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Working moms: Do you exercise? If so, when?!?

Ok, my daughter is 15 months old, and I am still 20 pounds heavier than I was before she was born... I work full-time, and I can't seem to find the time to exercise! I would like to work off some of this weight (especially now that summer is here!), but I don't want to waste what little time I DO have with my daughter on exercise... She goes to bed around 8:00, and I spend the rest of the evening cleaning up, doing laundry, etc. We do take walks in the evenings around the neighborhood when the weather is nice, but I need something more...

I'm just wondering if I'm in the minority here, and if so, what does everyone else do for exercise?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My son just turned one and I am totally with you on the whole exercise thing. I hardly have time to do it too. But usually on my lunch breaks I go to the gym and do 30 minutes on the elliptical. It sounds crazy but my job is very stressful and that 30 minutes is amazing to have! Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    With my first 3, I just tried to walk everywhere - to the shops, around the park, to work and having dogs helped too because I went out walking them. With my youngest, I've taken to going out for a run with the dog in the morning. I usually get up at about 6am and I'm home by 7am which is when the children wake up. On the weekends I either do the run or I take the kids out to the park and dog walking if the weather is nice.

    If it's possible, you could try walking to work or to the shops. Also are there any friends that you usually drive to see but you could walk to? If you have dogs too then you can walk them or offer to walk someone else's. You might earn a bit of money and lose the pounds. Take your daughter for days out to the park where you can do some exercise running after her or take nice long walks with her. Perhaps you might want to invest in a treadmill or something? Then you could exercise while your daughter plays or naps and you'd still be able to watch her.

    I don't know what else to suggest but I would just say that you don't have to rush getting rid of the extra weight. When your daughter gets older, you'll easily shift that weight running after her - trust me!

    Add: The lunch break idea is a good one too!

  • 1 decade ago

    well you should just map out what needs to be done for the day.

    Make a plan on a day that you have time off, and exercise.

    If you are worried about not spending enough time with your children, then incorporate an exercise activity that involves them too. I work 6 days a week. I have sundays off. During sunday, myfamily and i ( 4 year old girl , and two 3year olds, and husband) go to church, go home for a while to take care of some things aound the house. He usually watches the kids while i do laundry and stuff, and then we go to the park and such. later on that day after the park , my kids will usually take thier naps which is a perfect time for exercise . you just have to remember to stop once and a while and think about you. Make time for yourself whenever you get the chance. hope i helped :)

    Source(s): typical sunday.
  • 1 decade ago

    I cycle to work and back, it's not far but my bike is ancient, heavy and has no gears. That's 30 minutes a day and just keeps the pounds at bay. Also if you get the chance to go swimming, hold onto your daughter and tread water for as long as you can, even in the shallow end it helps tone your legs and bum. Alternatively leave your daughter with her dad or grandparents for an hour on a saturday or sunday and go for a 45 minute swim, power walk or light jog.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Can you add hand weights to your walk? If your not strolling with baby do some curls with 3-5 lbs weights. Get up and walk during work. Take the memo to your boss instead of e-mailing it. Use the bathroom at the other end of the building. Park in the furthest spot in the lot. On weekends take your little one to the park for a stroll or go to the zoo. (Hubby and I walked around the zoo yesterday, our calves are killing us today, but it was a great workout). Go on hikes in the woods (there are more hills which gets your heart pumping). Join a gym in the mornings or get a family pass to a Rec center and go swimming while you little one makes friends in the daycare.

    Get a pedometer and challenge yourself to walk more steps everyday.

    Source(s): I'm a repeat weight watcher offender. My weight goes up and down, if I stuck with my diet I would be a hot mama :(
  • 5 years ago

    actual, my total day is a paintings out, lol! heavily, i'm an total-time operating mom of 12, 8 & 2 3 hundred and sixty 5 days olds, I have a motorbike trailer for both 3 hundred and sixty 5 days old, and that is one way i'm getting exercising. i have also given up on questioning that i choose a "classic" paintings out at this aspect in my life. rather, i'm getting my exercising with coaching from chasing my youngest around the exterior, leaping on the trampoline with the older 2, throwing the youngest up contained in the air at the same time as we are contained in the pool (in the course of the summer), etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband stays home with the baby so I always leave for work before she wakes up. What I do is 3 times a week I get up at 0430 and go to the gym until 0600, then I work from 0730-1630 and I can come home and spend the evening with my daughter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can you exercise on your lunch break? I used to take brisk walks on really nice days - easy to do since summer is coming. We also would go for a walk/jog after dinners. I also wanted (but never did) to join a jazzercise class. I wanted my hubby to come to the pool too and take my son swimming while I worked out, then we could have family time in the pool.

  • 1 decade ago

    . i have a eight, five, and 12 month old.i work full time also what i do is set my alarm clock to work me up 30 minutes before the baby wakes up. the baby wakes up at the same time every morning so it gives me time to exersize. plus at night after i get out of work i put the baby in the stroller and walk

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