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Lv 5
MML asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago


My three cats have had fleas since September. We kept my daughter's cat for her back in July when she was moving and her cat had fleas and brought them into our house. My cats are strictly indoor, so you can imagine my frustration at finding out I had fleas!

Anyway, I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can because I combed my cat tonight and still got five fleas off him. For the last 6 weeks, we have bathed them twice, used Capstar twice and recently started using Frontline Plus. I've given them only 1 treatment of the Frontline and plan on doing the Capstar once a week for the next few weeks. We've been vacuuming at least every other 3 days. We sprinkled Borax on the carpet and vacuumed it and have vacuumed all of the furniture. In order to keep the fleas from moving to other parts of the house, I have kept my oldest cat in the kitchen for the last few weeks and the other two cats have been in the basement. And before you think "oh my gosh - the basement, how horrible", I need to emphasize that I have a completely finished basement that is 1450 square feet and they have run of it. We had to recently tear out the carpet, however, because it was old anyway and the basement got infested with the fleas before we realized that we had them so badly (that's where my daughter's cat stayed when we were keeping her). So, although there's no carpet down here, we have a ton of rugs that we keep vacuumed and also vacuum the rest of the basement every 3-4 days. But, all of the cats still have fleas!

I just want to make sure I'm doing everything possible. I'm frustrated that we've been doing this for six weeks and we're still having a problem. I will say that the fleas seem more under control in our main living area and we are now tackling the basement area more aggressively, so I'm hoping that will help soon as well.

So, to summarize - we'll be using Frontline Plus once a month; Capstar weekly; flea combing them often; and vacuuming every 3 or so days. Is that all we need to do and just be patient, or do I just hang it up and get Orkin to come in and spray? If you have suggestions on what else we can be doing, I'd appreciate it.


Thank you for the answers so far. I meant to say that we do cut up a flea collar and put it in the vacuum bag and if the bag isn't full after vacuuming, we put the bag in the freezer and leave it overnight, which kills the fleas/eggs. We did leave the Borax on the carpet for a few days, and I also read on a vet website that it's ok to do the Frontline and the Capstar at the same time. In fact, it suggested to do the Capstar twice weekly, but we are only doing it once weekly.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I unfortunately have had this problem the worst ever, this year. I live in San Diego the heart and soul of flea country! It doesn't get cold enough to put them into hibernation or death.

    First I stopped people from coming across the grass to come into my home. You can only come in via the side walk no ifs ands or buts about it!

    Stupid move: A neighbor was tossing a gorgeous wool carpet I grabbed it, unbeknownst to me it was infested with fleas! I should have known better! I infested my house so bad three of my 5 cats nearly died and my daughter was chewed on terribly, and was living on Benadryl and hydro-cortisone. Coincidently she and all three black cats are allergic to fleas. I am generally all for a green environment but this was an all out war! We bombed the house with Raid flea bombs. Day before the Raid bombs we treated with Revolution(works within 24 hrs)! The cats needed to be out for three hours, we had them in cages on the patio, they didn't like it too much. You do what you have to do. We vacuumed before letting them re-enter our home.

    With the fleas came tapeworm.We usually use frontline but they were becoming immune, a friend told me of Revolution for cats, which kills fleas, eggs, intestinal parasites and ear mites! I was willing to try it. We love that stuff, as do the cats, well they aren't fond of the wet on their necks but it goes in rapidly, you don't have to avoid their necks for 24 hrs like the other brands! The fleas were just falling off! We cheered for the cats, well us too! :))

    Flea Free (a green product)was added to their water. It has 200 vitamins, minerals,enzymes and amino acids. Their coats have improved sheen and softness.

    Do you toss your vacuum cleaner bag after vacuuming? You should. Another idea is to place those dreaded poisonous flea collars in the vacuum bag to kill any of the buggers that you may vacuum up. They are only a dollar at the dollar store!

    We also have & use many brushes and combs but those fleas sure don't like water and a flea comb. We take one cat at a time into the bathroom lay them on the counter and groom them with the metal flea comb. HINT: Place an inch of water in the sink Before you bring the cat in, or the cat may get scared when the water goes on. Groom with the Flea comb, remove the fur into the water from the comb. Make sure the fleas don't try to get life support by climbing onto the fur that comes off of the comb. Yep just push them under. Fleas drown! After grooming be sure all those little fleas are drowned in the sink. When you are finished scoop the fur up with the flea comb and place the fur and dead fleas in a plastic bag tie it up and throw it out. Drain the sink! :) Oh yeah, you can dance now!

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you talked to your vet about all this? I'm surprised the cats aren't ill. I would never treat a cat with more than one product.

    Drop Capstar. It only kills the fleas on the cat at the time and Frontline is going to take care of that already. And no more baths, flea shampoo is poison like Capstar and Frontline, it's not a good idea to combine them. I certainly wouldn't call Orkin for more poison at this point.

    Capstar and baths aren't really what you want in this situation because they work for such a short time frame and there are fleas all over, not just on the cats. Frontline will work but it does take time. As each flea bites the cats the fleas will die. You can spread some food grade Diatomaceous Earth around: (link is just for general information, I haven't ordered it from that site). But don't use any other poisons either on or around your cats until you've checked with your vet.

