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San B
Lv 5
San B asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

The NCAA fighting the Fighting Sioux?

After nearly ten years of legal wrangling spear-headed by the NCAA, 79 years of tradition may soon be coming to an end. The University of North Dakota's school teams, most notably the hockey team, who have been known as the Fighting Sioux for nearly eight decades, may be forced to change their name and traditional logo as soon as October 1st.

"The NCAA in 2005 listed 18 schools with American Indian mascots and images that it considered "hostile and abusive," and banned them from postseason play pending name changes."

The long-story-short version, through a settlement made by the state of North Dakota, the University has until Oct 1 to garner the support of the state's two Sioux tribes before the Board of Education demands the school drops the nickname, to be completed by April 1, 2010.

As of last week, one tribe has agreed to the school keeping the name, the other has voted against it.

My questions to you, good folks of the hockey section, are:

1. Do you think the U of ND should back away from their tradition and heritage and relent?

2. What future ramifications do you see for professional sports teams that sport either a Native American moniker or logo such as the Chicago Blackhawks?

10 Answers

  • you
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i'm going to keep this simple, and refrain from giving into my temptations to make this a legalistic, detailed answer. (so much for that idea, eh? see below rant)

    bottom line:

    1) NO!

    2) enough that it is significant. this is blown way out of proportion.

    why now?

    doesn't this team name HONOR them for the positive characteristics, that the University wants their hockey team to emulate? (i.e. fierceness, brotherhood, tradition, etc.) this is a compliment. what's next? animal rights groups saying that the "Bears" or "Tigers" can't be a name, because it makes the animal feel bad? what about the "Avalanche"? come on. let it be. don't read into it. it's a compliment.

    no offense whatsoever to any Native Americans, for whom i have the utmost respect

    Mr. Taco, you make good points, as usual. but "Redskin" is only a slur to those who make it that way. i hear what you're saying, and don't necessarily disagree. you're right, we DO have to consider that. but isn't "black" a racial slur. why do we even call people by their "color". "black" and "white" isn't even correct. i hate to open this can of worms, but i was going to use the Redskins as an example also. i agree, that for the sake of peace, maybe there is a better name (for the Redskins), but there will always be someone who disagrees w/ the name.

    i don't think the name was choses to imply something derogatory. why defame your own team w/ a negative name? some years from now, someone could say that the "Patriots" are aligning themselves w/ guerrila warfare (as if there are "rules" in war, and as if guerilla warfare is "bad") in the Revolutionary War. you have to look at the intent of the original namer. no one names their team in a way that paints them (or their moniker) negatively. period.

    Joe, i don't disagree. i'm not saying that Redskins is the BEST name. not at all. but I'm called "white", and i'm not literally white. but it's accepted. "black" people are called "black", but ... etc. i know this is a can of worms; i think there is a better name than Redskins. btw, Skins is a weird name. btw, i don't see the big deal in having "devil" before "ray". Cleveland Indians. all i'm saying is "where does it stop?" if you take this far enough, we'll no longer be able to name teams ANYTHING (like animals or people) because critics will only focus on the negative history. for instance, a family member of a victim of a bear attack could ask for more sensitivity to using "bears" as a name. and on and on. all right, i'm done. good points, both of you. thanks for your patience.

    add - ok, one more thing: as the university's lawyer, i'd harp on the following point: how can it be "hostile and abusive" for only the last 10 years, when it wasn't the previous 69? what has changed? answer: perception, sensitivity, and excessive obsession w/ freedom. this is a university who understands its state, its heritage and WHO was there first, and the U is honoring them. anyone who thinks otherwise is being close minded... as IF the U is making fun of them for pushing them off the land. would calling them the "Custer(s)" be a better name? yes, i understand that i'm mixing up tribes. i think calling them the pioneers or cowboys or The Cavalry, or the Carpetbaggers, (or heck, even the name Sooners is not the cleanest) is more of a smack in the face. come on. btw, i can't stand the NCAA. they better do mass correction then. we should see the following schools undergoing similar forced changes: Central Michigan Chippewas, Utah Utes, San Diego State Aztecs, Alcorn State Braves, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    I go to Florida State University, and we have the same problem. What makes the difference for us is that we have the support of the local Seminole tribe. In my opinion, if you have the support of the tribe, the NCAA should get off its high horse and let it go. If not, then they have a legitimate point. Your 80 years of tradition is not more important than the traditions and feelings of the Native Americans themselves who were "Fighting Sioux" long before there was a university in North Dakota. So if the local tribes support you, then I wish you the best of luck against the evil NCAA that doesn't know when to mind its own business!

    Regarding professional teams, they are private businesses. Right or wrong, they can call their teams whatever they want to. So long as they have the support of their fans, their team names won't change. For the Blackhawks, I think that is wonderful. For the Washington Redskins, whose name is an obvious racial slur, I think it is shameful.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ok...i looked up this issue on the Washington Post. Question...why the fighting Sioux? the Sioux are a living people, whose land and birthright was stolen from them, and then you want to turn around and name your college sports teams after them? It's just nuts. Why not the fighting North Dakota Fighting Squirls or Beavers...why this tribe of people? Why add insult to injury in this fashion. It's cold, callous, and makes no sense. I'd be insulted if your school's football team were called the Fighting Yoruba or the Fighting's just racist and rude...drop the name already, out of respect.

