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Eastern Orthodox VS Roman Catholic.?

Alright,let us say you were trying to convert me.I'm a anti-Papal Bible-Alone protestant,How would you witness to me?What would you tell me?Is 4P's-1P better or the seat of Peter better?How do you defend the doctrines that the other one claims is heretic or false?Who seperated from who? Which fallows the fullness of the Apostolic traditions?What discredits the other from being Validly the church?

P.S I am not a protestant,nor a Roman/Eastern "Yet".I still need answers that satisfy me,not by my own wants or will but what is truths of truths.I know one of these two is the truth,but right now I've been feed so much papaganda(?) against both of these,I'm severly confused.I know the history up to 1045,I know more about the Eastern but then again to be perfectly fair I know very little about the Roman Past the Papraganda(?) I was feed by my former cult/domination.

10 Answers

  • Trevor
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We believe the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus. [see: Matthew 16:18-20]

    Jesus gives St. Peter the keys to the Kingdom of heaven.

    To be honest, for the most part, Catholicism and Orthodoxy have almost identical beliefs, the major differences are mostly cultural. We both believe in the sinlessness of the Virgin Mary, the Real Prescence of Christ in the Eucharist, ect.

    If we want to look at it realistically. The Church, wether the Catholics or Orthodox are right, is suppost to be Universal as the Nicean Creed States. However look at Catholicism vs. Orthodoxy.

    Orthdoxy hasn't really gone past Eastern Europe, it is dwarfed by Catholicism. With the beliefs between the two Churches being SO similar, neither one can condemn the other as a false Church. The Catholic Church however, not the Orthodox, has stayed faithful to the Vicar of Christ, the Bishop of Rome.

    Protestantism on the other had has over 33,000 difference denominations all claiming to have the most accurate interpretation of the Bible, all disagreeing with each other, and not to mention individual members that have their own interpretations as well. Beliefs of the very same denomination will often change with time and popularity. Seventh-Day Adventists use to deny the doctrine of the Trinity, now they accept it. Many Baptists use to forbid alcohol, now some allow it. Most Protestant denominations didn't even celebrate Christmas until the 1930s because it was regarded as a "Catholic holiday".

    Source(s): This site is very very helpful about the differences between Catholicism and Orthodoxy and which one is right.
  • 1 decade ago

    There is very little difference at all in the two you mentioned ..the eastern has a valid Eucharist and traces back to the Apostles but does not believe in Papal infallibility...The Roman Catholic Church Obviously has the Papal infallibility , The Chair of Peter , the First Pope ..the Apostles Chosen by Jesus to lead the Others..and Choose a Replacement for Judas He went to Rome , Preached in Rome Governed in Rome and Died (Martyred) in Rome. Jesus named him Peter the Rock on Witch he will build his Church ..not Churches..

    If you read from the Early Church fathers you will find in Around 70 AD there was a letter written in where one of the disciples of John the Apostle tells his congregation that if they hear anything contrary to what he has shown them they should refer to the Bishop of Rome for Guidance..meaning the Pope...This is from a man taught by John the Apostle ..and Believed to be Ordained by Peter Himself...The Roman catholic Church and the eastern Orthodox Both have ties to the Apostles , it's just that the Roman Catholic Church Doctrine is Protected ..and can not or will not Change, the Authority of the Pope prevents any one man or parrish from changing it or it's interpretation...this can not be said for the others.... They do not believe any one authority was chosen by Jesus...I also understand that in some of the eastern orthodox that Paul had more Authority and that is why Peter was not concidered a Leader.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure one can answer you in such short space a proper answer.The first two you got are a example of what we Catholics put up with everyday here on R&S and world governments daily.So my suggestion is to read the writings of the early Church Fathers.As far as between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church to put it very bluntly there separation is really over how words were used between the two. Such as the Orthodox became unhappy because in the Nicene Creed said and used by both faiths daily we say the Holy Spirit comes from the Father and the Son where as the Orthodox use the original wording from the Father only. Another difference is They want the Pope to be only first among Equals not absolute head of the Church.Twenty six branches of the the Orthodox Church have returned to union with Rome since the 1054 split.Both Orthodox and Catholic beliefs are very much the same with minor differences. Another Difference between Catholic and Orthodox Churches is Orthodox Churches are mainly nationalistic Churches. Such as Greek Orthodox or Russian Orthodox.Just type the words Early Church Fathers in you search engine and read for your self a favorite of mine is ST.Ignatius a disciple of John the Apostle along with Polycarp and Origiaen.Here is a sample from ST.Ignatius written around 107AD to the Symrnaeans........Chapter 8. Let nothing be done without the bishop