    Vacuuming is great (just don't immediately if you use the DE) and it's also good to wash anything the cats sleep on.

    edit - that's great that it's safe to Capstar and Frontline together but what's the point? Frontline will kill the fleas anyway. And that doesn't include the baths. If you're using flea shampoo that is another poison. I don't mean to sound snappy, I just try to avoid using anything and when there are fleas I use the minimum. Capstar and Frontline are much, much safer than the cheap junk but there's still some risk. I suppose it's personal preference, but I go with things like DE and nematodes (for the yard) whenever possible.

    I hope you encourage your daughter to be more careful about fleas, it sounds like her cat must had been carrying a lot of them. That can be really rough on the cat.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really think the capstar and the frontline is overkill. if you think the frontline isnisn'trking you can try advantage or revolution. The capstar kills the fleas that are on the kitty at the time you apply it but there shouldn't be any on them if you are using the topicals properly. This doesn't mean that they are not still in the carpet or bedding. The capstar will not work for that either. I'm not downing the product it's amazing. But it may not be right for your situation.

    #1 make sure you do not apply the topicals within 3 days before or after a bath this is very important as the soap effects the oils in the skin and that is how it is distributed.

    #2 make sure you get as much of it as you can on the skin. any that is on fur will just evaporate and be useless.

    #3 make sure you apply it high enough so the cat cannot twist its head and lick it off you'd be surpised how high this is. otherwise try using a cone or distracting them for at least an hour.

    #4 make sure no one pets the spot you applied the product until it's perfectly dried. this will just wipe it off and onto you.

    The borax is great.But it takes time to work. It scratches the shell then dehydrates them. So you would have to leave it on your carpet for a few days. You may want to try a flea powder with a pyrethrin or growth inhibitor in it. Like Adams. Also make sure you vaccuum at least once a day if not more and EMPTY the bag or canister after every single use or they will just jump right out.

    Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You don't need Capstar tablets now you've started using Frontline.

    I think a bit of smart detective work is required - and a can of really good flea spray. Your cats are picking up fresh new fleas from somewhere in your home - this suggests that there is a part of your home where you haven't broken the fleas' life cycle and they are continuing to thrive. I recommend you continue your Borax and vacuuming regime and add a little chemical warfare in warm spots (under radiators, cat beds, soft furnishings etc) and around doorways and other marking spots. I use this spray which kills fleas and larvae for 12 months.

    Make sure you empty the vacuum cleaner after each session outdoors, and spray the inside of the vacuum with the Indorex too.

    Good luck.

    PS if you want to know where the fleas are concentrated in your house, put on a pair of knee length white socks and stand in each part of your house for thirty seconds or so - a hungry flea can't resist jumping aboard and you'll see them hop onto your white socks easily - then spray that area with your Indorex.

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  • 1 decade ago

    your doing great .. don't over do it!!! lol You will see fleas for a little while because the flea has to bite the animal for the flea to be poisoned, and die.. once you use Capstar the live fleas on the cats fall off and die, then the front line will keep them off,.. after your cat finish sweeping up all the live fleas from the house carpet and furniture, You are loving and patient people obviously, because I know all to well, the hell, you are going through!!! and It is very trying.. But it will pay off . put moth-balls in the vacuum, that kills the fleas and eggs or they jump back out if they can.

    Source(s): past experience!!
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    you preserve at it until they're long gone. Fleas are very difficult to get rid of it takes many months of treatments simply by fact the fleas in simple terms shop hatching out. Spays are greater beneficial than bombs becasue you are able to aim difficult to get aspects under furnishings and cushions. be certain which you do are utilising a sprig specific for fleas and not basically some seize all malicious program spray. Use Frontline Plus or benefit on all your pets each and each month to sidestep this from happening back. Frontline and benefit artwork great yet they in simple terms kill the fleas that bite your puppy so as that they artwork lots greater beneficial at struggling with a flea concern from getting began than fixing an entire infestation. stay faraway from organic and organic crap and homestead remidies. further: i might in simple terms upload that as somebody else point out here Frontline Plus is a preventive scientific care and not a repellant. it won't clean up an infestation concern. It does not forestall fleas from leaping on your puppy or biting them. it is going to sidestep the fleas from organising a house on your puppy and multiplying into an entire infestation of your puppy, homestead, and backyard. I extremely have used it for some years on all my pets and not at all had a flea concern. we live interior the south the place fleas may be a substantial concern. i might stongly advise which you nonetheless use Frontline Plus. it could no longer clean up your present day concern regardless of if it is going to help the placement and it will forestall destiny infestation from getting began.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are over medicating your cats, and over washing them. You only need to wash them twice in a year, if that. Just use the frontline, and drop the other stuff.

  • Sam
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We kill fleas with baking soda & table salt.

    The baking soda clogs their gills & smothers the little monsters, it also dries out the eggs. They are attracted to the salt.

    It's messy but way better than coating my house in poisons.

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