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now obama is pres where is the anti war movement?

i dont see a change in policy between bush and obama in war or on monetary policy...are we really a one party system?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question. I did a search and couldn't find any news on them. Not even Code Pink.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but we so need to be a ONE PARTY SYSTEM. As a matter of fact, I am gonna ask that question now. You just don't know how bad I wish it was. All the pulling back and forth. Clinton becomes pres only so Bush can overturn his policies. Obama becomes president only to overturn the Bush policies. Don't get me wrong I can't stand Bush, but man, this is nothing but a tug o war and the only one's losing are the American people. Politicians, black, white, and other are making off like bandits with fat wallets and even bigger stomachs from gorging on caviar and lobster.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is refocusing the War on Terror on Afghanistan where the terrorists are instead of Iraq where they weren't. That's what the anti-war movement mostly wanted. They'd prefer there not be any war, but after 9/11, they recognize the justness of going to war in Afghanistan.

    As for monetary policy, Bush was actually copying what Democrats would have done during his final years in office. He lost the support of Congress and adopted more liberal stances on the issues. His monetary policy and decision to set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq were both the result of Democrat pressure from Congress.

  • 1 decade ago

    Same place they were when Clinton invaded a foreign country and bombed the crap out of them, daily, for months, so as to get at his pet peeve dictator, Slobodan Milosevic.

    The libs were finding other things to be angry about, but the moment Bush did the same thing you better believe all liberals everywhere immediately latched on their sandals and went a-marching about with signs. Boy, they were SO mad!

    But where was the bleeding hearted liberal rage when it was Slick Willie? Where is it now? Oh, bleeeeeeeeding hearted liberals....

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  • 1 decade ago

    Now the war has become most awesomely cool. Now Washington is awesomely cool and if Obama decides to hang the last of the persons at Gitmo, that will be awesomely cool too. He's just awesome, what more can I say.

  • 5 years ago

    I cherished the way Black Sabbath positioned it after J. Kennedy and his centre Liberal slightly ingenious get at the same time have been talked into Vietnam accompanied by employing 'left wing' Johnson escalating it inspired by employing the effects of napalm on youthful toddlers. How far left and/or proper you will bypass is a sturdy indicator of what number innocents you're waiting to be sure killed 'on theory.' conflict Pigs Generals accrued of their hundreds purely like witches at black hundreds Evil minds that plot destruction Sorcerers of deaths shape interior the fields the bodies burning because of the fact the conflict gadget keeps turning death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds, oh lord yeah! Politicians cover themselves away they only began the conflict Why could desire to they bypass out to combat? They bypass away that place to the unfavorable Time will tell on their skill minds Making conflict basically for relaxing Treating human beings purely like pawns in chess Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah! Now in darkness, worldwide stops turning because of the fact the conflict gadget keeps burning not greater conflict pigs of the skill Hand of God has sturck the hour Day of judgement, God is calling On their knees, the conflict pigs crawling Begging mercy for his or her sins devil, giggling, spreads his wings all proper now!

  • 1 decade ago

    They are the Pro Health Insurance Reform Movement now.....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Words appear to appease them. All 0bama has to do is "tell" them he is going to do something. He actually ever has to "do" it though. Nothing has changed in Iraq other than 0bama trying to take credit for what has been the plan for years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama actually had bombed many in Pakistan and added many troops to Afganistan- It was all phony people- who protested the war expect the pink loony one- wait they are quite too and they protested AIG too like ACORN did= hum.. Those are the phony mob protesters the ones paid by democrats-

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Democrats and Republicans, all rhetoric aside, have the same agenda and almost identical policies.

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