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Can you be a "true christian" and still believe in freedom of religon?

If so, how does that square with the First Commandment?


Wow, I'm glad to see that so many of you christians profess a belief in freedom of religion. It warms my heart. I wonder, however, why so many christians in the USA keep trying to write their religion into law.

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. The first commandment says nothing about infringing on others religious rights.


    I would also like to know how many are against evolution taught in school.

    Source(s): Catholic Separatist.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, USA is not a Christian country. If we were, we will not be tolerating sins that are even now, way beyond God's limits of punishment comparing how USA tolerates and commits more rebellious, sinful acts, with Sodom and Gomorrah: pornography, homosexuality, and so on.

    I am not saying we should hate people who are as close to or are in relevant topic described above. We should love people even homosexuals yet, witness to them the truth found in God's word.

    Back to the topic, true christian and still believe in freedom of religion. If you're associating the word Christian as a religion, my friend, I hope you find this an error. Everyone in the world, ideally, and universally accepts that Christianity is a religion as well as Islam, Buddhism, and so on, as how they're organizedly accepted, within our minds.

    All "religious" identity, are not just names-these names have meaning and as for the name, Christian, means, a follower of Jesus Christ. Out of all the denominations and secs religion has as for Christianity; baptist, penetecostal, etc, it really doesn't matter what you are called or identified as concerning whether you are a baptist or whatever, sectioned christian. What matters is, ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART BEING CHRISTIAN?

    This is a free country. Yet, in Christianity, we shouldn't force or try to convert who we witness to, but let and pray the holy spirit do so; now witnessing isn't only words said through proclaiming by mouth the gospel, but also through our actions.

    Adding to details above, again, USA laws were inspired from the Bible;fair justice and so on. America is a philosophical country. Men of great minds run the country. I don't want to point out a proof but, consider the Masons. A group whose ideals blend religion and men of all kinds together. The group is not a religion. It is more a open minded group who accept all religion, yet, has done mysterious activities you may not be interested in finding out-for it maybe too much. Lets just say, I know one....who knows two U.S. presidents to part of it and other political leaders.

    Now I have a question, who are these Christians who keep trying to write their religion in the USA?

    Anyways, I could go on and on. If you want to know more of what I know, e-mail me at

  • 1 decade ago

    I am going to say no because there are no "true Christians". I do think that Christianity in Theory could go both ways. I am not going to argue here and now that its contradictory but aside from the first commandment I think the saying,"judge not, lest ye be judged," could be interpreted as respecting others including their personal beliefs. Also, believing in freedom of religion doens't mean that you can't think other religions are wrong.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a true, Bible-believing, changed by Jesus' death and resurrection Christian, I believe people should have the right to choose their own religion. Why? Because God believes we should have that right - He gave us free will. Freedom of religion was wanted by people who came to this country - because they were Christians - and didn't have that right in other places. There are countries around the world where Christians are persecuted, so absolutely I believe in freedom of religion.

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  • LP S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Freedom of religion means you and everyone else in the world have the freedom to believe or not...

    Christians are not to convert the people or force them into believing if they don't want to. We are to broadcast the God's word but it is up to each individual person to decide if they want to believe or not.

    Our responsibility end after we broadcast God's word with understanding.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a "True Christian" and I do believe in freedom of religion. I do believe that the uslim should be allowed to pray if he/she feels the need. I believe that if one does not want to believe in God at all, then that is their perogative.

    The thing that most Christians need to understand is that if one believes because he/she is "supposed to" then they don't really believe at all.

    "A person convinced against their will, is of the same opinion still".

    Stand up for what you believe, but don't be obnoxious.

    Source(s): Life
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Freedom isn't unfastened. there's no such element as unfastened healthcare, unfastened training, unfastened housing and so on. the federal government has no money. It creates no wealth. the sole place it may get any money is to take it from traders that agencies matter on, agencies that workers matter on and workers that all and sundry else relies upon on. If a greenback is taken out of your pay in tax it expenses money to technique, it expenses money to place it on the Treasury books. It expenses money to pay the bureaucrats who will technique it and redistribute it. So, your tax greenback components approximately 40 cents in reward. i'm confident, you're able to desire to locate a miles greater effectual way dispensing your wealth than passing it by using an huge forms. you somewhat would desire to divest your self of the fake concept that something the government components is unfastened. *

  • 1 decade ago

    All that really matters is what you believe. If you are a true Christian you would love Jesus and keep to his commandments. Now, I believe, that if your a true Christian you would also try to testify the non-believers, especially if they're friends or family. What kind of friend or family member would you be if you didn't even try to convince your loved ones of the true God and help them find salvation?

    I would be wary though of listening to opinions of non-believers. Scripture says that the heart is 'wickedly deceitful'. Non-believers will only give their version of testimony in an attempt to turn you from God and the salvation of Jesus Christ.

    Believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and that he died for your sins. Confess with your mouth and find grace and salvation in the Lord!!

  • Daniel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yea. Freedom of religion is you can have your own God and your own cult and culture. It is not against the First Commandment.

  • 1 decade ago

    Matthew is dead on. Everyone is free to believe whatever they wish. That doesn't make their beliefs true, but I have no right to tell them what they can and cannot believe.

    One of the mainstays of Christianity is our freedom to reject God. If God allows it, why shouldn't I?

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