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Are most Atheists Truly Atheists or just anti Judeo Christian?

Most seem to actually be just anti Judeo Christian. I mean have you ever seen an atheist sue a school system that teaches their children about Greek/Roman Mythology? The same arguments they make against God in school can be applied there also. Have you noticed that most Atheist posts here never question other religions, such as Taoist or Buddhism?


So what you are all pretty much saying is that the only reason you are against judeo-christians is because you feel bullied by them?

Why does it matter if a religion is taught as real or fake, it is still religion and the same restrictions should be placed on it.

I find it funny that none of you seem to understand that Christians and Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years also.

Update 2:

Linda G. Not all Christians are the type that you describe. But if I use logic then I could say the Communists, which are officially Atheists, have done much worse, by suppressing freedom of religion and punished those chritians and jews they caught practicing their religion, they even tried to assinate the Pope

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is an interesting question, and is a huge contributing factor to why I consider myself an atheist.

    God is one of the few things I can think of that changes its definition depending on who is discussing it.

    It would be impossible for someone to be an atheist if you factored in everything that people have called God, including the universe, of which I am a firm "believer". To take the position that there exists no evidence of a god or gods, one must define what a god is. Based on the definitions posited by those who set the standard of god (AKA scholars of the faith), I can assure you that there is no God.

    If God is natural law, then yeah, definitely God exists - but why call something God when it all ready has another name. That's like saying "There's a chumbwomper on yahoo answers, and chumpwompers are all people that go by Darkvelvetrain". It is nonsense.

    Also, atheists don't talk about Buddhism in the same breath as atheism because there is no god in Buddhism, and no, Buddha was not a god, he was a man, just like everyone else, whom the Buddhists broke free of the cycle of rebirth by abandoning all desires.

    Furthermore, Judaism and Christianity are taught about in History courses across the US. The dogma, however, is not discussed.

  • Noctis
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Last I checked the school district wasn't teaching greek mythology as scientific facts... nice try though on making atheists look bad when you just make believers seem less intelligent. Buddhists are atheists, plus the buddhists and taoists get enough from the christians saying its a false religion started by the devil.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "I mean have you ever seen an atheist sue a school system that teaches their children about Greek/Roman Mythology?"

    I've never known a school to teach Greek/Roman mythology as anything EXCEPT mythology...

    "Have you noticed that most Atheist posts here never question other religions, such as Taoist or Buddhism?"

    Have you noticed most Taoists and Buddhists aren't trying to indoctrinate children with whimsical fairy tales of invisible sky daddies creating the world as fact?

    And for the record, I am most certainly atheist, in addition, I AM anti-Christian. Just as I am anti-Islam. And anti-Judaism. I'm anti ANY religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. No I wouldn't sue a school system that teaches mythology because....brace yourself, they are teaching it as mythology.

    2. I don't post questions about religion. But, this might be a clue: When the bible thumpers come to my door - in other words, come onto my property uninvited - and are trying to tell me the "good news" but are also willing to tell me that I'm going to burn in eternal torment....well, that person is surprisingly enough never a Buddhist but always someone preaching about the love of christianity.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You can teach Greek mythology as mythology. You cannot teach Hebrew mythology as science.

    If you want to discuss reincarnation or the transmigration of souls, I can debunk that, too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't see Wiccans trying to force the public education systems to teach about the Goddess as a supposedly viable alternative to evolution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, your observation is sharp, isn't it?

    Maybe not. because you have obviously not observed the fact that those on this forum who believe in taosim, buddhism, greek/roman (and other) pagan branches, do not condemn atheists, nor do they copy and paste from their text to answer a question, they do not hurl abuse at gay/atheist/sexually aware/free thinking etc individuals, they do not rant and they do not prosetylize.

    Funny how you only choose to see what you WANT to see.

  • 1 decade ago

    Other mythology is never taight as truth in schools.

    Buddhists don't want to restrict people's rights.

    Taoists aren't holding back scientific advancement.

    A Zoroastrian never tried to make me worship his God in law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one tells us to worship Greek/Romans

    You tell us we have to put creationism in our science class

    Huge difference.

    When someone bullies you, you only go after the bully, not some innocent person who has done nothing

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm no longer an atheist via fact i think of the god defined contained in the bible (previous testomony frequently, inspite of the undeniable fact that Jesus has his moments, like cursing the fig tree for no reason) is a homicidal maniac and that any human who acted like him may be tried and convicted as a warfare offender (in spite of the actuality that I do think of that). i'm an atheist via fact i do no longer think of there's a god in any respect - in actuality, i'm fantastically specific of it. you probable see maximum people directing their arguments against christianity via fact frequently we are from united states of america of america right here and christianity is the dominant faith there, yet many of the arguments artwork nicely against any faith, the final analysis is that no remember what your ideals, in case you may not prepare me any data that your god exists, then he has a similar validity as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the teeth Fairy, and that i do no longer think in fairy thoughts.

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