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what makes humans hate so ferociously?

what mental mechanism is to blame for this phenomenon? why is it such a struggle for most people to be kind and accepting of differences?


blappers, you are completely, grotesquely misguided. to postulate that hatred is a "tool" are the words of a very, very ignorant individual. you would do well to very thoroughly reconsider the concepts that you dictate, for it is thought diseases such as this that cripple our species and hinder our ability to progress.

in no way does hatred help us whatsoever. it serves to keep us ignorant, closed to the views of our fellow humans, territorial, and downright stupid. it violates and murders the innocent, it decimates entire cultures simply because of differing views, it horrifies and traumatizes and eviscerates.

how could you ever possibly try to defend the idea that "humans hate because it's an important tool in motivating a body to perform specified tasks"? what the phuck does that even mean? are you phucking drunk or something? what complete and utter bullsh*t. what a laughable, pathetic view of reality.

Update 2:

look around you, fool. other animals fight and slaughter for territory because they don't know any better. they're simple organismic algorhythms that do what they can to survive. we DO know better. we DON'T have to fight and slaughter in order to survive, because we are not so much at the mercy of nature as we once were. to say that hatred is what fuels human determination means that humanity is rocketing down a steep downhill slope towards inevitable demise, wrought by idiots like you, who promote the idea that hatred is what empowers us.

cooperation and symbiosis prevails everywhere in nature. what a better way to get the most out of your experience of existence, than to share it with the other beings around you? if you live in an apartment building with other people, do you bash their doors down and murder them? or do you strike up conversation with them, and become friends? why should that be any different, on a global scale?

Update 3:

i suppose what it boils down to is phuck you. your putrid negativity is what makes our species as vile and loathsome as it is. go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of and keep your malicious idiocy locked tight within your empty skull.

Update 4:

jeannie, i remind you that there is a very vast difference between hatred and anger. i do not hate blappers for his response. i pity him, if anything. but it is my belief that ignorance should be singled out and eradicated wherever it lurks. i see a man telling me that hatred is a "tool", and i have no choice but to challenge and criticize.

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a holdover from the development of our lower brain. It has been called the reptillian brain, because it is the center of territoriality. It makes us see threats where not may exist. It causes us to fear those different than ourselves and to react with hate and violence.

  • 1 decade ago

    hatred is born by jealousy, and also fear, and ignorance, but at the same time ignorance is born by hatred, and fear also seems too come from ignorance... it is a delicate balance, and when even tipped a little out of balance, it rocks wildly and some will flare up, but we often exagerate or mistake jealouy,fear, and ignorance for hatred... ugh, philosophy makes the mind wonder, sometimes on topics that almost don't have words to them... I will ponder that.

    it also comes from the fact that not everyone has the ability to feel empathy, and not many at all can feel it so utterly and comepletely that they have absolutely no negative feelings toward a person, no matter how weak or fleeting those feelings may be...

  • 1 decade ago

    I think in a way, fear may be to blame for human hatred. When faced with the unfamiliar, people might feel scared and combat their fear by replacing it with a deep hatred for whatever they were faced with. Another element might be a bad personal experience with the same or a similar thing to whatever it is they hate. For example, I know someone who claims to hate horses and avoids them at all costs. When this person was younger, she had a bad experience of falling off a horse and breaking her leg. This combines both turning fear in to hatred and having bad memories of the object of hate (in this case horses.) If you don't have the same notion of fear-turned hatred or bad experience, it can be difficult and also upsetting to see this apparent cold hatred for something. You can misinterpret the person and become angry with them. I think everyone has done this at least once in their life. Anyway, this is just my two cents, everyone out there has different ideas about it but I hope this helped.

  • 1 decade ago

    From what I've viewed over the years it takes someone triggering another person's deep fears....add in an unwillingness to understand the core issues and then...hate forms.

    When I was living in a very fearful consciousness I strongly disliked someone. What caused this? That person triggered my darkest fear and I lacked any understanding or awareness of self or the issue and the strong emotions attached.

    This was a good question. It sheds light on a subject that greatly needs it. Thank you.

