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R&P: Do you like pro wrestling? (Music-related question inside)?

How awesome is this song:

BQ: Favorite WWE superstars?

BQ2: Do you know any other songs about wrestling?

10 Answers

  • PJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL I must say I'm relieved. For a second I thought you were posting a "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" type song. Or whatever it's called.

    Somewhat interesting song....

    BQ- Haven't watched wrestling in years.

    BQ2- can't say that I do!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I used to be a huge fan, but under the monopoly of Vice McMahon it's gotten quite stupid, so I stopped watching. And the song ain't bad.

    BA: How about just My faves of all time, whatever promotion? Cause I watched it from about 82-02

    The Undertaker

    Stone Cold Steve Austin


    Kurt Angle

    The Great Muta

    Jushin Thunder Liger

    Eddie Guerrero

    Chris Jericho

    Ric Flair

    Triple H

    The Road Warriors


    BA2: Not off the top of My head

  • Red
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I used to watch it years ago but haven't seen any of it in long time.

    BQ: Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Triple H

    BQ2: The Crusher - Ramones

    It's not really a song about wrestling as such but I also loved the Hardy Boyz theme song too.

  • Watched a few years ago with my three boy. It was fun.

    My Dad was a boxer and then got into reffing studio wrestling. I used to hear his sarcasm, it kind of stuck with me.

    Went to a Televised Event and saw how the production works the crowd. Hilarious.

    All in All, it sure beats the snot out of Micheal Jackson.

    Fanfare their.

    a. the beast ... ....

    another old classic; Bruno San Martino.

    b. Rollin and a Tumblin ... the title words work anyway:

    the real b. Mexican Wrestler ....

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Indeed but not that much WWE i watch TNA and Smackdown and thats it

    BQ-TNA Wrestlers i will say

    Kevin Nash

    Booker T

    Samoa Joe

    Kurt Angle







    Taylor Wilde


    Bobby Lashley


    Jeff Hardy


    Chris Jericho

    Michelle Mccool


    Randy Orton



    BQ2-Nah not really that i can think of

    Source(s): My all time favorite wrestlers are RVD Kevin Nash Jeff Hardy
  • 1 decade ago

    I love that song, that's the one I was gonna use for your second BQ actually lol. Made In the Dark was an awesome album though, even better than their previous ones I think.

    BQ: I couldn't tell you, I've only seen it a few times and that was back in jr high.

    BQ2: Bruce Springsteen - The Wrestler

  • Sookie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The gloves are off!

    Honestly, I haven't watched wrestling since the days of George "The Animal" Steele and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.

    The Iron Sheik always cracked me up.

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to love it but I no longer have a TV and now don't really keep in touch with it. I do have interest in it but it died down.

    BA: Triple H was my idol even when he was the heel.

    BA2: Mmm, Motörhead make a lot of the theme music for Triple H, such as "King of Kings"; "The Game"; and "Line in the Sand"

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but that's a cool song. It seems that as time moves forward, indie rock is increasingly easily divisible into two categories, lo-fi or electronic.

    BQ: Uh...

    2: Can't say that I do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, not a fan

    Source(s): one
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