  • 1 decade ago

    Short answer- NO. I see no reason to change, in my opinion it is not offensive. I am not a native american although technically I do have native bloodlines my great grandmother was 1/2 native I believe. I guess any name will be offensive to some. IMO the name honors the Sioux, they were renowned fighters when one had to fight to survive.

    Maybe they should change it to the Wallowing Wimps since that's what they are if they cave in. It is a NCAA edit- not something started by the native tribes affected.

    Like Joe, Redskins does bother me a bit because it has been used in the past as a derogatory term. It might be a good idea to change it to something like "skins" before it becomes an issue.

    2) at some point someone could/will be offended by almost all team names or nicknames.

    Political correctness is fine but lets not take it to extremes. I do have irish blood too but the "Fighting Irish" does not offend me, I think it is something to take pride in. Now if we called them the "Drunk and Fighting Irish"

    Edit- Homes beat me to the fighting Irish,

    Homes, as do drunken Irishmen/women - to be PC

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mr Taco has a very good answer.The NCAA are the biggest whores in all of sports...Everything has to be sponsored by the NCAA or else expect a huge fine..No water bottles unless you pay the NCAA millions of dollars(Nike and their swoosh).

    Anyway-I am not an American Indian so I can't comment if the indian nicknames bother me but I am Irish,I have NO PROBLEMS with Notre Dame and the Fighting Irish.I really see problems with the name "Redskins"..It isn't "fighting" or a "Seminole" but the term Redskin is actually very racist towards American Indians..

    1.Only if they get the backing of the American Indians,then they should back away.

    2.I've only seen a few professional teams change their name or logo..The Washington Wizards were the Bullets and I don't see the "drunken Chief Wahoo" during Indians games i think the Hawks are safe.

    Source(s): "You"-I guess the "Jersey Jews" of the NBA would be offensive if you looked at it differently too and that isn't even a slur.Redskins are a terrible name.people don't even call them the Redskins anymore..Just shorten it to the Skins..Like the Rays in baseball who were the Devil Rays. EDIT-"You"-I TOTALLY see where you're coming from,families of people who have been struck by lightning don't like TB or San Diego...The only name in sports I had a problem with was the Skins but I'm not losing sleep over it.You hear it all the time with comedians,don't make fun of fat people,race or religion cause it offends someone.Don Rickles is rolling in his grave and he isn't even dead yet.
  • 1.) I honestly don't see what the big deal is about including Native American tribes in the name for your school mascot. Are there Sioux in America? Yes. Did they ever fight against other people? You better believe it. It's just an American tradition; a slightly odd one, but a tradtion nonetheless. In my opinion, the other tribe voted against it just to be contrary. Let them be the Fighting Sioux, for God's sake.

    2.) I think that all hell would break loose if the Blackhawks were asked to change their name. I don't see any tribe trying to fight this name and other ones like it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. No way... Most of north dakota and south dakota are souix reservations... There is nothing derogitory about their logo.. The whole lets at be politicly correct and foam coat the world stuff is just out of control... If there was a team called the greesy Italians and had a little butter ball of a man holding a hockey puck like a pizza with a big stash and a chefs hat i would not be in the least bit offended...

    2. Sadly im sure one day its going to be the Philli "friendlys" vs the Dallas "dang it cant we both wins" FTW

  • 1 decade ago


    Ya know there is an easy button for this. Everyone does what Univ of Alaska Anchorage does, use a none existent creator, the Sea-Wolf. Of course UAF makes up for it with the Nanooks. I guess in the end I am trying to say that its all a yawn. I find it offensive that a cute and cuddly flightless bird is the mascot of a hockey team. What a disgrace to the players that have to have that on their chest. 'Oh, and don't forget a NHL team is named after a sexual act and no one says anything.

    If the Blackhawks must change their name, I am leading the charge for all teams to go PC, no more bruising flightless birds, no more sex acts, no more groups of any people. That means you Oilers, Kings, Predators, and Canuck. I find gov't offensive so say bye bye Sens, and Caps. I think everyone can see where this is going.

    Thank You

    ps So today is "you's" turn to write the book for an answer. Wooo yesterday wore my fingers out.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. absolutly not i do not think they should change fighting sioux. i like the name and cant see any racism anywhere. it really makes the sioux tribe sound like great and honarable warriors i found it hard to believe the one tribe was against it, but they might be lookin for a payoff. really the name is honoring north dakotas native history, sounds like a honor to me. i do however think they should change the nd logo i mean cmon they stole that straight from notre dame wich is not cool because notre dame is not cool.

    2. i dont think any professional sports are ever changing there name and they got the big time lawyers and the dolla-dolla bills to prove it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am totally offended by Notre Dame....calling themselves the "Fighting Irish"...being an Irish lass. How about the "Smoking Frenchmen"? or the "Butter-mouthed British". lol......people are so silly. If I were Indian....I would think it is so awesome that some school or team thinks my tribe is so kick butt that they want my tribe to be their mascot.

    P.S......I am going to put that in my Peace pipe and smoke it.

    Edit: Cdn24.....great minds think alike.

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