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Nedra E asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Does Miley Cyrus really believe her dog is a GSD? and won't fit into her Prius as an adult?

I just heard about her new pup, and visited the website showing photos from her Sunday outing. Her fan website quoted her as having stated the dog was a GSD, and I believe it's a Great Pyrenees. I don't see any indication it's a GSD. If she believes THAT, she should have DNA testing done on the dog as it doesn't look at ALL like a German Shepherd. And they claimed that she stated that, as an adult, her dog won't fit in her Prius. I can fit 4 adult pyrs comfortably in my Prius if I put the back seats down and let one sit in the passenger seat, and don't have any human passenger in the car.

I tried to check the accuracy of those statements at the Official Miley Cyrus website, and found you can't read blogs or do much of anything unless you subscribe to a $29.95 annual membership, which I certainly won't do. I didn't see any way to post comment at her website or at her official fan website either where those quoted statements are posted. Do YOU know how to pass on my comments to her?

How can I reach her to let her know her dog can easily fit into her Prius?

How can I suggest to her that, if she thinks her pup is a GSD that she should get DNA testing?

How can I suggest to her that it's CRITICALLY IMPORTANT that she learn how to be a good, strong, firm, loving alpha pack leader so this dog will become a canine Good Citizen as an adult?

The pup in the photos from Sunday looks to be about 4mo old.

One of my friends thinks it's a Golden/Pyr cross. I suspect it's a pure pyr. What do YOU think? - photos from Sunday - fan website

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What's with all the questions about whether or not her dog is really a German Shepherd? The correct answer is a resounding, "YES". It's a German Shepherd. While technically disqualified from being called a German Shepherd, it is also called a "White Shepherd" or sometimes called an American White Shepherd. Their color isn't pure white but more sable...white with a light tinge of brown. Same thing can be seen on German Shepherds. Some have a brownish streak, others more red, etc.

    The reason they are "disqualified" is based solely on their utility. German Shepherds were bred with utility as one of its biggest target traits. White Shepherds are more difficult to see under snowy conditions which some believed limited their utility. The interesting thing is that most sheep aren't too far from white either so why disqualify a shepherd just because of its color? Others also consider a white shepherd to be a defect in the German Shepherd breed.

    I own one and she looked just like Miley's pup for about the first 4 months. I'm surprised by some of the comments surrounding this question. Apparently no one has noticed, as pups, they resemble a polar bear cub more than anything else. Our White German Shepherd grew to 60 pounds within 6 months and now tips the scales at over 95 pounds. She's a wonderful dog. Very protective. Obedient. Great with kids. But, I think Miley's pup will still fit inside a Prius as an adult. The biggest problem with them is they shed quite badly. And, I wouldn't want to be a paparazzi trying to get a photo of Miley when that dog reaches adulthood. Miley will definitely have an edge on them. For her, a very good choice.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yes it is a GS, my friend from School, here in Lexington, Ashley, dad owns a dog breeding place here. I've met the dog when it was still a puppy, and it wasn't a lie, there is such thing as a white GS, the dog was the only white pup in their litter. So to all you answers saying you think Miley did it for "popularity" you're down to the ground wrong.

  • Tasha
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It's not a German Shepherd. If it is, it's a poorly bred one by a BYB. I think it looks like a Great Pyrenees too; I don't see any German Shepherd. At first I thought that its muzzle structure looked German Shepherd-ish but now when I saw the Great Pyrenees, I don't see any GSD anymore.

    But I agree with other people, it doesn't matter what breed she thinks it is. People could think what they want.

    And to: "Teeny" your dog LOOKS like a German Shepherd. But Mileys dog looks like a Great Pyrenees.

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It looks like a long haired (larger of the breed) GSD,My Tyson was identical when he was a pup ( like a little bear cub).except he was black & Mileys is white,My Tyra & Sara were the smaller of the breed & didn't look like that.I don't know what a prius looks like but if it's a big car he/she should fit.Tyson fitted in my mondeo when he was fully grown.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You shouldn't worry or care about what breed she thinks her dog is.

    She will figure our for herself that her dog will fit in her car. Even a complete moron can figure out if a dog will fit in their car.

    I think if Cyrus really said that she thinks that is a GSD, it is no surprise. She isn't exactly known for her smarts...but odds are that that person completely made that statement up because they are obsessive fans of Cyrus and are also completely unknowledgeable about dogs and decided to fabricate that statement themselves.

    You will not be able to contact her, so stop wasting your time. She will not be raising that dog herself, she probably has a professional trainer to train her dog.

    Seriously, just drop it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most likely she was just joking, if the statements are even true, about the prius thing... either that or she's angling for a truck from her daddy!

    but as for the dog breed thing... it's really just proof that she's an idiot, but i think we all knew that already... or, once again, she was misquoted.

    She's probably got the most expensive dog trainers helping her out, so don't worry about that.

  • bruyn
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Why might a greenback teeth, lip synching daughter of a hillbilly turn out to be a noisy, large asss'd Italian girl who waves her hands round uncontrollably while she talks? I suppose now not.

  • 4 years ago

    long hair can make you look more nicer and sweet and short hair you look like a little girl.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's the funniest looking GSD I've ever seen.

    "How can I suggest to her that it's CRITICALLY IMPORTANT that she learn how to be a good, strong, firm, loving alpha pack leader so this dog will become a canine Good Citizen as an adult?"

    Funny how you think she will actually be looking after the dog :)

  • THATS NO GSD!!!!

    i thnk shez just sayen that to geain more popularity, by having a dog that doesnt fit into her purse

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