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Evil in the world proves that god does not exist ?

If god exist,,,,, why is there evil in the world??

i really dont get it

ps. don't get me wrong,,i'm not saying that god does not exist

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know, Zactissue, I once asked that very same question and became an atheist for the longest time because it took me years to realize that the evil in the world doesn't prove there is no god. It only proves that the concept of an all good God is incorrect.

    But try as I did to justify the nonexistence of God I eventually could not ignore the truth of a greater intelligence any longer. If you continue to search as I did yout oo will find that there IS intelligence behind the design.

    Its just that our true purpose here isn't to enjoy happiness and good stuff or lives without pain. Its time for you to chuck the popular concept that god is some cosmic butler whose purpose is to make us happy. Nope, that is the misnomer.

    We're here for God's purpose. And that purpose is to balance out the universe so the universe can spiral on throughout eternity. You see, our true purpose in existing, for all life forms existing, for all atoms existing, is to balance out the imbalances. Still the wobbles of imbalance when the neutrons, protons and electrons get out of wack.

    We can make only the choices we are designed to make. Injustice and cruelty, death and all that are not proof God does not exist. It only proves that the concept of God being all good is incorrect.

    Good and evil are merely the balanced positive and negatives. They must continually rebalance so the universe can twirl onwards properly.

    That yin yang symbol, popular on surf boards because it represents balance, demonstrates that there is no cut and dry black and white or good and bad. In all that is good there is some evil within it. And, for all that is bad there is some good in it. Without exception.

    Thought creates and we can create, being created in God's image through thought.God's though created the unlimited parallel universes and the illusion of time and matter through gravity and electromagnetism.

    Cruelty is part of life because life can not exist without it except in fantasy. You may say it is cruel to kill but to eat one must kill either animals or plants. Even if one is a fruitarian you will need to eat the seeds for protein to survive but eating a seed is killing a future plant.

    suppose you decided not to kill. Well, your cells wouldn't listen to you mind. tlhey would just go ahead and kill as many invading viruses as possible to save you from from them. There's no stopping the killing and if you decided to kill yourself to stop the killing, well, you'd be killing yourself and thats still killing. You can't change the way God designed the universe.

    Get over that concept of a God that is good. God is both good and bad and there is no definite line between the two. Its all shades of gray. Gray and balance between good and evil, kind and cruel, girl and boy, life and death, pain and pleasure... opposites balancing is what makes the universe go around.

    Einstein was right.

    There is a God and God does not play dice with the universe. Though gravity geometry and electricity God creates the illusions we perceive and judge to be, so that we may say:I THINK THEREFORE I AM .

    God of the Bible even calls Itself 'I am that that I am." I am exists and you and I re but manifestations of God's great imaginative thought.

    If this sounds surreal, that is because it is.

    If you decide to deny God's existence due to the cruelty in the world, then one day, after you've studies physics and other sciences, you will need to alter that belief because you will find that there is no other solution to the question but that there is most definitely an intelligent designer.

