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Lv 6
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Does meeting hatred with hatred, make you, in some small way, the thing that you hate?


I am as guilty of hatred as anyone else. I have come to the conclusion that hatred is most often based on ignorance and irrational fear. If I meet hatred with a sympathetic ear, I can argue against that hatred or help to alleviate their fear. If I meet hatred with hatred, I have ended the discussion, hindered any chance of understanding and merely fueled the flames of hatred - helping it to feed upon ignorance and irrationality in which I have aided. Thus, in a sense, becoming the thing that I hate - which is hatred based on ignorance and irrational fear.

I am reminded of the KKK leader who later became a union and community organizer after having open and honest discussions with those that he hated, and that of Malcolm X, who after exposing himself to people of other races, decided that he had been wrong in his racial hatred.

Update 2:

Will : Interesting answer I understand your reasoning and yours are valid arguments - hating Nazism is not based on irrational fear or ignorance, it is based on an understanding of Nazi doctrine. I speculate that if you were confronted with a Nazi you would not waste your emotional energy hating - you would argue your point and if you were met with hatred - you would merely walk away and leave them to their ignorance. Forgive my presumptions of your reactions.

Phoenix Quill: Understood, but the flaw is that "The Winner" does not necessarily hate the loser. It is not meeting hatred with hatred.

Susanna: Your answer scares me. Remind me never to get into an argument with you.

Just Be and liocdam: thnx. I wanted vindication as well as argument. Surprisingly, in this instance, I needed the vindication more.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course. I have dealt with a lot of hatred & bigotry...when I was younger & more prone to anger, I would meet it with the same.

    I eventually realized by demonizing all who resemble the ignorant I dealt with, I was no better than them...

    There is hate & love, evil & good in all people. The measure of who we are is not only how we conduct ourselves, but how we meet others too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Life is a completion.

    What is it you think we hate?

    We hate to lose,

    hence we hate the winner,

    hence we want to be the winner.

    I want to BE the thing I hate in the sense that...

    I want to be the winner (that someone else hates)

    The less America is hated

    The less it is worth being an American

    The game begins

    The fittest survive

    Same as it ever was.

    Conservatives lock & load and join the fray.

    Mindful that the world contains both friend & foe.

    Liberals whinge & whine & pretend there's a better way.

    And in their blistering naivety imagine they are enlightened.

  • 1 decade ago

    No particularly. If you hate the idea of hatred in any form, then I can see that you would be exhibiting the very trait that you hate. However, if you express some sort of "hate" towards a particular form of hatred, then the hatred you feel, and the hatred that you hate are different entirely.

    Actually, this is confusing to phrase without overusing words. I'll just stick with an example.

    The Westborough Baptist Church hates anyone that doesn't support them and their causes to the book. The blame everything on homosexuality, and accuse anyone that doesn't attend their Topeka, Kansas church of "harboring homosexuals", and basically tell them that they will burn in hell and deserve to die. They celebrate the deaths of anyone who dies in combat, of aids, or in car accidents (to name a few) pretty much saying that they deserved by, usually because they allowed homosexuals to exist and didn't attend their church.

    I personally am appealed that this group of people has decided that they are the closest to God of any group on this planet. I truly hate them for what they do to families who have lost a loved one who did not get to live a full life. I hate them even more for the fact that they brainwash every child on any of their followers into believing that God hates the entire world and everyone on it (except those in the WBC), and that their only purpose in life is to tell everyone outside the church that they are terrible people who will burn in hell. I have seen videos of WBC members getting hit by cars (intentionally), and I have felt no sorrow. I have even fantasized doing it myself. When a car-bomb was detonated on their church grounds, the only thing I wish could have been different was that it could have done more damage.

    I hate the WBC because they are elitists and hate anyone who isn't exactly like them. They misread an otherwise powerful religious text to mean whatever they want it to mean. They brainwash children, and allow them to grow up without the capability of coexisting with reality. They emotionally terrorize families of soldiers, children, and students simply to get attention by being as offensive as possible. I hate them because they are and extreme of a much larger group of people I truly believe the world would be a much better place without.

    The WBC hates people because they feel they have interpreted the bible in the most accurate way. They believe that Homosexuality is what God hates more than anything else, and they believe that anyone who does not firmly oppose the mere existence of homosexuality is equally hated among the homosexuals. They chose to hate anyone that doesn't agree with their views. However, since they have numerous radical points of view, the demographic which they choose to hate consists of practically everyone on the planet.

    The hate the WBC feels towards those who don't follow them, and my hate of the WBC are entirely different types of hate. While I am "hating hate", the hate that I feel towards the WBC does not fit the criteria for the type of hate that I feel hatred towards.

    I apologize for this being a confusing answer. It is simply hard to phrase, as use of synonyms is not generally practiced when discussing philosophy. It is a very good answer, but is only true in select situations, usually when a person hates another in an attempt to overcompensate. Basically: "A hypocritical hatred of hate".

  • Will
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, not at all. In fact hatred gets a bad name. Hatred is necessary.

    Consider that the Nazis preached a doctrine of hate. To hate Nazism does not make me a part of Nazism in any way shape or form.

    Aristotle said that one of the key precepts of the good life was "to love what you ought to love and to hate what you ought to hate."

    Thus, the key to morality is to be "ordinate" in all things. Hatred isn't evil or corrupting if the thing we hate is worthy of being hated.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I hate slugs so i lay pellets

    I do not resemble a slug either actaully or figuratively

    edit : whic muppet thuimbed down siddhartha's take on lao tzu's understadning that 'to goodness i respond with quality to evil i repsond with quality' that is solid metaphysics and not a statment deserving a thumbs down mine is, but his isn't!

    Datk Te.

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on where the hatred is coming from.

    but It's not a very hypocritical thing.

    If someone/thing dislikes you, and you dislike them back,

    It doesn't make you them,

    It just means the feeling is mutual.

  • mac
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Unless you lose to the other hatred. Don't fight hatred unless you could beat. Best to avoid if possible.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    an oppressed man hating a tyrant wants freedom, not hatred, even if the tyrant hates him the same

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree!

    Even more so, you can never correct an error with another error.

    As they say, 2 wrongs will not make a right!

    Many Blessings!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yeah..I don't want to be the thing I hate...I want to plant my foot on their prone "body" and raise my fist in the air..OH Yes:)

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