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Anonymous asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

What does one have to do to get PetSmart to take back a cat? Do I have to let it loose? I need a shelter NOW?

! year ago yesterday I adopted a cat from PetSmart here in St Petersburg, Fl...I was told if I was to ever give it up, that I need to give it back to them...Ok...So the first couple of weeks the cat sprayed all over my apartment. I called after three weeks, told them I could not keep him because he was spraying on the walls, in the carpet, everywhere. They told me that often times in new territory a cat will do this and the worst of it was probably over. They asked me to give him more time. Another 3 weeks passed and the cat was still spraying only it goy worse. He was marking up my couch, my pool table, and my entertainment center. When I called Petsmart the second time they had that holier than thou attitude...accusing me of not keeping the litter box clean! I told them I remove clumps everyday. they suggested I use a different liter box and different liter. I told them my apartment was smelling of cat pee so bad, that it could be smelled out the front door. They did not seem to care and stuck to the ole "clean the box more"...Another 3 weeks passed I called them and said look....The cat has to go. I can't live this way neighbor had complained to the management office the cat has to go. Again, they acted like I was unreasonable scum. They told me that they had no room. I called the ASPCA and they said they couldn't take it because it was not a stray! I thought I would just drop it off there and tell them it's a stray but it's microchiped in my name. So every month I call PetSmart...and every month they tell me they are full. Then yesterday I called and said has been a guys NEED to take the cat back. Get this...they tell me I have to take the cat to the Vet and get more shots before they will take it because a year has passed! I told them it's an indoor cat- and that they have been stringing me along for a year and now they want me to pay $150.00 for shots- As usual they were nasty. THIS IS THE REASON PEOPLE JUST LET THEIR CATS GO. I am at that point. The cat has destroyed my aprtment- You can smell the stench from outside. My lease will not be renewed, and I'm at the end of my rope. DO NOT ADOPT A CAT FROM PETSMART! Oh wait- I called this place down here called "Friends of Strays" and explained the problem. They told me they would take the cat if I made a $75.00 donation only! If anyone knows of a shelter that will take this Cat before I just let him out the door. Please let me know. I am moving in two weeks and the cat will not be coming with me no matter what.


PS No creepy cat lady's need answer this (see Michelle C below)

Update 2:

Wow- lots of bitter old cat ladies out there- Here's the deal- This cat IS neutered and still sprays- If you guys know as much as you think you do about cats...then you will know that sometimes happens. Also- I adopted the Cat but PetSmart gave me a three week window to return the cat if it did not work out- A deal in which they re-niged on. I have been trying to return the cat for 1 full year. They are pathetic. When I adopted the cat it was on a trial basis- The trial did not work out- You guys a FREAKS who have ZIPPO common Sense!

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I recommend you contact the shelter your Petsmart uses to adopt out animals. Explain your situation calmly and politely (though I know that is kind of hard after all the trouble Petsmart has given so far).

    If that doesn't work, then you will have to pay the $75 dollar donation for that other place to take in that cat or find a neighbor, friend, etc. that will take the cat in. Good Luck!:)

    (Ignore the rude comments you may get on your question. Some people are just passionate about animals and they meet a lot of irresponsible people. It makes them bitter. Or they were already kinda crazy. )

  • 1 decade ago

    I adopted a cat from the rescue partnered with PetSmart and they told me the same thing. That if I was going to get rid of it to bring the cat back to them. Do you have the adoption paperwork still? Maybe you can bring it and the cat back to PetSmart. If it comes to it leave the cat at the PetSmart, dont' let it go outside. That's just cruel.

    I did find a link to another rescue on's related links:

    Although, honestly, with the hard economic times shelters are taking in more animals and not receiving the funding to help care for them. So any little bit would help, especially if you're going to be leaving the cat there.

  • 1 decade ago

    You didn't adopt a cat from PetSmart you adopted it from whicher local shelter they give space to for their adoptable animals. So call PetSmart and ask which shelter they have there and then contact the shelter directly. The name of the shelter should also be on the contract you signed - the one that you're now violating by no longer wanting to keep the cat you agreed to care for for its lifetime.

    Was this cat neutered? Normally cats that spray only do so because they're unaltered. I would find it odd, though, if a shelter adopted out an unaltered cat. But then again, they may have required that YOU get it done and you didn't bother.

    Please don't get a cat in the future. The fact you said you would "just let him out the door" and that "the cat will not be coming with me no matter what" shows you do not have the compassion and maturity required to be a pet owner.

    And FYI - Michelle C isn't a "creepy cat lady" - she's a caring, educated and responsible pet owner - something you clearly aren't.

    Source(s): Active volunteer with the Northwest's largest no-kill cat shelter. We have cats in all of the PetSmarts in the Puget Sound area.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes all animals are welcome in petsmart. Most people don't bring cats because cats usually won't walk with you on a leash and people don't want to have to carry them around. There is also the problem of there are a lot of dogs that like to chase cats in petsmart.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

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  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You made a commitment to this cat to care for it.

    That responsibility is on YOU. It sucks that petsmart is being this way, but that's the breaks.

    Cough up the $75 and do the responsible thing to make sure that cat is taken care of. ALL places charge releases fees. In my area its a bit cheaper but again ALL places charge you.

    YOU made the choice to get this cat. Please be responsible and do the right thing by getting it into the shelter "friends of strays"they'll take care of him.


    Jr is Angry is correct as well. I have two male cats, a female, and 2 feral kittens I just trapped and none of them spray. They're all fixed though (minus the kittens, they have an appointment when they're healthy enough).

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    This is the kind of crap that makes people not want to adopt from shelters/Petsmart and also people just abandoning their pets. It's not always the pet owners' fault.

  • 1 decade ago

    All my boys ARE neutered. NONE of them spray. All of my boys have had a buddy, so they are NOT home alone.

    This cat has separation anxiety and is left alone ALL DAY. You are making him crazy.

    In 22 years SAM NEVER, ever sprayed. Baby Sparky was his little girl and he was a great "Daddy".

    Cats are NOT loners...they are pack animals just like dogs. They crave company. They hate being alone.

    Irresponsible people abandon helpless animals. You would not put a three-year old boy out because he wet! Would you?

    Do you have a Humane Society. The spray called Boundary also stops wetting.

    You did not have a cat as a child?

    A $75.00 donation to Friends of Strays IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE!

    Do it. It is the right thing for your cat AND for you.

    Source(s): 4 cats. The boys use their litter boxes.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Excuse me Tammy,our rescue group in Atlanta which does adoptions

    out of Pet Smart does allow animals to be returned.I suggest you

    go IN PERSON to the group and explain your situation.

    A little civility goes a long way in resolving problems.

    Our goal is the happiness of the animal.

    No,Michelle is not some creepy cat lady.Just a cat lover who is

    tired of dealing with immature brats.

    Source(s): Cat Rescue Atlanta
  • 1 decade ago

    regardless of whether you have a legitimate dispute with petsmart or not, you have to find a home for this cat.

    i would pay the 75.00. it is a lot cheaper then the fine you will get when you turn it loose.

    and, im not a crazy cat lady and i know you do not want to hear this but, males spray because they are not neutered, sick, or threatened.

    in other words, it is your fault he is spraying.

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