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A little survey from our Yahoo Republicans, Democrats?

and Independants......What do you think of the healthcare plan? No great lengthy answers, just... I agree with it, I don't agree with it, I'm a Dem,, I'm a Republican, I'm an Independant, and a SHORT, CONCISE reason why, either way. This is such an important bill...I'm really curious whether we as citizens have a say in this. I will pass your responses on to my local paper, who is running a similar "survey". Thanks.


It appears only 2 Dems chose to respond. Can't figure out why. I thought it would be about 50-50.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Having been "on" Government Healthcare most of my life US Military, Tricare, and Medicare. I can honestly say that the country doesn't want it. I am 100% against the government running all our healthcare.


    US Army


  • 1 decade ago

    I'm an Independent. I do not like it one it. I hate the Robin Hood approach first of all. What do we have left, if not the American Dream of becoming wealthy one day and "having it all" when Obama will just redistribute it. Makes working hard simply not worth it?

    I also resent my freedom of choice being clearly taken away. I like to make a decision about private insurance.

    I saw a segment on TV. They were interviewing a "man on the street". They chose to approach a man who identified himself as 27 and working full time for a company where he COULD have health insurance. But, he said he didn't want to pay the payroll deduction and shrugged his shoulders and said it was too expensive. Yet, upon inquiry, he had the latest i-phone and was paying a big monthly bill for this web enable device. He was driving a relatively new vehicle and it was an expensive model. He identified himself as in very good health and said he sees no need for health insured.

    So, is this man one of the people supposedly dying in the streets without insurance? You bet he is and he chooses the latest and greatest electronics and the nicer, newer car and the nice clothing for his comfort and image. He said he felt the country should be paying for his insurance as he "couldn't afford it". Well, let's examine this. If the used the internet at home or at the library or picked up wifi at the various places around, he could save a bundle each month. If he had chosen a used car or a less expensive car, he could also probably afford the premiums for his payroll deductions. Yet, he has made his own choices and considers it our duty for pay for him.

    There are probably a few hundred thousand people exactly like this young man who are making bad choices. I'm not saying that the uninsured are all like him,but just giving an example.

    I think health insurance should be more affordable and I agree that we should be helping people, but paying for someone like that to have coverage when I won't be able to save for retirement of pay for my kid's college education due to the higher taxes I will surely be paying, it just angers me.

    You can just bet that we will all be paying higher taxes, already certain things like cap and trade are happening. This bill sounds like it will be very expensive and there is just no way our government has the money to pay for it.

    So, middle income families like mine will be hit or we are going to lose what we have to get mediocre care and have long waiting periods if we need important medical care.

    I do not want to lose the great medical plan we have. We pay by payroll deductions and we prioritize our own budget/lives so we can afford the premiums.

    It totally sucks.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm an independent and although I agree we need reform we don't need the government to take it over. They can't run medicare/medicaid without fraud and they can't run the post office profitably. How do we think they are going to run healthcare and not raise all our taxes. There is no way that 2% of the population is going to be able to pay for this with increase to their taxes. We will all be paying for it sooner or later.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't agree. I'm Republican, The government has proven itself incapable to run Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the War on Poverty (probably before your time but we're still funding it), The Great Society, the War on Drugs, Border Security, a rational immigration system so I am not inclined to trust my healthcare to it.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    .Are you a Democrat,Republican,different? Republican 2.Are you a male or woman?(elective) Male 3.Who do you like greater suitable out of here? *George Washington *Abraham Lincoln George 4.Do you help gay marriage? kinda, i think of government ought to furnish civil unions to all and provide the union each and all the advantages yet do no longer define marriage 5.What do you think of roughly gun regulations? *finished limit *some limit *no limit some limit 6.How do you view the conflict in Iraq? *mandatory *mandatory till a undeniable factor *no longer mandatory mandatory 7.What do you think of roughly opinion? *no longer decide-able *partly decide-able *decide-able partly decide-able 8.What style of government is u.s.? *republic(with democratic components) *democratic republic *democracy Republic 9.Is the surge in Iraq working? *specific *fairly *no *different (say in spite of you %) specific 10.Did you do something for earth day? *close each thing down *close of lighting fixtures furniture(by fact i think of shutting off lighting fixtures furniture saves a lot of capability) *no way (capability flowers will nonetheless use a similar volume of capability so it does not quite shop power in any respect) Nope 11.What do you think of relating to the U. S. millitary? *improve *stagnat *shrink in spite of the generals call for... precise now i've got confidence they asked for a upward push 12.Do you like the UN? *no way(packed with marcsists) *kinda no *I dont comprehend *a splash *specific kinda no 13.this is larger? *Dictatorship *Communism unsuitable question, you've gotten a communist dictator. Or a democratic communist government. i think i could want a benevolent dictatorship 14.Does the government have a precise to possess buisnesses. *no *some *specific No, private firms should not be "owned" by using government 15.shall we are saying sooner or later you come abode from college and your in a foul temper. you come abode and you dad asks you some thing and you mouth off at him then out of anger by using your dads artwork pc out the window and kicked a table or some thing. Your dad then hits you precise in the pinnacle and you run on your room. there is blood on your head what do you do? *call the cops(i think of thats abuse) *mouth off lower back *no longer something *make an apology *different(say in spite of you %) different, circulate to my mom or different relative for help, enable them to % a thank you to shelter the placement accurately.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    --CONSERVATIVE (the group with common sense)--

