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Can angels die or are they immortal?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Angels, are not immortal, indestructible, but their living forever is hinged upon their perfect obedience to God. Just like us, we have free will, they have too. Satan the Devil has a free will too, he chose to disobey God, his day of destruction with all his demons is nearly here.

  • 1 decade ago

    No: Angels have a different life Source ,No Blood:

    demons can be cast out and Bound by a Believer; Only Man can die and after that judgment,

    There was a Time When You wasn't-There will never be a Time when You are not:

  • 1 decade ago

    The sons and daughters of GOD through Christ and the adoption of the Holy Spirit will probably all agree with me that, in the present state of the Creation, only GOD is immortal. The good and the bad angels (i.e., demons, devils, unclean spirits) are not "mortal" (as human beings), and as created beings they are of limited knowledge and power. When men die they do not automatically become angels. Even so, as do men, angels must operate by faith (i.e., they do not have total knowledge, and must expect and operate in accordance with what has been (1) commanded of them, (2) spoken to them and (3) revealed, made visible to them).

    While they are "older" than humankind, angels may not claim to be more perfect or pleasing to GOD than mankind. (One of many things that make mankind appealing to GOD is that we ask questions, we learn, we grow. We are not perfect, and where we are "meek" (i.e., teachable through the spirit from GOD) we come under divine influences to develop us, including repentance and a genuine desire for nearness to GOD. By contrast angels are complete and finished beings.)

    A major error (even among religious people) is that we speak of 'hell" as the place of torment after death. Actually, in the Bible, hell is usually "the grave" and the place of the dead. Jesus teaches that "hell" (the place of burning and judgment) was created for the devil and his angels. In the Holy Scriptures, the place of burning and torment is called "the Lake of Fire". In the same way separating, holy fire (i.e. called "fire from heaven") was sent down to receive the blood sacrifices made upon the altar in the tabernacle and the temple -- carrying the blessing of men to GOD, while destroying the sin transferred to the bullock, goat, or lamb -- the unique function of the Lake of Fire is the absolute destruction of sin, and the simultaneous release of all holy essence. Men and women will be sent to the Lake of Fire after resurrection and judgment, because of their refusal to separate from sin.

    Obviously, there is more to all this discussion than any single person can supply, here, on the Internet. Even so, keep asking, learning and growing. Thanks for giving us a chance to share and learn from one another.

    Washington, DC

    Source(s): years of prayer, Bible study and life experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Angels are created beings, above intelligence of humans. Angels can die, particularly those whom are fallen, those being the 3rd that Satan took with him when he fell.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Can angels die?

    by Matt Slick

    Angels cannot die according to the Bible.

    Luke 20:36, "for neither can they die anymore, for they are like angels, and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection."

    We can see that angels do not die, at least not in the biological sense. Death can be understood as the cessation of breath, of heartbeat, and of movement. But it can also be described a separation from God. Isaiah 59:2, says that our sins have caused a separation between us and God. Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. Also, when we look back to Genesis 2:17, we see that God promised Adam that the day he ate of the fruit, he would die. When Adam ate that fruit, he did die--only not biologically. He died in the sense that he was separated from God. One of the manifestations of the separation from God occurred when Adam and Eve hid themselves from the presence of God. So, angels cannot die biologically. However, the fallen angels can, so to speak, "die" regarding undergoing the penalty of their sin by being separated from God when they are cast into the eternal fire (Matt. 25:41). Their "death" means they are still conscious and alive, but they cannot die in the sense that they cannot cease to exist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    psalm 82 talking to the gods (angels), God tells them they shall die as men

    Chris T

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    immortal. we don't die either...just our bodies do..

    31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone Him. 32 Jesus answered them, “Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of those works do you stone Me?”

    33 The Jews answered Him, saying, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself God.”

    34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, “You are gods”’?

    Jesus was defending himself for saying that HE IS GOD by saying that God the Father called men GODS when he said "ye are gods">

  • 1 decade ago

    Except The God everything has and end. Only God is eternal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They'll die, when the day of judgement looms.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no they do live forever....the good angels have no problems...

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