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How desperate are Republicans?

It is sad to me that most of you are willing to scare your grand mothers and fathers to death saying that President Obama wants them to kill themselves.Why don't you just admit that to you all it is more about the money. If you knew for a fact that it would not cost you anything you would be on the Obama health care band wagon!!!!

25 Answers

  • Deb M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is a new all time low, even for republicans. Did you see Virginia Foxx running from the podium after her tirade about killing the old people. I don't think even she believes what she said.

    The republicans don't want anything to change with the greedy insurance companies...the health care for profit that Edgar Kaiser sold to Richard Nixon in 1971 is a cash cow...probably the only stocks that never tanked.

    I'm sure you loved Bill Kristol saying the best run health care system is a government run program...the VA, yet the American people don't deserve it. No these greedy republicans want us to foot the bill for the CEOs big salaries, pay for the lobbyists, pay for the advertising and the dividends to the stock holders.

    They think the American people should settle for our care being ranked 37th in the world, yet we pay the second highest rate for health care. Just look at the countries ahead of the US:

    1 France

    2 Italy

    3 San Marino

    4 Andorra

    5 Malta

    6 Singapore

    7 Spain

    8 Oman

    9 Austria

    10 Japan

    11 Norway

    12 Portugal

    13 Monaco

    14 Greece

    15 Iceland

    16 Luxembourg

    17 Netherlands

    18 United Kingdom

    19 Ireland

    20 Switzerland

    21 Belgium

    22 Colombia

    23 Sweden

    24 Cyprus

    25 Germany

    26 Saudi Arabia

    27 United Arab Emirates

    28 Israel

    29 Morocco

    30 Canada

    31 Finland

    32 Australia

    33 Chile

    34 Denmark

    35 Dominica

    36 Costa Rica

    37 United States of America

    I think Obama needs to engage all the people who worked on his campaign and educate these people who blindly follow the republicans.

  • 1 decade ago

    They're pretty desperate. They don't have any plan themselves! It's all about money.

    What better group to run healthcare than the government! They do a good job with the army's healthcare. And everyone would have it. Also, look at the other government agencies. They're run pretty well so I see no reason that they couldn't operate a healthcare system. People wouldn't abuse it because Obama has changed America. People would be considerate and only go to the doctor when they really needed to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It appears from a neutral viewpoint that the Republicans are in a very solid place for the next round of elections. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and the Progressive Caucus have made it very clear to the electorate that not have their best interest at heart, do not know what they are talking about and can not be trusted to do the work of the American people. Obama is a one term President based on his current rapidly descending polling numbers.

    No desperation there.

    BTW, On another note, have you ever seen the movie: Soilent Green?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well... I think as a republican I'm not desperate, nor are the other people I know of the same ideology.

    We are concerned about the Government run health care, as the Government tends to screw up everything it gets involved with.

    I also think it's not in the purview of the Government to supply health care, car loans, Auto manufacturing or anything else in the private domain.

    Also, I've never heard any Republican leader, or political commentator claim Obama wants the elderly to kill themselves.

    Such baseless claims reflect a mind that is not open to discussion, or different ideas.

    The Democrats control pretty much everything now, so the proof will be in the pudding. If all go's well with their race to socialism, so be it.

    But, keep in mind that people who live in such governments have stolen inter-tubes off government trucks, strapped boards to them and braved shark infested waters to escape, and come here... (where it's not socialist yet).

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    nope, Democrats are patently desperate using way they attack Sarah Palin, attack John Mccain using fact he's not waiting to type on a keyboard, if the Democrats the place not desperate they might of did a sprint diagnosis and hit upon that he can not type using fact of his being interior the conflict scuffling with for the rustic. Sounds especially desirous to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, as Wendell Potter points out below, more people in the US trust Medicare than they trust health-insurance companies.

    Wendell Potter, until recently a high-level executive at the Cigna health-insurance company, has made it clear that health-insurance companies and other organizations are aggressively seeking to increase profits exponentially by denying access to heath care, by refusing to pay for expensive care (these refusals are called "rescission" by health-insurance executives) or by charging confiscatory prices for medications continue to seek the status quo. They do not want any improvement at all in our health-care system if that improvement means their having to cover more people who truly need medical care. They simply use Republicans and all the Democrats they can buy to do their dirty work:

    WENDELL POTTER: . . . Say nothing happens. "Insurance companies are] saying now what they did in '93, '94. "We think preexisting conditions is a bad thing," for example. Let's watch and see if they really take the initiative to do anything constructive. I bet you won't see it. They didn't then.

    BILL MOYERS: Well, on the basis of the past performance, and on the basis of your own experience in the industry, can we believe them when they say they will do these things voluntarily?

    WENDELL POTTER: I don't think you can. I think that they will implement things that make them more efficient. And that enhance shareholder value. And if what they do contributes to that, maybe so. But now, they do say, they are in favor of an individual mandate. They want us all to be insured.

    BILL MOYERS: For the government to require every one of us to have some policy.

    WENDELL POTTER: Exactly. And that sounds great. It is an important thing that everyone be enrolled in some kind of a benefit plan. They don't want a public plan. They want all the uninsured to have to be enrolled in a private insurance plan. They want-- they see those 50 [uninsured] million people as potentially 50 million new customers. So they're in favor of that. They see this as a way to essentially lock them into the system, and ensure their profitability in the future. The strategy is as it was in 1993 and '94, to conduct this charm offensive on the surface. But behind the scenes, to use front groups and third-party advocates and ideological allies. And those on Capitol Hill who are aligned with them, philosophically, to do the dirty work. To demean and scare people about a government-run plan, try to make people not even remember that Medicare, their Medicare program, is a government-run plan that has operated a lot more efficiently.

    And also, the people who are enrolled in our Medicare plan like it better. The satisfaction ratings are higher in our Medicare program, a government-run program, than in private insurance. But they don't want you to remember that or to know that, and they want to scare you into thinking that through the anecdotes they tell you, that any government-run system, particularly those in Canada, and UK, and France that the people are very unhappy.

    And that these people will have to wait in long lines to get care, or wait a long time to get care. I'd like to take them down to Wise County. I'd like the president to come down to Wise County, and see some real lines of Americans, standing in line to get their care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok first off nothing in life is free. Obama is the one that said he wants old people to die get your facts straight.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is what it comes down to: elderly people are not going to be given the same exact kind of care as younger people because the government wont want to invest more of their money into people who will only be living an extra year or so with a certain procedure. It isn't scare tactics, it is facts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're right. If it didn't cost anything, I would agree with it. But it WILL cost us dearly...and certainly will be a disaster. Oh, by the way, it is not only our grandmothers and grandfathers that have to worry about abomo. It is also our unborn babies. He wants to kill them all. What a two-bit excuse for a leader.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL LOL Please go somewhere, hell anywhere, and get some information. Are you like 7????

    EDIT: i_was_my... "Such unpatriotic people" Show me your battle scars from defending this nation and it's Constitution.

    Tell me how many days you stood on the wall protecting America. Tell me what have you given up to make this country a better place. Yeah that is what I thought all mouth no balls.

    USMC 66-69

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