    I hate the plan. It will cause people to wait for weeks or months, time that can be critical to living. The bill also will ration care. The care can also e rationed/denied to any elderly person 65+. It is a socialist plan that our fascist leader didn't even read. It's sad that the liberals are even cold enough to even propose the bill.

  • 1 decade ago

    Agree - Democrat.

    Why would we not want healthcare? All these things the republicans say about losing your current coverage is a lie. The republicans make TONS of money off these insurance companies and that's the only reason they don't want healthcare.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like a SMALLER government, not a larger one.

    I'm not afraid of healthcare problems, global warming, or terrorists.

    A small, weak, barely noticeable government, is a BEAUTIFUL thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sucks the salt off my sweaty balls. and leaves they dry and sticky. Tax the working man to pay for some fat lazy liberal slob's medical bills? F that

    Republican who believes in the 2nd amendment!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NOt for is health care INSURANCE...not reform. READ the bill. It isn't for everyone and only 10 million more people will get health care INSURANCE THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR! Reform means you are taking something and making it better ...this will according to OBAMA...and he said he didn't read it....section 102 will out law all health care insurance plans but the CONTROLLED GOVERNMENT ONE!

    READ the your research...BO admitted he has not read the bill and doesn't know that section! So why is he pushing through something he admitted he has not read? Don't you think he SHOULD HAVE READ IT AND KNOW WHAT IT IS and not depend on the libs?

    It is not reform..and it is not free. We have the best health care in the world..we help other nations....we send medicine to other countries..we send people....we have free clinics...all that research and help will stop...and you will be sorry.

    Obama’s health care proposal is, in effect, the repeal of the Medicare program as we know it. The elderly will go from being the group with the most access to free medical care to the one with the least access. Indeed, the principal impact of the Obama health care program will be to reduce sharply the medical services the elderly can use. No longer will their every medical need be met, their every medication prescribed, their every need to improve their quality of life answered. It is so ironic that the elderly - who were so vigilant when Bush proposed to change Social Security - are so relaxed about the Obama health care proposals. Bush’s Social Security plan, which did not cut their benefits at all, aroused the strongest opposition among the elderly. But Obama’s plan, which will totally gut Medicare and replace it with government-managed care and rationing, has elicited little more than a yawn from most senior citizens. It’s time for the elderly to wake up before it is too late! In our new book, Catastrophe, we explain - in detail and in depth - the consequences the elderly of Canada are feeling from just this kind of program. Limited colonoscopies have led to a 25% higher rate of colon cancer and a ban on the use of the two best chemotherapies are part of the reason why 42% of Canadians with colon cancer die while 31% of Americans, who have access to these two medications, survive the disease. Overall, the death rate from cancer in Canada is 16% higher than in the United States and the heart disease mortality rate is 6% above ours’. Under Obama’s program, there will be a government health insurance company that gets huge subsidies of tax money. It will compete with private insurance plans. But the subsidies will let it undercut the private plans and drive them out of business, leaving only the government plan - a single payer - in effect. Today, 800,000 doctors struggle to treat adequately the 250 million Americans who have insurance. Obama will add 50 million more to their caseload with no expansion in the number of doctors or nurses. Indeed, his plan will likely reduce their number by lowering reimbursement rates and imposing bureaucrats above them who will force medical decisions down their throats. Fewer doctors will have to treat more patients. The inevitable result will be rationing. And it is the elderly who rationing will most effect. Who should get a knee replacement a 40 year old or a 70 year old? Who should get a new hip, a young person or an old person? Who should have priority in the operating room a seventy year old diabetic who needs bypass surgery or a younger person? Obviously, it is the elderly who will get short shrift under his proposal. But the interest groups that usually speak up for the elderly, particularly AARP, are in Obama’s pocket, hoping to profit from his program by becoming one of its vendors. Just as they backed Bush’s prescription drug plan because they anticipating profiting from it, so they are now helping Obama gut the medical care of their constituents. It is high time that the elderly of America realized what the stakes are in this vital fight to preserve Medicare as we know it and keep medical care open, accessible, and free to those over 65. It is truly a battle for their very lives.

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