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If a parent takes his children past safety barriers to watch a hurricane, should he be prosecuted?

I just heard about the child killed by the hurricane in spite of barriers prohibiting people from viewing from the area where her family was. If a child drowns in a bathtub after being left alone, the parent is prosecuted for neglect. I think this action is much more egregious. What do you think?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree. I also think that stupid people shouldn't be allowed to breed.

    It kinda ticks me off when people do stupid crap like this. They pretend that they have some god given right to speed and talk on the cell phone while diving on the highways. Then they come in here to whine and complain about getting a ticket and how can they get out of paying.

    These are the same people opposed to cameras giving people tickets. Which I for one support 100%. just because a cop isn't physically present doesn't mean that the laws do not apply to you anymore.

    Yes, that parent should be prosecuted. This is worse than leaving your kid in the car on a hot day... because the person that left the kid could have honestly forgotten .. this on the other hand was a conscious choice.

    dur dur dur ... I'll just take my kid into that burning building so we can watch the purtty fire.

  • 5 years ago

    My cardiologist is Indian and my heart surgeon was from Lebanon. They did a superior job. My surgeon works like 6 days a week only b/c the hospital FORCES him to take a day off. He loves to heal people so much that I thought it was killing him but the day AFTER his day off he looked like he had a two week vacation. The guy is a saint. But that was Loma Linda Hospital too and they are VERY pro-patient there. The govt would have to come up with a new law or make an old law applicable. The separation of church and state makes it impossible for the govt to act against a parent who does something for religious reasons. In this case I would think that this borders on a hate crime done in some strange retroactive way. They hate the doctor which endangers the child ergo ... it's a hate crime mis-directed toward the child while in the guys of supposedly hating the doctor but no court will tell that to a parent since the courts assume that the parent loves the child but if they did wouldn't they ULTIMATELY do what is best for the child? Hang the parents and let the courts sort it out later. But then the kid ends up hurt again and no matter what ... wait ... the kids dead ... can't be hurt anymore ... cool ... hang the SOBS. As long as they don't have any more kids at home who will be harmed by killing the parents. And I don't think I would kill them. Give them life in prison to think about their sin. But then I can't judge them either so I guess we have to toss it up to the Universe and wait to see what happens. A death is a death and it really doesn't matter the reason. But it bothers me that the parent THOUGHT THAT HE WAS doing the right thing. There are no guarantees with medicine and he took a chance and lost. The fact that you TOLD him he might lose his child unless he was transferred cannot be ignored either. But what if the child HAD been transferred and died anyway? Sometimes when it is time to go you can't tell FATE "Hang on ... gimme a sec" ... it's like NOW! We can only assume that it was time for that child to move on to his next assignment. She had already done what she needed to do here ... whatever that might have been ... and now it's time for her next destination. This is really a tough one. I would send up a prayer for the baby and perhaps just move on on this one. I'm not usually so divided on your questions but this one is tricky. There is NO easy answer for THIS one. :-) Peace ... No More DEaths in the name of Religion PLEASE!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's certainly not as terrible as death by neglect, but it's not very smart. If a parent allows his/her child to deliberately break a law then the act is punishable. Whether the parent should be prosecuted on the grounds of being a bad mom/dad is questionable though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Strange, people think people should be prosecuted for allowing their kids to be in harm's way (as in the trespassing the prohibited areas on a beach or an unattended bath tub) while fiercely upholding legalized death through abortion-on-demand in the heinous term called "a woman's right to choose". Choose what? Being allowed to kill her baby without consequence of jail time or execution?

    What a screwed up world this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes totally...I am so tired of seeing people on the news that do stupid things and then it being excused by the statement " they have suffered enough" prosecute more parents and maybe then they will start to take the job of parenting more serious.

  • Any bone head that takes his child into a hurricane to watch it

    needs to be killed himself.

    You cannot watch a hurricane anyway. It is a lot of rain and wide.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely. Child endangerment. I also think that people that accidentally leave their children to die in parked vehicles because they "forgot" about them should be prosecuted. I see no excuse. That's just me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I think in most states that would be a crime known as "reckless endangerment." Stupidity may not be a crime in itself, but endangering a child too young to understand the danger is definitely criminal.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, he should be prosecuted for endangering the lives of his children. He has the right to jeopardize his own safety, but not theirs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I think the parent willfully, negligently and stupidly endangered his own child and should be prosecuted.

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