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Is it normal procedure to be discharged from hospital, the same day as gall bladder removed?

Know someone without medicaid or private insurance and this happened to them on Friday. I saw him today and he looks awful. Been through that surgery myself but it was a long time ago.


This guy had been in pain for awhile. We're talking several years. It's a shame too because he works hard, but no insurance at his job. Surgery was Friday. Wife already took him back in once. He looked positively miserable when I saw him today, very pale. She said she will take him back in again.

Update 2:

No thumbs down from me! Ed, are you messing with us again?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, they do it with the scope now, much less invasive, so they make it day surgery, even if you have the best insurance.

  • 1 decade ago

    It was likely laproscopic surgery that involves a total of four cuts about an inch long each. One in the navel and three following from the breast bone/rib line down to the right side.

    I had mine removed about 7 years ago and I was out in 33 hours. A lot depends on what time of day it is scheduled. First thing in the morning and you could very well be home that evening. Mine was scheduled later in the day so I was in overnight since the Doc wont release you until he makes his rounds in the morning.

    I am scheduled for a heart nerve ablation process and that to will be on an outpatient basis.( unless I get a late start). I think they call it outpatient with 23 hour observation. In that way insurance companies will be more likely to pay for the surgery( or a bigger part) than if you spent the night.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it's done this way now with or without insurance. If he's having problems, he needs to see his doctor. In Europe, they did outpatient surgery before it was introduced to the US (yeah to save money). Ppl need to know that cutting the costs of healthcare can sometimes mean shorter or no stay in the hospital. Even the most liberal policymaker cannot promise that you will get everything you want with cost as no object. It's not like an "all you can eat buffet." One administrator told me that it's really a question of providing a fixed amount of care for a specific dollar amount. In some systems (UK for example), a kidney transplant and/or kidney dialysis after age 50 is not done bc it's not "cost effective." Those ppl have to come to the US (or India) for treatment and they have to pay for it themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just recently had a gall stone removed and am waiting to have my gall bladder removed also. Everyone tells me that it is a simple operation, two or three small cuts and then they draw the gall bladder out. It will be done in one day, in on the morning and out about two hours after the operation.

    It is not like a few years ago apparently, where you had to stay in the hospital three or four days. If he is feeling ill, there could be something wrong and he should immediately go back and see his Doctor./ Everyone I know who has had it removed have felt immediately better. So no, it is not normal to feel as he does, but yes, it is normal to be in and out on the same day. I am sure that it had nothing to do with not having insurance, since it is a one day stay in the hospital whether you have insurance or not.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you live in Canada I would say yes, you give birth, are told to bring someone to look after you while in labour because they dont do that anymore, then a couple of hours later they throw you and the baby out. If you are in labour and nothing has happened for a few hours they throw you out and tell you to come back when contractions are a few minutes apart. If you have been in labour for three days they tell you the same thing - sorry not dilated enough, come back tomorrow.

    When my son was born I was in for 2 days, he was a difficult birth, my daughter was a cesarean and I was in for 3 days. But now if its a natural birth they catch the baby, hand you your clothes and say "out you go".

    I'm surprised they havent set up a stand in the parking lot - drive through, open the car door, mother lies down in the back seat, they grab the baby and hand it to you, and away you go --

    If you live in Canada you are lucky to GET surgery - I understand Ontario, where the capital is has pretty good health care though, all those politicians warrant it apparently.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a friend who had her gall bladder removed and was sent home the same day. If a person is in good health otherwise, they will often send the patient home ASAP. It is an insurance thing. Sorry that your friend doesn't have any insurance. Gall bladder surgery is much less invasive than it was when we were young and the recovery is much quicker with laproscopic surgery than with the open surgery they did several years back.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I hear the surgery now is different from the one my mother had years ago, but it is still surgery and they can be very uncomfortable for a week or more. For heavens sake, they send you home the day after your baby is born. I got to stay a week after my kids were born. I loved it. Poppy

  • sutra
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I have health insurance and my gall bladder surgery was done as outpatient day surgery. I was home within 10 hours of my surgery. I don't think it should be done this way but it was the only way it was covered by my insurance.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I had mine out, I was there less than 24 hours and I had wonderful private insurance.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had my gall bladder taken out in 2001. I was in and out within 4 hours. It's not like the old days where they cut you from one side to the other. Yes,i had very good insurance. It's not going to get any better.

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