    See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the deacons, as being the institution of God. Let no man do anything connected with the Church without the bishop. Let that be deemed a proper Eucharist, which is [administered] either by the bishop, or by one to whom he has entrusted it. Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church. It is not lawful without the bishop either to baptize or to celebrate a love-feast; but whatsoever he shall approve of, that is also pleasing to God, so that everything that is done may be secure and valid.

  • 1 decade ago

    Orthodox and Roman Rite are the two largest branches of Catholicism, but not the only. Just under the Holy See there are over 20 different rites. Perhaps one of those is better suited to your needs?

    For instance, if I didn't love being a Franciscan, which requires I be Roman Rite, I'd be a Byzantine. I love their Divine Liturgy.

    Biblically speaking, Jesus (and Saint Francis for that matter) said that our very lives must be what converts people.

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  • Shogun
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    I have thoroughly enjoyed reading some of the beautiful answers you have gotten from my brother and sister Catholics. The way Catholics attack issues nowadays it is obvious they will never feed us to the lions again.

    I feel spiritually bound to say something on this matter. We must remember that EO and RC are now in union with one another. There is no doubt we are children of the same mother Church. The Schism of 1054 separated us over a doctrinal issue and management difference, but we celebrate the same 7 sacraments. This makes them my brothers and sisters in Christ. The Catholic faith recognizes there are Christians outside the church, so greater recognition is due the EO as they are of the Church.

    I refuse to discredit what is the belief of my brothers and sisters, as this is not in keeping with the love and tolerance shown to us by Christ. You must follow the Holy Spirit in your choice and which ever you choose know that you are being blessed by the original Church of Jesus Christ and are saved by the grace of God. God be with you.

    Source(s): Saved by Grace
  • 1 decade ago

    I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming. (John 16:12-13)

    Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours. (2 Thessalonians 2:15)

    We instruct you, brothers, in the name of (our) Lord Jesus Christ,to shun any brother who conducts himself in a disorderly way and not according to the tradition they received from us. (2 Thessalonians 3:6)

    I praise you because you remember me in everything and hold fast to the traditions, just as I handed them on to you. (1 Corinthians 11:2)

    The Catholic Church does not use Holy Scripture as the only basis of doctrine. It could not. The early Catholic church existed before and during the time that the New Testament was written.

    There were hundreds of Christian writings during the first and second centuries. Which New Testament writings would become official was not fully decided until about 400 C.E.

    Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit was guiding the early church (and is guiding the church today) to make the correct choices about things like:

    • The Holy Trinity (which is also only hinted at in the Bible)

    • Going to church on Sunday instead of Saturday (which is actually directly against one of the Ten Commandments)

    • The Communion of Saints

    • Which writings include in the New Testament?

    Things that are even more modern like

    • Slavery is bad. Slavery is never declared evil in the Bible. This was one of the justifications for slavery in the Confederate States.

    • Democracy is good. The Bible states that either God should be the leader of the nation like Israel before the kings or kings should be the leader, "Give to Caesar that which is Caesar's." This was talked about a lot during the American Revolution.

    This second source of doctrine is called Apostolic Tradition.

    Do Christians who do not allow the continuing guiding force of the Holy Spirit to make their beliefs more and more perfect, still endorse slavery as Colossians 3:22 commands, "Slaves, obey your human masters in everything"?

    For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 80 and following:

    With love in Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus went along to love not only his followers but also those who of are not his followers. Roman Catholic does that. Jesus works miracles before all as the Roman Catholic does.

    Pope Benedict XVI told many as the most of the world was once rules by the Roman Catholic Church during the masses of St. Pius V' traditional Latin Mass. Today the Catholic Church is losing so much.

