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Democrats and Liberals only please....?

At this very moment, millions are filtering into the streets in cities all over America to protest bigger, more intrusive, and more communistic government. These people are average, hard working Americans, who are sick and tired of watching politicians, both republican and especially democrats, urinating all over our constitution. WHY IS ONLY FOX NEWS covering this breaking NEWS????????????? Where are the other so called "news" networks????????


Sammy H. I just turned my channel to MSNBC, there's some crab garbage bio story about fat people. Tomorrow they'll feature prison inmates, murderers, and felons (the pride of your movement). No news as usual. You lie if you think this breaking news is not "burried" in some hidden internet link on MSNBC

22 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    GOOD question! Even Yahoo has zip, zero news about this huge event. And many people like to say how fox news is so terrible and liars. I say Fox news is the ONLY news station to watch if you want the truth, except, of course for local news.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, I learned about the protest on CNN, not Fox News.

    Second of all, how exactly are the democrats "urinating" on the Constitution? I mean, I listened to an interview with one of the protesters and it was mindnumbing. He just ranted about the decline of "freedom", but never bothered to explain how. What, is giving americans healthcare contrary to freedom? Is spending our tax dollars tyrrany? Do you just want it to sit in a bank, or do you want it to pay for defense, education, and healthcare?

    I really want to understand this. I am very moderate and dont consider myself a Democrat or Republican, they are both idiots. But I just dont really understand what conservatives are complaining about and I really want to. They just seem to make petty illusions of Nazi-ism and Communism, but rarely have I heard one really give a well thought out, well put rationale for the direction our country should go.

  • Em
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Just be grateful you protesters aren't being caged, jailed, tazed and shot with rubber bullets as protesters against Bush's policies were. You're ven permitted to go to town hall meetings, some of you packing guns! Do you seriously think that democrats would have been permitted to get near Bush with guns? They weren't allowed to get near him at any time for any reason. Enjoy your freedom to spew free of threats to your safety and liberty. Democrats didn't have that when your man ruled.

  • ash
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Thousands not millions

    MSM dd not cover antiwar protests either by the way, and Fox has been promoting this protest.

    Here's hoping your protest is as wildly successful as the anti war folks, now that we're out of Iraq and Afghanistan...oh, wait....

    Also realize that your supporters tell you millions, your local cops tell you a few hundred, the truth is nowhere near EITHER figure.

    Are you really this naive?

    EDIT Okay folks these demos are on NY times web site and I just heard about them on network radio. So what are these people griping about???? Maybe they only look at the teevee

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  • 1 decade ago

    its a toss up.. wait millions ? are u talking about the tea party march today? that's only like 50,000 the last time the Washington city officials estimated... and its funny because were splitting the country up on the same day we united as one eight years ago..

  • 1 decade ago

    I already told you, it's a few dozen fat republican blobs carrying poorly written ridiculous pamphlets no one can understand and who'll forget their cause the moment they spot the first hot dog stand, when they'll get so immersed in gulping hot dogs and getting even fatter that the whole deal will end. You don't notify news for that, just exterminators, like for all vermin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Typical liberalism on display here. Ignore all of the facts and then when the s hits the fan blame it on everybody else. When it happens don't blame it on Bush.

  • Deb M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yeah...veterans and old people who have their health care! I bet they are chanting...keep government out of my health care! Not too bright...

    As to Faux News...well why would anyone watch those clowns...all they do is lie and spin. Hannity has been exposed numerous times, as well as Beck..and O'Reilly! Huckabee surprise me with his lies...and he professes to be religious! All hypocrites! They just don't like Obama..poor babies!

  • 1 decade ago

    Awesome question. 'Couldn't agree more!!!

    (be sure to create your own drinking game with the lefties who reply to this question. they won't answer; they just divert to republicans that they villify. drink every time they mention those "evil goose-steppers" like George W. Bush, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Hannity or O'Reilly...)

    Source(s): "Government isn't the answer. Government is the PROBLEM." -Ronald Reagan.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My Democrat other half is going to vote against the Democrats next election thanks to opening her own eyes after viewing all the facts for herself! I am gravitating toward a 3rd party myself, she is always free to join me if she chooses.

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