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REPUBLICANS, well Senator Ted Kennedy is dead, are you happy now ?

Ted Kennedy is dead. I found out at around 4 AM this morning, when

I awoke to NPR Radio. He was a great man, whether you loved

his policies or not. He was the Lion, and no Republican can ever

say that they have had a leader so great in the 20th and 21st century.

He will surely be missed indeed. I realize that some of you do not

have any Respect for people in politics who die. How would you

feel if someone made fun of your family member after passing away ?

Anyway. That was someone's father, grandfather, brother, uncle,

and cousin too. He meant a lot to the Democratic Party for sure.

And I know that Obama is having a difficult time with this, as he was

his mentor and chief. Senator Ted, dead at the age of 77. What

are your thoughts on this................

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lets not dance on the devils' grave but this man was a false leader, not a hero.

    Get educated on the real Ted Kennedy, not the one that that the liberals have white-washed and spun to hide his dark side.

    Read the book, by Seymour Hersch. "The Dark Side of Camelot" if you want to know the truth about the Kennedys.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is wonderful news. Good things do happen in 3's. Last week I won the lottery, this week another one of satan's mortal relatives bit the dust and hopefully next week will be open season on liberals. I did get an A on my final exam this week but that doesn't come close to that murdering, corrupt SOB finally leaving the senate after like 100 years. I could care less that he's dead-thats just more good news. Really, the lifers are ruining this country and Ted kennedy was the opitimy of the corrupt liberal politician. He has done nothing good. The bonus here-the Dems dont have their 60 seats anymore and were all outta kennedys. Im goin to celebrate. Hey obama, free drinks on the tax payer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do Repubs hated him so much? because he was a great man who wanted the revive the American Dream, something that became corrupted by society? I'm NOT a Republican and I have a hard time understanding them. I just read some republican wrote '' Burn in hell, Teddy ''. Are you kidding me? Teddy was truly a remarkable man for the Democratic Party, Obama and Biden (who was very emotional during the press conference) lost a friend, an a supporter. R.I.P Ted Kennedy. We we miss you.

  • I am so glad that fat bastard is dead! He is just another womanizing, murderer in that family that deserved to die a long time ago. You idiots that love the Kennedy's just because the media tells you to need to check history. They are evil, cold blooded, worthless liars that will cover up murder, manslaughter and whatever other crimes they have committed. The Kennedy's and people like you are the only argument I have for abortion. I hope they all die horrible deaths. So far, they have had some pretty funny ones. Wake up....STUPID!

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  • 5 years ago

    i'm lifeless seious approximately this: i'm 23 and that i in simple terms discovered they have been distinctive people. I even have been lively in political discovering and government learn in view that i became approximately 12 or 13, yet I in simple terms those days found out the day he died that he became Ed Kennedy. John, Eunice, RObert, and Ted are the only 4. there is not any Edward.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would never wish death upon any one, there is no coming back from that.Though I have always been resentful to what I considered his abuse of our nation's faith in his leadership, I pray that God will find him truly sorry for his sins and allow him to rest in peace. He did NOT ALWAYS have the U.S's best interests @ heart and I do believe that was something he swore to to at all times while helping lead our country. All i know is that he has a lot of explaining to do to his maker over the next few days...

  • 1 decade ago

    You bet we're happy for AMERICA! : ) Our families and friends are going to celebrate tonight with Fireworks, Champagne, Beer, Wine, Food and Fun!!!

    Freedom day 8/26/09 for America! An end to the tyrant who:

    Opened America’s borders to illegals, drugs and terrorism

    Supported anti-American values and language

    Trampled upon American citizens Rights and Constitution by enacting draconian gun laws to PUNISH free and law-abiding citizens

    Taxed hard working Americans to death!

    Goodbye Ted and good ridden!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think Ted Kennedy was a murdering opportunist whose only interest was in securing power for himself. A set of values closely shared by Obama.

    I certainly hope there no Republican so vile, corrupt and worthless in the 20th and 21st century. I really do.

    People deserve no more respect in death than they deserved in life. Ted Kennedy deserved none in life..

  • 1 decade ago

    If I were Mary Jo Kopechne's family- I'd be ecstatic

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really.I'd been more happy if the people of MA stoped voting for idiots like this 30 years ago.We still have Barney Franks to put up with,that's even sadder

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