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We have a good relationship but is there a good way that I can whoo my girlfriend and sweep her off her feet?

Me and my girlfriend have been together for 3 months or so, I just want a way to impress her because I feel like I haven't done much to really impress her at all....I am 17....

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Cut a hole in a box

  • 1 decade ago

    The best thing you can do to impress your girl is to be yourself, really you dont have to work that hard to get her attention. Work on your personality, make her laugh. If you want a special day with her you can prepare some food and take her to the park to eat like in a picnic, some good food choices are: strawberries with chocolate, fruits and sandwiches.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get her a card just because. Tell her you just wanted her to know how much you care for her or anything else you might want to add in. Get her flowers, or just a single rose...again just because. I know i would love for my boyfriend to do things like that.(He never does or course, so good for you for being so thoughtful!!) I know personally a card means more to me than a present would.With something personal written of course. It reminds us how much we are loved..or in your case you 2 have only been together 3 much you like her or care for her. You can describe the things you like about her, why she makes you happy. I bet it'll be a hit!! And definitely keep that type of attitude..wanting to impress her throughout the relationship. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Find out her favorite ice cream put it in a cooler with 2 spoons and find a nice secluded spot maybe by the lake/river in the evening. Bring 2 blankets one to lay on the ground and one to cover up with if it's cool out. Then drive out to that spot about an hour before hand and spray paint her first name + your first name and paint a heart around it... Drive out there with her don't tell her where you're going...Then sit right beside it and say you saved a spot for her (even though no one's around). Then lay down the blanket and get cozy...make out and eat some ice cream while watching the sun go down. If you have favorite songs you can put it on a cd and play it in the car in the background...just tell her that you wanted to make her smile...and I know you will. Good luck and you're so sweet for wanting to do something for her :)

    Source(s): What I would like....from a college girl's point of view
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  • 1 decade ago

    Hug her then pull back a little and look her into the eyes, tell her you love her and that she is the most beautiful girl you've ever seen in your whole entire life and give her a promise ring, implying that you'll never cheat on her as long as you're together. If my boyfriend did that, I would be so swept of my feet, that I'd probably faint.

  • Miss X
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Aww... you're so sweet!

    Buy her flowers at random times, not just for special occasions. I cannot stress this enough!

    Do little things like leave notes in her pockets for her to find later, help her with her homework, fix things for her, cook dinner for her, write her a love letter (or just a sweet like letter if you're not there yet), defend her if someone picks on her or tries to wear her down, support her no matter what. Also, just spend time with her doing simple things like laying in the grass, just talking and listening is always impressive.

    These are all really simple things, but they are easy to overlook. Good luck, I hope you impress her! It's really sweet of you to even think of asking something like this, so she is already lucky to have you. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Do something that you know would interest her. What is impressive is knowing what her passion are and showing her support. If she like making things, buy her stuff to go with her collection, or if she collect add another to it.

    If you want to do something really sweet, make something and have a picnic at the park. Be sure to have her favorite drink or desserts.

  • 1 decade ago

    how about cook he a romantic dinner and say nice things like: you look beautiful tonight. or yeah a romantic dinner and then bring her in a room, isolated, that has a bed and sleep with her.

    Source(s): idk
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Unchain her for 10 minutes a day.

  • 1 decade ago

    kiss her and hold her whenever possibel... make sure and tell her how much u love her

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