    Source(s): By your Holy Wounds and Heart, O Jesus, heals, repairs and restores to the Holy See the members of the SSPX and SSPV without them having any changes in there holy devotion. Amen
  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, the Catholic Church separated long after St. Peter died. It happened sometime after Constantine died. The Holy Roman Empire divided because of political differences between the West and the East. The Western Empire (Roman Catholics) recognized the Pope being the head of both the Church and State. While the the Eastern Empire (Easter Orthodox) recognized Cesar or King as being the head of the State, while the Church was a separate entity. Other differences between the two denominations are very clear, but neither can claim that their doctrines are the correct ones because they are both the original church. Protestants came much later on during the Reformation of Martin Luther (Lutherans) but remember Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic Priest.

  • 1 decade ago

    *Papal Authority*

    Matthew 16: 18-19 says… “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”

    Let’s break down this fundamental verse: Jesus says to Simon that his name is now Peter, a term meaning “the rock”. We know that Christ was speaking about Simon, not himself; for Simon permanently adopted the new name.

    Christ then says that he will build his church upon the rock, who is Peter. Christ states that Peter will be given the keys to the kingdom of heaven. By saying this, Jesus has not only established his true Church, the beginning of Christianity, but has also given Peter authority as the first Pope – the Vicar of Christ on Earth, the visible head of the Church. “The gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” Meaning that the influences of the devil, demons, and fires of hell will never conquer the Church. “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” This verse justifies the infallibility of the Pope. Christ is clearly telling Peter that he, as leader of Christ’s church, has been given the divine authority to continue Christ’s work on earth by issuing doctrines and dogma with the aid of the Holy Spirit.

    The Catholic Church is spelled out in black and white, right there in the Bible, as Christ’s true Church. There are solid records, preserved for the past 2000 years, to back this claim! All other denominations of Christianity have in fact broken away from Catholicism within the past 500 years, by the leadership of a mere mortal human being. The Catholic Church is the only Church that has been founded by Christ, and is the only one that can trace it’s lineage of Popes and Bishops in an unbroken line all the way back to Peter and the Twelve Apostles. As I previously stated, solid records exist to back this claim!

    And yes, the Catholic Church DID exist when the Bible was compiled, for it's foundation was laid the moment Christ spoke in Mt. 16: 18-19! That is an indisputable fact.

    How can ANY informed Christian not realize the truth found in the Catholic Church?

    *The Original Church*

    Catholicism is the largest faith of Christianity. In fact, it is the original Christian Church, from which all other denominations stemmed. Only after Martin Luther led his band of rebels to break away from Christ's Church in the 1500s (the Protestant Rebellion) did more than one branch of Christianity exist. Since then, the Protestant denomination has split further into the 38,000+ (yes, 38 thousand) churches we see today; all of which claim to be the sole church that correctly interprets God's Word with the aid of the Holy Spirit.

    Catholics believe that the Church is a divinely guided authority, aided by the Holy Spirit (Mat. 16: 18-19). We believe that the OFFICIAL Church Catechisms are infallible truth. Catholics have two sources for theological information: Holy Tradition and Holy Scripture. This way, God can still work in our lives in ways that make sense to us. He can still reveal Himself to us by way of His Church.

    Protestants, on the other hand, rejected the authority of the Church during the Protestant Rebellion in the 1500s (before this, Catholicism was the only form of Christianity, besides the Orthodox Church). They believe that the ONLY source for theological information is Holy Scripture. Some even go as far as to say that the Bible not only teaches religious truth, but also scientific and historical fact (these are the fundamentalists), and they believe that this can and does override scientific and historical accomplishment of the rest of humanity. They also practice Sola Scriptura, the heretic belief that one can read and interpret the Bible for himself, without the aid of the Holy Spirit. This is why we've seen so many breaks and divisions in the Protestant sector of Christianity (over 38,000+ Protestant churches) over the 500 years since their man-made creation; while still maintaining ONE Catholic Church over 2000 years, since Jesus Himself established it in 33A.D.

    Catholicism is the ONLY faith that provides the fullness of God's Grace to a person. All sects of Christianity that aren't Catholic in fact do not contain the fullness of Christ. One can only attain what God wanted us to attain from His Son by joining the Catholic Church. For, the Catholic Church is Christ's universal gift to the world, to share, contemplate, and continue on His teachings under the aid of the Holy Spirit. No branch of Protestantism can provide this to you.

    Source(s): Catholic Christian
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was raised GREEK ORTHODOX and I have been in a couple of services that where catholic....I have friends I grew up with that are catholic and all i can say an atheist and i absolutely had to choose between those 2???? back to greek Orthodox I thanks on the Catholicism it is an insult to my very being

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