  • Tina
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    1. You have to burp her after EVERY 2 OZ of formula you give her. No matter what. We did daughter never spit up. 2. With rice cereal you can't use any more than 1T rice for every 2oz of prepared formula. Giving more than that will cause spitting up, MORE hunger, and projectile vomiting. 3. Have you had her checked for acid reflux? Here are some standard tips for minimizing a/r: a. NEVER lay her flat on her back. Put the head of the bed up on blocks so she is laying up at an angle (make sure she doesn't roll down the bed, though). b. Invest in a bouncer seat. Keep your daughter SITTING UP in that seat, or on your knee for at least 45 minutes after every feeding. c. Do the rice cereal in correct ratios. d. Do NOT give over the counter or even prescription a/r medications...these can cause projectile vomiting. We treated our daughter from 6weeks to 10 months this way, and she did wonderfully. A/r is a result of a liquid diet, and it gets worse and harder to treat the longer you let the problem go. You have to be very persistent in always doing what is required. It is my hunch your daughter has this problem, but you need to have your doc check her too. Best of luck to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I heard a similar story like this when I was living in Hawaii about a man that threw a baby that he was babysitting off a bridge onto the H-1 highway. Everyone on my entire street was disgusted and we all grieved for the parents of the baby.

    So sad, the sick things some people do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I still can't get past the fact that there are the same number of children aborted each and every day in America than have died on 9/11.

    And that recent laws prevent a doctor from explaining to the mother at which point a fetus can feel pain so they can request sedation for the baby before it is aborted.

    Imagine having your body dismembered and imagine that you don't know why or how it is being done to you.

    That type of criminal activity is hidden under a thing called "women's rights."

    Some day we will have baby rights. And hopefully these mothers can be charged with crimes against humanity along with those within the government that supported such barbaric acts.

    Your example is about one person and not the thousands that Obama's government supports this sort of torturous death.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It makes me sick. I read about it, but I hadn't heard that the scumbag did it before. He needs the death penalty. Hopefully, the other inmates will give it to him (as so often is the case with child molesters/murderers) in as inhumane way a possible.

    When asked why he did it, he said something like "It's a dirty game. It's a dirty game" I don't know either what the hell that means.

    I'm afraid for the photog who found the baby. If it were me, I'd have to have daily appts with my shrink.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think they should take this piece of human waste,tie his arms and legs together,and throw him out if a moving truck onto a very busy highway in the middle of the night. He makes me so sick that words cannot even describe it. That poor little baby. Whatever is done to the man,he will get what's coming to him in Hell!

  • That is just sick. The only thing I can think of is that he is just pure evil. I don't even consider him human. Who could do something like that without remorse or anything? Who in there right mind would even do such a thing? It is just disturbing...

  • Shanna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You can't explain why someone would do this sort of thing because people that do this aren't well mentally. It's sick and disgusting but trying to figure out why they did it is exhausting because there is no explanation for it. They are mentally disturbed in a way that the rest of us will never comprehend.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well you answered your own question. In the last days of Christ, the Bible says the wrong becomes right. I think we are seeing the wrong become right too much these days. The schools are full of abused children. It is overwhelming. Still praying for you all and Zoe and Gizmo.

  • 1 decade ago

    I swear I cannot fathom why someone would do this to an innocent baby. I just hope he lands in prison and becomes someones girlfriend before they kill him!!!!

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