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I have had suspected swine flu since Wednesday now, since I came back from holiday.

I haven't been in contact with my daughter for fear of passing it onto her.

Now most of my symptoms are gone, but am still sneezing and bringing phlegm up when I'm coughing.

Is it recommended that I should stay away from her until ALL symptoms subside or is the fact that my fever has gone down now good enough to be able to come into contact with her again?



P.S: I didn't ask IF I had swine flu - I've been told by the doctor that it could be regular flu, or a virul infection and if things get worse they would give me tammy flu.

I know what a cold is (they never bother me) I can get out of bed with a cold, function normally and don't complain. I have felt like I have been dying for the past few days and was hallucinating as my temperature was so high. I couldn't walk for fear of collapsing with weakness and my whole body has been aching.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should try and avoid contact for 7 days.

    Source(s): Registered Nurse
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The typical symptoms are:

    a sudden fever (a high body temperature of 38°C/100.4°F or above), and

    a sudden cough.

    Other symptoms may include:




    aching muscles,

    limb or joint pain,

    diarrhoea or stomach upset,

    sore throat,

    runny nose,

    sneezing, or

    loss of appetite.

    do you have these symptoms if not you don't have swine flu if the answer is yes then As with any sort of flu, how bad the symptoms are and how long they last will vary depending on treatment and individual circumstances. Most cases reported in the UK to date have been relatively mild, with affected people starting to recover within a week.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    definite and will properly be uncovered formerly you commence showing warning signs so which you would be taking a danger...there's a family individuals in MI, the only and easily case of it, and a mom have been given it after traveling Texas. The husband and toddler are the two getting located on drugs as a preventative even however they have shown no signs and warning signs. I additionally does no longer get freaked out. it quite is the Flu nonetheless and maximum will recover from it so do no longer enable the media's hype freak you out like it quite is a few terrible deadly virus!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's 7 days from when the first symptoms appeared. Speak to the dr's surgery receptionists - they'll probably know or ring nhs direct/the swine flu hotline and ask them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    7 days

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the symptoms of swine flu are explained in this article:

    I dont think you need to "stay away from her" because like you said your symptons are mostly gone. But to be on the safe side, dont be "in contact" with your daughter.

    You need to now make sure you dont prolonge your flu, so first thing is cleaning, and secondly taking care of yourself. Of course second one is more important :P

    Cleaning: (this will help avoid other people in your household getting sick and reduce the time that you are sick!)

    Wipe down the following with anti-bacterial type wipes: Door knobs (esp bathrooms), drawer handles, your computer, the desk you work on, light switches, the handle of the kettle and the handle of the fridge.

    Other things (apart from cleaning) and more importantly:

    Make you stay warm - keep checking your body temperature.

    Buy something like lemsip (hot drink for cold and flu) or buy This is really good - have a quick read.

    Buy throat lozenges (honey and lemon ones). Make sure you keep blowing your nose so that you dont get a head cold (if you are feeling stuffy). Drink LOTS and LOTS of water.

    Try and make, then drink the following: Hot water, with squeezed lemon (1 teaspoon) with 1 tablespoon honey. Drink lots of this.

    Have LOTS of fruits - buy vitamin C tablets (you can also buy chewable ones). Or buy these tablets (or something similar to them): Its honestly really good.

    Drink lots of Echinecea tea (tastes nice too).

    If you do start to feel a bit sick, rest HEAPS - just sleep for a few hours. Make sure you nap everyday for 1 hour so that your body rests. Do this for 3 days. You really need to sleep more.

    These are just precautions that I recommend to least reduce the symptoms or decrease the duration of the flu.

    Oh andd, gargle warm water (mixed with salt) once a day.

    If your thoart starts hurting, try this: To help your throat specifically, I have a home-made formula that will REALLY HELP:

    1) Boil Sprite (lemonade) with pieces of ginger

    2) While boiling, half way through, add 1 teaspoon of squeezed lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey

    3) Remove the ginger (if you dont like it)


    Seriously, best cure for throats

    Source(s): My own experience - I always used to get the bloody cold and now I know exactly what to do!!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They usually say that you are still contagious until 3 days after all symptoms have subsided.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think this wasn't swine flu it can be a cold.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Never. I fear she will need to be adopted.

  • until you get better!

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