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Who is the most evil man of all time?

Give the reason for why they are so evil.(NO smart @$$ answers)

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Josef Stalin, he wasn't racist, he killed everyone, including millions of his own people, he was responsible for many more deaths than Hitler.

  • 1 decade ago

    Andrew Jackson- The Trail of Tears

    Quote: Justice Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.

    General George Custer- took advantage of Native American women who were prisoners and made them his "evening entertainment" for himself and his "men" ( I use this term loosely)

    Col.John Chivington- priest who orchestrated the Sand Creek Massacre

    Quote # 1:D__n any man who is in sympathy with an Indian.

    Quote #2: Kill and scalp all. Nits make lice.

    anybody who committed atrocious acts of humanity against anyone because of their skin color, religion, way of living, etc.

    anyone who allowed the atrocities to go on and did not take a stand

    The Klu Klux Klan- terrorized African American communities

    The Lynch Mob who dragged black men from their homes and tortured them

    Adolf Hitler- extremely hateful and cruel. He described the Aryans as the creative product and that he alone is the founder of the highest type of humanity. He also bashed the Jews, saying they make a mockery of natural sensibilities and destroys every concept of beauty and nobility.

  • 1 decade ago

    By History professurors it is stated that Adof Hitler was one the most evil people to ever live. Though many other people of that time (1930-1950) were also very. "bad" -"evil"


    -adof Hitler ( German party leader of the Nazi's, goal to exterimet all jews)

    -Leopold II of Belgium

    -Idi Amin Dada

    -Ruhollah Khomeini

    -Osam Bin-Ladin (funny dude lolish, but a murder)

    -Maximilien Robespierre

    -Attila The Hun

    -Emperor Hirohito of Japan (rapist-ish)

    -Josef Stalin (BIG ONE- Russian revolution)

    -Ivan IV of Russia

    -Vlad Ţepeş

    -Pol Pot

    Source(s): (and my knowledge in alittle bit of History ( History Favourite Subject)
  • 1 decade ago

    Adolf Hitler- He was arguably the most racist person of his time. He murdered the Jews, and tried to create a "perfect race".

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  • 1 decade ago

    who can say..for me it's not the hitler's, stalin's , vlad's the native american killers like jackson etc. it's the reasonable, good decent people

    who stood by, knew better, and still said and did nothing.

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