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Outsourcing is destroying America, is this not crystal clear by now?

Folks, it's that simple. Look at GM's recent bankrupcy and the CEO proudly claiming that operations in China represent the go-forward model.

Will the last laborer in the US, please turn out the lights on your way out?


You've got to wonder about the folks calling for lower taxes. If you tell them the weather is humid, they'll tell you to lower taxes. If you tell them your nephew has the flu, they'll tell you to lower taxes. The ugly reality for them, is that the tax rate in Canada is higher than ours, and their standard of living his higher. When you dig into why that strange relationship exists, it raises all sorts of facts about corruption in America that the "lower taxes" folks just don't want to face. Please folks, THINK.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To most, unfortunately not. No one can buy anything, because no one has a real job. Our country has no money because we're being kept alive by foreign inventments.

    Then they wonder why our economy's going to hell.

    *It's interesting that you brought up the issue with taxes. I'm not much for the economic policies of democrats, and I hate that republicans can only answer with lowering taxes. Can't they see that the middle class is dying? Lowering taxes isn't going to change the fact that prices of living have gone up when a blue-collar worker's wages hasn't. Trickle-down theory is bogus. And bringing down taxes x% isn't going to raise standard of living. And I seriously doubt that nulling a company's taxes saves as much money as switching from an American laborer to a foreign sweatshop.

    America was built on its industrial base.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Remember now, the people making these types of decisions, are also the same people who go on television and tell us what wonderful workers we are, the best in the world. Then they go back into the board room and tell each other we are too expensive and more profit could be made by shipping our jobs overseas to cheaper labor markets. These are our fellow americans.

    Reagan started the union busting ball rolling and the Bush administration has convinced many, unions are the reason for the downfall of GM and others.

    I guess some won't realize the truth until they are fighting for thirty five cent an hour jobs so we can compete globally.

    We'll be a third world country depending on others for our well being.

  • 1 decade ago

    Outsourcing is not destroying America, our tax system is destroying America. Both the Democrats and Republicans are at fault. Obama is not the answer. Obama is destroying this country and people better wake up.

    You want to build America, we need to scrap the entire tax system and move to the Fair Tax. This will give Corporations a zero tax payment allowing them to keep jobs in America. Every company on the face of the earth will want to come to America creating more jobs than you can think of.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And the amusing bit (if there is one) is that for all the complaining about the economy from the Right, ultimately it was the very greed (er..."success") they hold so dear that has in large part lead to this downfall.

    Fools who wanted the glory of maximizing profits in the shortest possible time did so by going the laziest possible route - outsourcing.

    And just for the cherry on top, this global outsourcing also has created the necessity for the US to kowtow to foreign governments and rely increasingly heavily on international laws, etc. Which is something else that the Right finds absolutely appalling.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    first of all of the wealthy are taxed extra. we've a revolutionary tax gadget. i don't be attentive to the place that ignorant delusion got here from, in spite of the undeniable fact that it is carefully fake. in case you do not have faith me study some US tax regulations and assessment the percentages paid in distinctive tax brackets. 2d we don't out source from now on as a share at present than in the previous. We basically outsource far extra to China, and it is now extra 'white collar' jobs. Taxes US companies for outsourcing isn't the respond because of the fact it in basic terms places US companies at a relative draw back. seem at gas companies if we tax US companies for outsourcing like Exxon/cellular then do foreign places companies like Shell, BP, and Chevron get a injury? this could positioned our US employer at a international draw back. people who cry for taxing US employer's for outsourcing probable could no longer tell which employer is a US employer and which one isn't. a sturdy reference is prescribed drugs. we've severe value lists on prescribed drugs, and we additionally pay extra for them than the different countries. learn the debate with Canada's particularly low value drugs. that's the outcomes of their allowance for imports. additionally, increasing the economic gadget is relatively sturdy. including workers is massive for our financial well being. the human beings against globalization and a international artwork rigidity use lots of the comparable arguments that they did to provide up females from entering into the artwork rigidity. the outcomes of females in the U. S. artwork rigidity has been fullyyt valuable and is a great reason of our contemporary mega economic gadget.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's been crystal clear for years now. It is one of the reasons I decided to go with Obama. He promotes tax credits for companies that keep jobs in the U.S.. Finally, an idea that might keep some jobs here. But it is a huge problem, don't know what it will take to completely turn it around.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree that outsourcing is repulsive. I try not to do business with folks who have send entry level jobs overseas without first trying to keep them here and without a clear quality argument to make.

    But, the increases in the minimum wage are also a problem. With unemployment as high as it is we should reduce the wage and encourage American companies to hire American workers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Reduce the corporate tax rates in the U.S. and companies would come back. That is the primary reason they leave. I don't care how many times people cry about the "evil corporations", you don't go into business to loose money.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is amazing that there are some people here that do not clearly see that when the work leaves the country the money goes with it: To think there are still Americans who do not understand that when our jobs go to China we support communism and destroy Democracy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Reps on YA said they will not buy an Obama car, so expect even more of the same

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