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Who here thinks that sad faces on a childs school work is discouraging?

My son is in kindergarten and he brought home a paper and it had a sad face on it. He was upset about it but not as upset as I was. Especially when the teacher NEVER sends home his completed work with smiley faces. Never rewarded with a smiley face but she sure lets him know with a sad face that he did a not so perfect job Who here is in the same boat?


Thank you all for your input. I am calling the school this afternoon to schedule a meeting with the teacher. Not only about the sad face deal but also about the many pages of homework she sends home every night. Hes in kindergarten gods sake. My other 3 children never had homework in kindergarten. GEEZZZ!!!

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not only is it discouraging, its simply not acceptable. If I were in your shoes, I would pay her a visit. Of all people, she should know better. At that age, a child's heart is very vulnerable. I strongly encourage you to pursue this matter. If not she will continue to do it and not just your child. Our children are the future, they need encouragement not being put down in any way

  • PetMom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I realize that I am probably going to be in the minority. If the work isn't done properly, it needs to be acknowledged. When no one recognizes that improvement needs to be made, people in general plod along at the same pace.

    You say that your child never brings home completed work with smiley faces. Have you discussed this with his teacher to determine what the problem could possibly be. If you have not, may I recommend that this be your first step towards turning that frown upside down? Instead of condemning the teacher, try to find a way to encourage your child to work to a higher standard.

    I have a son who has had difficulty with school for the last five years. While there are a dozen reasons that he could have been accomodated, I found quickly that making excuses wasn't going to work. His first grade teacher hated seeing his sad face when he was unable to pass spelling tests, so she quit giving them to him. I insisted on summer school at the end of the grade because he was not reading anywhere near grade level and had been in an intervention. One week into summer school, I discovered the true extent of his problems and it was very disheartening -- instead of challenging my son, she catered to his feelings and did not give him anything that might result in one of those horrid sad faces. We have both put in a lot work in the intervening years to get him caught up. Now at fourth grade, he is slightly above average, but definitely performing at grade level. A few sad faces now combined with some encouragement from you, and you might avoid summer school, tutors, interventions, and extra hours of homework to get him caught up when reality does hit home.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that is horrible!!! My kindergarten teacher did the same thing. I think it starts kids off with low self esteem, so in the next couple of grades they are in, they will be afraid to try something if they don't think they can do it right. Children should be encouraged to keep trying, not sent home with a sad face saying they failed!

  • 1 decade ago

    my daughter is in grade one now but last year in kindergarten if something was done wrong it was just circled and she got a sticker anyway. This year in grade one it is underlined and the right answer is wrote above it and she gets a sticker anyway. She doesn't bring home much from school anyway and very rarely anything is done wrong.

    The teacher should not be putting sad faces on your child's work. You should talk to the teacher about it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think she should do that for someone in kindergarten I would talk to her about it and let her know it is upsetting your son. He can only be what 5? That would not be ok with me!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, I never thought about it.... but it is discouraging. Children should be rewarded for good work. Maybe you should buy some happy faces and put them on his good work and put it on the fridge so he can see it often. Counterbalance her sad faces with happy ones!

  • moLLy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    aw thats sad!

    that would upset me if i was a parent...or a little kid!!

    his teacher shouldnt do that.

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