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tc asked in HealthMen's Health · 1 decade ago

Masturbation accepted under certain circumstances?

can you masturbate if you do not thing of sexual things while doing it and it not be considered a sin under the eyes of catholicism (GOD) can you just do it without thinking bad things?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    masturbation being a sin is only an interpretation, no one ever explicitly says it is a sin, it comes from a story of a guy pulling his penis out of a woman before he ejaculated so he didn't impregnate her, god then killed him, if you consider that masturbation then its a sin. im not sure if there are certain circumstances in which its allowed by the church but i know it can have medical benefits such as releasing endorphins(I think thats the spelling), lowering stress and reducing the possibility prostate cancer

    Source(s): i think i sounded pretty smart here
  • 1 decade ago

    at least 70% of men masturbate at least occasionally, and over 90% of men have masturbated at some point in their life. It's more than likely actually 100% who've done it at least once, with the remaining 10% lying to assuage their guilt. Anyone attempting to tell you it's wrong is likely only doing so out of their own sense of guilt or shame over doing it themselves. As far as religious views on masturbation, every faith and denomination has different views on it.

    It's worth saying that the bible only mentions masturbation once, in the story of Onan. in this story, Onan "spilled his seed on the ground" to avoid impregnating his brother's widow, which was against Hebrew law at the time, and was put to death. This story has traditionally been used on a crusade against masturbation, however most scholars actually believe this story refers to "coitus interruptus" and has nothing at all to do with masturbation.

    As far as Catholicism goes, chances are pretty good that your priest, and hell, even your pope, have masturbated. I'm not Catholic, and I know that they tend to frown on anything sexual in pretty much every single instance, but I wouldn't be too concerned about it.

    My personal view is that if god didn't want us to do it, he wouldn't have not only made it feel so good, but made our bodies to have such a strong urge to do so.

    If you feel guilty about doing it, talk to your priest. It may be an embarrassing idea, but I'm sure he's heard and dealt with much worse, and that he's sworn to secrecy.

    And which is the bigger sin, masturbating once in a while, or having sex and getting a girl pregnant before marriage? Our Society is so incredibly repressed (and yet completely perverse).

  • 1 decade ago

    If you understand the prohibitions about masturbation, the church's stance become clear

    Basically, it was once thought that you have a finite amount of semen and that you should not waste it, shooting it off into space

    Go ahead and do your masturbation, just clean up when you're done

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay, that is just some bullshit passed down by this one guy who said sex is bad. The actual religion has nothing against it. It's healthier to masturbate then not masturbate.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some Christians understand lust as including an intention to act on a fantasy, but believe the fantasy itself is natural and harmless. Have a look at the link below.

  • 1 decade ago

    that's just a catholic thing. Guys may have to masturbate at different times, to keep their testicles from swelling, a thing called (Blue Balls). When guys get over excited and can't get relief.

  • 1 decade ago

    we need relieve, and the church doesn't realize the

    impossible rules hey establish!!

    WHY, because they don't ( not supposed too)!

    it's a control issue to them!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it is fine.. not a sin

  • La
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Just do it. -Nikes

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