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Lv 6
me asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Unhappy with how my baby belly is taking shape... lol...?

I am 18 and a half weeks, so I know it's still early and many first moms don't even show at this point so there's still hope.

But I am definately getting a bump - only it's more in the shape of a fat roll! LOL! It's very low and just... looks like a roll of flab. Not a baby belly. It goes in where my belly button is, and then back further out a little bit above my belly button.

It's hard when I press on it, and I know it isn't just me gaining weight or anything. Was anyone else like this before they got their real baby-belly?

Mine right now, in profile, is in the shape of a B rather than a nice round D. I can't stand it! I was looking forward to my baby-belly and all I have is this fat-roll looking stomach! It's not cute at all! I look at pictures of other girls about my size, and their stomachs start to pook out into cute little round preggo tummies. Why is mine just looking like a beer gut?

FYI in case you were wondering my body type: I am 5'6", 145 lbs right now (about ten gained in the last 18 weeks), and medium built. So I am not a big person nor am I a small person.

And I KNOW this is not important and my only real concern is the health of my baby! Trust me I know. It's just that I was just looking in the mirror and thought I'd ask about this.


My god people. I already preemptively stated that my only real concern is the health of my baby and I know this is not one of life's great problems, jeez. Read the whole question first before you reply!

Update 2:

"33 Weeks with another Girl!!" - I eat very healthy, I walk 3 miles a day (1.5 miles to work, and back each day) and lift arm weights at home.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You don't get pregnant to look good, although many teenagers nowadays would say otherwise. Just worry about a healthy baby, you come second for the rest of your life now.

  • I really had this with my 3rd pregnancy. I guess because it was already been occupied space it didn't have to stretch and fill up fast enough for me. I stood in front of the mirror saying, Fat or pregnant belly? I was working on pregnant belly, fat was no fun! I didn't want any one to touch me either. All the old women at work would try and I didn't want them to think it was fat!

    Hey, it seemed like one of life's great problems at the time. Damn people are so anal.

    By 20 weeks you should see a big pop and finally "look" the part! I got pregnant with my 2nd when my first was 8 months old so maybe that's why my belly grew so fast. It hadn't had much time to go back to normal. My 3rd was 5 years later.

    Enjoy this pregnancy if you can. I had my tubes tied after the last and it made me so sad. I had 5 kids but the thought of never again made me so sad. Silly as it sounds its true.

    Good luck Mommy!

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL. This made me chuckle. Why is it us preggos feel this way in the beginning? Trust me- It's normal. For the first 20 weeks or so it will look more like you ate too many cheeseburgers- However, this WILL change. I promise. I'm 24 weeks now and my belly is finally looking the way it should. I had a little bump before that just made me look fat- I HATED it!

    It also sometimes has a lot to do with the clothes you wear. When I wear maternity pants I look a lot rounder than I do if I don't.

    Hang in there!

  • MS
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I had the same problem I was 146 and 5'5 and I looked fat and was so sad cause I had no baby belly. Trust me you will get one. I am 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I have a HUGE baby belly. I now measure to big. Sometimes we get bloated and there doesn't look like there is a baby just fat rolls. Like I said it will happen before you know it.

    Good Luck.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Every pregnant woman at some stage feels exactly how you do right now. Full, tight little baby bumps don't just take form overnight and we all go through that inbetween stage where we just feel that we look fat rather than pregnant. Give yourself a couple of weeks and i bet that cute little baby bump will take shape. Good luck and don't stress, it will happen...

    Source(s): Mum to 4 gorgeous girls and 21 weeks preg with miracle # 5
  • 1 decade ago

    I had the same problem!!!!

    I hated that, I looked like a chubby girl and certainly not a beautiful pregnant young lady.

    I can assure you though, at 22 weeks I look pregnant. My 2 rolls have melted into one round baby

    It does get better, but I know exactly how you feel.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just worry about growing a healthy baby, and worry about your body once the baby is here!

    There's not much you can do about it anyways. IF you think your getting "Fat" from an unhealthy diet then eat more veggies and fruit. Try mild exercise, it is healthy to walk while pregnant however if your not into an exercise regiment prior to being pregnant make sure to talk to your doctor and start slow. This will help with labor in the long run.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its just how you are carring....i am 35wks and still have my "B" belly!!!

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