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Calling All Christians, Are You Ready?

Are you ready to do battle against the enemy? Are you ready to fight the good fight of faith? I sense the arm of the Lord is being stretched out against Satan and his strongholds ( Exodus 15:16-18 ). Satan is desperate, that is the reason he is trying so hard to stop us. Attacks against us personally, attacks against our finances, and our families and churches. The Lord is breathing new life into His Body, and we are advancing on Satan's strongholds, and are pulling them down one by one. Don't give up now, but press in. We have God's armor ( Ephesians 6:10, 13-18, and God's promise that we have the victory ( 1 John 5:4 ); we have the angel of the Lord encamping round about them that fear Him, and delivers them ( Psalm 34:7 ). Again I ask, are you ready? Read these scriptures, and be encouraged in the Lord ( 2 Chronicles 20:12-17, 21-25. Verse 22 says And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah, and they were smitten. Our enemies are not people, but Satan and his demons ( Ephesians 6:12 ). I encourage all Christians, praise and worship the Lord, and watch the hand of the Lord work mightily on your behalf. Your families will be saved, your finances will be healed and increase, and the joy of the Lord will increase your strength. This is our year of favor, and we will experience joy and fulfillment as God pours out abundant blessings on His children. Will you answer God's call to arms? He will go before us; who can be against us ( Isaiah 52:7-10 )? Read Isaiah 40:29-31 and be blessed.


Hey, I did say calling all Christains, didn't I?

Update 2:


Update 3:

Our only enemy is Satan and his demons, not man.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL, you sound like George W " either you're with us, or you're against us "

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely yes.

    And, God is telling His ppl this more than ever before, that it is time to get ready.

    The Battle is His He tells us.

    But, we are to be in the right position with HIm, thru love and obedience, so that WE dont get in His way, as He battles for us.

    We are to get ready and stay ready for when the enemy comes.

    The world is going to get much darker before its all over with.

    But, the ppl walking in the light of God, in His love, truths and Holy SPirit, will have their light getting brighter and brighter to shine into that darkness to overcome it all.

    We are to be overcomerss as Jesus Himself was.

    All you spoke here is just what He tell us, its truth and we do need to be ready and stay ready.

    Putting on our full armor of God, and being ready for the battle.

    But, one sweet thing we must always remember. WE arent to fear anything.

    Or doubt.

    Staying in strong faith, knowing God will always have the final victory and So will His ppl, if they allow HIm to battle for them..

    Taking every thought captive to the Lord, and making sure there are no strongholds in us, that will make us weak in the battle.

    I was jsut recently delivered from some untruths that I learned in false religion years ago, and I am amazed at just how much it has strengthened me.

    Yes, God is breathing new life into the body of Christ, and He is increasing our power to do what he calls us to do.

    God tells us that when we are born again, we will have the power that Jesus had, even more.

    Thru the blood of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit , we will become like Him, if we dont give up as we wait, and if we are willing to obey Him.

    All Chrsitians that I know of , right now are under some major attacks, and the one the closest to Him, are having even more.

    But, we are praying our way thru it, and will have the victory.

    Every Sunday at church, we do huge spiritual warfare there in Holy Spiriti prayer. No matter what any of us go thru, we still Stand for Him and we will get thru.

    WE have no reason to fear.

    Just keep the faith and dont give up as we wait.

    The battle is the Lord and oh yes we will have the vicotory.

    And yes, ppl are not our enemy. IT is the devil and the fallen angels, demons.

    OUr battle is not of man, but of spirits. and, KOOL< as God knows how to defeat every one and shows us just how to do this as well. YEP, God is Good.

    Great question, again.

    Full Gospel Shirley

    Source(s): YHWH< God YASHUA< Jesus RAUCH HAKODESH< THE Holy Spirit Remember; Yashua, Jesus is Lord and HE is coming soon. We have the victory... those that are His. amen.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is this the year of our favor? Is it the year of jubilee? I'm not that familiar with the Jewish laws about this. The Lord has blessed me financially because I obeyed him about giving. Now, I am better off and this would not have happened if I had not been giving. He is the one who put my social security together finally after so many problems and wondering if I would be homeless again (had to live with my son and his vicious gf for 10 months before I had the money to move out and then wasted 3000 dollars on motels until I could get an apartment. But, when we trust him completely he brings us through it all. Praise God.

    Yes, I am ready to share with more people and see more victory! Thanks for asking.


  • 5 years ago

    You are incredibly exactly RIGHT. Proof lies in not only the fact that yes, what things are satanic they might possibly recognize as such, but those things which they believe in which come from satan they do not recognize as such, and furthermore, to prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt, the things which come from Yahweh which they don't know about and don't believe in, they ALSO call satanic!!! It comes from a SPIRITUALLY uneducated mind. They are blind, and their wisdom has been turned to foolishness. So they make false positive errors, false negative errors, and though they make a few true positive responses, they also make true negative errors. Thus, they are BLIND. The real trouble lies when they accuse someone who TRULY is in the spirit of Truth to be possessed by Satan. THAT is the worst mistake to make, because the spirit of Truth leads them to repentance and realization of the Truth, and if they reject THAT, well, they won't repent, and they won't accept the Truth, and they will have to pay for their sins themselves by their OWN deaths, remaining under the Law. If you want to know the Truth they reject as Satanic, see the website below.

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  • 1 decade ago

    ya the battle is getting intense, but God has control over how far He will allow before He stops it. I know my faith has increased 2 or three times since last week, and my Love towards God and other people is strengthening as well. Satan will not succeed if we continue to lean on the Lord and let go of our own ambitions. He is faithful and will not forsake us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prepare and hold stead fast :-) Amen!!! God Bless

    Source(s): not PeRfEcT/Just Forgiven SDA former catholic
  • 1 decade ago

    I read the other day that if it is just you and the Lord you are in the majority! I share the thought with you!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ernie, Ernie, Ernie....yes, be blessed too. Sheesh!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Amen, armor of God, we all have to be ready.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thanks for the encouragement Ernie, I would proudly go onto battlefield for the Lord with you.

    Soldier of the Cross

  • Godboy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You go bro!! Glory to God and hallejulia to the lamb

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