    Chance and co-incidence are not remotely possible explanations for how our DNA can jump switches or how the universe unfolds so perfectly imperfectly.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Where do you think Satan resides? What's hid job? It's not to create evil, but rather to drip feed the idea of into society... like a carrot being dangled on a stick, unfortunately, humanity is hungry, and eat it right up every time. This is actually an easy question to answer. What is the opposite of evil? Love... In Hebrew vowels interchange with the same intended meaning, so if we reverse love you have evol, simply change the o to an i and have evil. But that only shows it's context being the opposite of love. What is it really? Evil is fear. That's it. So much fear is drip fed into society, it's hard to believe that most fail to recognize it happening. It'd be interesting to know how many atheists only get their news from mainstream media. Of course during Thomas Jefferson's life, the newspaper was the main vehicle for mainstream media, but he said this, "Those who have never read anything have more knowledge than those who only read the newspaper." He also said, "Because of the increased oppression (which is demonic), we must be aware of the changes in energy around us, no matter how slight." So, even founding fathers, as he was, recognized the influence of evil being dripped into society. Another example. At the beginning of Columbia pictures, we've all seen the lady on the pyramid.... It's said even a few hundred years ago, if a peasant saw that image, they would have turned around and run to their master in fear of its meaning. So, it does exist, and stating it does not is based on ignorance and not truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    The differnce between Good and Evil is the difference between the True nature and the acquired nature. True Nature of God is Devine. The True nature human beings is humane, which has a scope to achieve devinity. Human beings have two parts, the physical and the spiritual or metaphysical. The physical part is the body which is visible. The spiritual part of human beng and the God are made of the same substance and interconnected as one single energy trapped in the individual compartments called body. God is devoid of the impurities while the human spirit consists of impurities that it cannot instantly join back to the god. Only purified spirit can join God.The impurities in the human spirit which motivates the human being to do harmful things is called evil. It is not only in human beings, it is with all living things. By Karma or virtuous actions these impurities are purifiable enabling the human spirit to join the cosmic spirit called god. Scientifically speaking these spirits can be called as Gross element. I call it Eshwar or Ether. This substance has the power to think, it has intelligence, it has memory, it can create emotions and the like. Same prperties or qualities are with the cosmic spirit too minus the impurities. The impurites have been banished by the cosmic spirit to earth alongwith the human and other creatures differentiation with a choice or free will to decide upon which way to take. To remain eternally within this earth or purify the spirit or the impurities which is called Satan and go back and join the God. Such joining back by virtuous Karma (actions) is possible and is called Moksha or Salvation or redemption or liberation from chain of birth and death or Nirvana, or Kaivalya or Sayujya. God therefore do not interfere with the earth or its inhabitants. This realisation that the God and the life givng force or spirit inside us is one and the same thing is called self realisation. To know that what is inside me as the life is the same stuff inside another human being as life is the knowledge that God is within every one. So God is working through each and every person. Therefore, you do not normally see a God suddenly coming from no where as you wish and do good things and go up into the sky. That is wishful thinking. God exists in everyone and actions of each of us is the action of god. Once we realise that a part of the same material is all of us, we cannot do harm to others, because harming others bcomes harming oneself, since that individual is also made of the same substance as you are. This would make one love the other the same way as one love oneself. That is unconditional love. I think I cannot make it more simpler than this. The same question was asked by billions and billions and when someone explains it from his wisdom and enlightenment, people usually forget that each of us are made from God and start admiring and praising and following that one person who explains. That is the start of a religion, because what such an enlightened persons says are ultimate truth, which has no second, and therefore they are codified and made into books like the holibooks to be passed on to generations. Those who do not understand that book in the spirit in which it was written, would criticise it and that is the kind of criticism we always see in modern age as lack of property spiritual education which needs a discipline is lacking in the present system of imparting knowledge.

  • 1 decade ago

    God exists, but so does evil. Evil exists because Satan exists.

    There is free will, so that is why people reach out to Satan. He offers no promises, no comfort, no mercy and no salvation. It is a wonder why some people reach out to him.????

    Make no mistake that God exists. The first step is to open your heart and your mind.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Without both good and evil in the world, we don't have anything to choose from. If God would have created a world where only good existed then we would all be robots. God wanted what we all want out of life...Someone who chooses to love you. Our relationships wouldn't be very fullfilling if people had to love us. but for people to be able to choose to love us they have to be able to choose to hate us as well

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, evil in the world proves there is evil in the world.

    The complete lack of evidence of any kind to support claims of "gods" is what proves "gods" don't exist.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Evil isn't proof god does not exist. All the logic out there is proof that god does not exist. (beyond a reasonable doubt)

  • 1 decade ago

    evil exists, because the some angels who were given a choice to serve god, and be good, or not serve god, and be bad, chose to be evil. and then adam ate of the forbidden fruit. blame those two, satan and adam, not god.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would like to suggest you go to church and learn about God, the Bible, and why things are the way they are. Call before you go, anytime during the week. Make sure the church only teaches from the Bible, nothing else. (No Mormon (Latter Day Saints) church, or Jehovah Witness church)

    You'll be surprised what you can learn in church. Give it a try. I learned a lot.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We are going through a little 'phase ' right now (the flesh) I think that God is tryign to teach us something about righteousness by exposing us to the other, before He turns us loose into reality as much more powerful beings than we now realize we are

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