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Atheists, why do you hold Christians up to High Standards?

Why do atheists demand such high "moral codes" of Christians. They are asking Christians to become PERFECT, IMMEDIATELY!

Do atheists not know that God works with individuals throughout their lifetime? "He is the potter, we are the clay", stuff like that. Jesus, in the NT, even says (paraphrased), "God's work with you is never done." Eternal life (of the spirit) is offered. God has a plan for those who respond to the Call, and that plan involves daily growth.

So, do atheists realize that just because one day, somebody comes to belief, that the particular person may have also encountered a major struggle. Spiritual Warfare! ...then you have some ATHEIST come by kicking you in the shins about walking a tight-rope!!! *sips coffee*

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't look at me, I just point out the hypocrisies. I'm not the one going "all sins are equal but some are more equal than others, like homosexuality".

    Where is the movement to make both adultery and divorce illegal?

  • 1 decade ago

    Being a Christian I am going to ask you not to just point a finger at Atheist. We do it to our own crowd too unfortunately. True Christianity seems to be struggling greatly right now. I think people who want to taint our reputation as a belief are always going to hold us to perfection just so they can see us fall. It has always been like that. I mean Jesus himself was held to these standards by opposing religious leaders of his time. We are promised as Christians in the Bible that the world will hate us and not understand what we pursue. So in all actuality being held to such high and unrealistic standards is just an answer to a Biblical prophecy. Just try to remember regardless of whatever an Atheist or whoever is doing this, you still need to LOVE and PRAY for them. There is no use getting mad at them, they are already going to Hell! Try to get them to see the truth that lies in Jesus instead of the illogical way of their thinking process.

    On the flip side, a lot of the Atheist have already made good points on your wall. Let me define true Christianity, not as the government or the world defines it, but as the Bible does. It is to believe that man is a fallen race, sinners (thus imperfect in every way, doomed for hell, and Jesus was virgin born, sent by God his father, to redeem his most precious and loved creation, through a bloody and pure death, and to rise again on the third day. We believe to get into heaven you must only ask and believe that Jesus will save you. So those Catholic priest that were raping those kids, probably not Christians.

    Now to you personally, let me say this look up James chapter one verse twenty six. Read the whole chapter actually. Keep it in mind before you post again.

    God bless and please understand I am not picking on you, I just want to reach people for Jesus and when you post angry post like this it may prevent me from doing so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well not just Atheist, I have a problem with just about all that are not Christians. They see me make a joke or one little mistake they start condemning me saying that I should talk like that or do that because I am a Christian and well they may be right but who are they to set the rules for me?

    God is my judge not them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Weird Question. I am an atheist and I do NOT expect perfection from Christians. Perfection in humanity does not exist, for a number of reasons: first and one can even define human perfection...its completely subjective. What I do expect from Christians, however, is to grant me the same rights to my beliefs that I grant you....without judgment.

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  • 1 decade ago

    By high standards, you mean priests molesting children, adultery and embezzlement among the Christian Conservative Republicans... or how about high rates of murder, incarceration, teenage pregnancy, and poverty and low rates of education among nations that have a high percentage of Christianity???

    Sorry, which high standard were you talking about?

    P.s. Yes, we do expect them to have a higher moral code then ourselves, since "Christianity is the better moral compass..."

  • cozyuk
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You do know that ranting is against the rules, don't you?

    I expect the same moral standards of believers as I do of myself.

    You Christian's put yourselves up there, not Atheists.

    Source(s): Open minded Atheist.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't hold Christians to any sort of standard. And do you know what a Strawman Argument is?

  • 1 decade ago

    I only hold Christians up to the standards they set for themselves. When one holds a "Do as I say and not as I do" mentality then that person is a hypocrite. Am I wrong in pointing that out?

    Plus it's not really that hard to avoid committing many of these sins. You know the ones like lying, murder, adultery...

    Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your telling me your omnipotent god cannot finish his work load, i suspect a paradox lies in that. I assume that the common atheist has high demands of another person's morality as that is what they expect of themselves. When you don't have a book to blame then all responsibility lies within yourself

  • 1 decade ago

    If Christians expect everyone else to live according to their religious beliefs, then they should be held to the same standard

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