    Edit: I just read your additional details. It seems that blapper is eliciting a strong emotional response. I agree that his answer is provoking...yet only love overcomes fear and hate.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There are happy people, and then there are angry people. The opposite of angry is happy. The opposite of love is hate. People pick which path to follow; the ones who attempt to stay in the middle, create a constant struggle, one side of your emotions trying to dominate the other. Love fights your hate, happyness fights the angry part of your conscience.

    I am a Christian. I rarely get angry. In the sense of an atheist, i can be a super happy guy. Both christians and atheists get a personality that's aquired from wisdom gained from events, good or bad. It doesn't mean there personalities are conditioned, just that they get the wisdom and knowledge and use that to choose there personality and they can modify it to there choice. They choose to love and hate, however way. Religion when it's not corrupted, is a very valuabe thing to cherish in there own countries. Extermists are not true to any religion because they commit crimes againts humanity when concentrated in small countries or large groups. Dark and light in a room never mix. In the absence of light, darkness engulfs everything. In a room darkness will cover every inch of the room but it will never engulf the light at the top. Darkness retreats to light. Love fights hate wherever it happens to meet in the world.

    You've been chased by mob because you stole 3 million from blackmaling people to give the information needed; Ran to a place they wouldn't go.

    Picture yourself in a dark underground tunnel made of stone under a series of old pyramid bunkers. Now your flashlight goes out because you dropped it. And now you only have your lighter left. And your backpack has enough bic lighters in it to last 40 days after using on a regular basis in the tunnels. When your flashlight goes out imagine the feeling of reaching for your lighter and standing in the tunnel with the only light you get is from a lighter. You will crave that light, cherrish that light, love that light. And you will be scared to death of that light going out forever. The pyramid turrel has no spiders or animals because all that go into it die from starvation. You have enough food and water for 14 days. And a blanket. Your rolling it all behind you on a rectangular wheeled bag. Earlier your batteries fell out of the package when you went to take two. The two you got where in your grip but the package slipped and fell out of your other hand and landed in a crack in the ground. You have a lamp/flashlight in your backpack that didn't have sufficient battery power left to suffice. Your lamp is dried out because you dropped the fluid and spilled it the last time you used it. Now you have to travel with a lit bic lighter along the tunnels for who knows how long because you got lost. In this dark hellish length of time you will see a phenomenon happen with mercyless evil and holyness.

  • Fallen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    One who has been tattered and beat up by society, reality, and left behind in the darkness tend to fall into the dark waters of hatred.

    Upbringing also plays a part in some cases. The KKK typically get their white supremisist members from a culture-mentality that hating anyone who isn't white and what-not is deemed appropriate behavior.

    Hatred is either taught or found in the depths of despair.

  • Urge of defenses from their own natural mechanisms.

    It was builtin by nature's process of life in survival.

    Can't you see, men already fought and slaughtered eachother like animals did? But we we're only wiser enough than them to realized it.

    And your words, are like that you're an 'angry' dude even if capable of thinking further than normally one can it seems ..Isn't it that a reflection of hate..or negativity..?

    Please analyze the way you're explaining it.

    Do you have real bad and cold neighbors? That real upsets your day? Or other's who are so rude and mean?

    I wish I can make you smile..If only you can look into my eyes!

    C'mon..and get validated..

    Thank you..

    ohh dear)))) You've just been hugged..

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a struggle to be kind and accepting because it's simply unwarranted. There is no rational reason to hold kindness or acceptance as a universal virtue.

    Humans hate because it's an important tool in motivating a body to perform specified tasks. Hate is bodily and important in every day life.

    If you want to be part of the club that says that everybody should be nice to each other then you can, but don't assume that it holds any kind of truth.

    It's funny how people hate hatred

  • guru
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hatred is very often a response to the actions of others. You tend not to hate people who treat you well. You tend to develop feelings of hatred when people treat you badly. Stop treating people badly and they have no reason to hate you.

  • 1 decade ago

    When people love something so fervently that their passion for it can longer sustain itself, all there is left to turn to is hatred.

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