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Why was Brit Hume so viciously attacked at the mear mention of "Christianity"?

See the following article:

Jesus predicted this would happen in the Bible!

Matthew 5:11, Luke 6:22, John 15:18 & 1 Peter 4:14

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bravo, Brit!! He had the courage to stand up for what he believed in & to tell Tiger that God is the only way to forgiveness.

    I see by the rest of the answers that a lot of you think he crossed the line & should not have brought God into this.. too bad. I praise him & hope to hear more journalists do the same..

    If you are a Christian, speak up!! It shouldn't matter whether you are in an elevator or a bathroom or a newsroom: we are to tell others about God!!!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    In all technical means. Buddhism as it is known today predates an Abrahamic religion by a large margin, since in truth, it is "truth in the way things are". The Buddha who is most known for teaching is technically the third major Buddha. Christianity did not exist until actually after the proposed death of the CHristo and not in it's current form and writings till much later. No Abrahamic scroll predates buddha's teaching in this form. Before Christianity and it's claims, you were a Jew. Christianity did not exist. Even if you attempt to relate it. The question becomes, which is best for mind?

  • 1 decade ago

    It wasn't the "mere mention of Christianity," it was Brit Humes inappropriately pushing his faith upon Tiger Woods, and saying that Buddhism is an inferior faith. As a journalist, he should keeps his beliefs OFF AIR, just like all the other jerks on Fox News.

    News channels like Fox News and MSNBC are incredibly biased and purely propoganda for the religious right and the left, respectively. Those guys should be fired.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, the fact that Brit Hume is a major hypocrite aside, he was proselytizing. Tiger Woods will never be able to get past the troubles with his wife unless he converts to the religion of Hume's choice. It was completely out of the blue and it was unnecessary. Not to mention, look at all the politicians who are good "Christians" who have been caught with their pants down in recent years. Yeah, Christianity is really helping them to keep it in their pants.

    Now, what if Hume had said Woods needs to convert to Islam and follow the law to put his life back together? I bet you'd have a fit in that case.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So lets see. Christianity bullied, murdered, slaughtered, and forcibly converted millions of people over its bloody 2000 year history.....and Jesus predicted that people would become upset at the mere mention of Christianity?


    I am a Jew. The very sight of a cross represents terrorism to me. Just as it does to many Native Americans, Aboriginal peoples, Tribal peoples all across Canada, Europe and Africa. As well as people who belonged to the ancient traditions of Druidism and Paganism. As well as just women in general, who were targeted as "witches" over much of Christianity's history.

    And Jesus predicted that peple would viciously attack the mere mention of Christianity?

    DOH, again.

    When you belong to an organization that terrorized the world for almost 2000 years, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT!?

    And DOH, for the last time.

  • 1 decade ago

    He wasn't attacked for "mentioning" Christianity, he was rightly called out for his arrogant assumption that only Christians are morally acceptable.

    How dare you claim that the story is somehow "persecution?" Don't you know that there are still places in the world where Christians are in physical danger? Places where practicing Christianity is still not accepted? How dare you compare yourself to those who faced real persecution?

    Just curious - which religion did Hume say Mark Sanford should convert to?

  • 42
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Jesus predicted that Brit Hume would try to convert Tiger Woods to Christianity? LULZ. You guys read prophecy into the most insignificant events ...

    Brit Hume got slammed for it because he's evangelizing during a newscast. It was totally inappropriate for the setting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because he was trying to evangelize during a news cast.

    It wasn't the mention of "Christianity" (Get over your pathetic little persecution complex), it was the whole "Convert now, it's the only way to have redemption in the eyes of the public" crap.

    Think about it this way: What if he came on TV and suggested Tiger Woods convert to Islam, or Buddhism, or Satanism?

  • NXile
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hume didn't say anything which could change a person's life. I loved how he was talking about all that Tiger Woods has "lost". Tiger didn't lose those things...he threw them away!

    Hume spoke no truth, and misrepresented the Messianic faith, so your biblical references mean nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because he didn't adhere to the liberal agenda of secular humanists where there is an unwritten law that you cannot express you faith in Christ in public. Christians are supposed to "remain in the closet". Now if Hume had made some comment about how adultery isn't that big of a deal because after all, many people have had affairs outside of their marriages down through the ages, then he wouldn't have received such vicious attacks.

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