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I believe that "The "Universe" is only the internal projection of the " Collective Consciousness.." comments?


One of the delights of being human is our ability to interact.....don't you think?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We agree Hector. I think that this is how we do it.

    This is more easily understandable if one considers the actual structure of an atom and the scale and placement of its components. If one takes into account the fact that the neutrons and protons form a dense cluster at the center of the atom and that the electrons orbit in such a way that huge spaces exist between them and the nucleus it becomes clear that the atoms that make up seemingly solid objects are made up of 99+ percent empty space at any given moment.

    This alone does not seem too important until you add the idea that the atoms that make up many seemingly solid objects are more of a loose conglomeration that share a similar attraction but never really touch each other.

    At first glance this does not really seem relevant, but closer analysis reveals that this adds a tremendous amount of empty space to solid objects that are already made up of atoms that could be thought of as 99 percent space. When so-called solid objects are seen in this light it becomes apparent that may not be the seemingly solid objects they appear to us to be.

    We ourselves are not exceptions to this phenomenon.

    These seemingly solid objects are more like ghostly images that we interpret as solid objects based on our perceptual conclusions.

    From this one could conclude that Perception is some sort of a trick that helps us to take these ghostly images and turns them into a world we can associate and interact with. This clever device seems to be a creation of our intellect that enables us to interact with each other in what appears to be a three dimensional reality.

    I want to add that this is based on my own personal way of looking at the situation and was never intended to be a physics lesson.

    Love and blessings Don

  • Lovely
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    humm?? Let me think about this. ok, so I can believe that's true, IF the universe ONLY exists because it consists of all of our dreams, all of our heartache, all of our rage, our desires, thoughts and imagination. IF it exists because it's created from OUR COLLECTIVE energy and pulls off of that; our undestroyable souls, the way we were (LIKE THE SONG), the way we are and the things that help to make us who we are; then yes, collectively speaking; maybe the universe is a powerful, beautiful, painfully loving being, which would make it the "only internal projection of the collective CONSCIOUSNESS," OR maybe it's the opposite and WE as the "collective consciousness," are pulling from the UNIVERSE and then in that case US, as the collective consciousness, are actually an internal projection of the UNIVERSE? whose to say.

    As far as humans ability to interact goes, to be honest with you I can understand the "delight" of it, BUT openly speaking about my internal self, my WHOLE life so far, I have felt alone, not lonely, but alone in the fact that the interaction and communication I receive is over rated because I have only really met 2 people that can keep up with my thought process on the level that most people DON'T think on, therefore the interaction that I received may have helped me to take my thoughts to the next level, and I appreciate that, but at the same time, it has made me feel disconnected from society as if I am some kind of a prophet. The ability to interact is great but maybe the ability is not worth as much as the value in what you took from the interaction itself or the information given during that interaction. I just don't know anymore

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Hector,

    Good call. And yet the thing called collective consciousness is no less a projection than the thing called universe. But what is the thing that does the projecting then? It is true that the universe is located in one's mind where all concepts arise and then pass away. Collective consciousness is the same kind of thing - not an object or self existent entity - only just another concept. The inherently infected software we call our mind is the problem and fortunately the virus can be removed with skill and self compassion. First thing to do is use the removal tool called "Looking For The Collective Consciousness Located In The Mind." With this tool it will eventually be found in the same folder as The Universe.

    Send it to the virus vault. I just had to do this on my home computer and so the Concept is fresh on My Mind......

    Best wishes


  • 4 years ago

    Astral projection is often reported as an Out of physique adventure. a great number of analyze has been finished in this subject count in spite of the reality that the entire consequences are at the instant inconclusive. listed right here are the two positions thus far. One clarification is that OBEs could be an greater human means that shows the presence of a in part separable physique in people and particular in different sentient beings. yet another clarification is that OBEs are an shared means that people very own to receive assistance in a fashion it relatively is at the instant unexplained; that the experience of out of physique shuttle would basically be a fashion we've of coping with unpredicted and unexplained understanding. Clairvoyance, telepathy and mediumship could be have the same clarification. The third clarification is that OBEs are purely illusions produced via the suggestions and that they require no esoteric clarification; that's the materialist skeptic's clarification. jointly as many interior the metaphysical community affiliate a risk of a purported takeover with astral shuttle or Out of physique stories, there is not any sparkling information this has ever got here approximately. the folk who've supposedly been "possessed" via the years even have as a rule had deep psychological themes. some have been extra durable to discover than others yet this seems to be a uncomplicated subject while the case would be precise examined. It additionally seems that people have some degree of PK means which could produce poltergeist interest and is extremely possibly additionally in charge for the actual components of what some have come to call "demonic impacts". Your intentions probable would be frightening to the living who be attentive to you in the event that they disenchanted anybody. that's uncertain you will would desire to complication approximately the different paranormal issues. undergo in suggestions that your suggestions is probable the main useful component you will ever bump into.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I know nothing about a collective consciousness. I know almost nothing

    about the universe. I could just as easily say that the universe is the

    result of a thought of some kind of super being and we are all here

    on somethings whim and it would be no more nor any less meaningful

    than any other attempt I might make to rationalize the world in which

    I find myself. This is true because I also no nothing about super

    beings. I agree with the answerer who asked what difference does

    it make.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will like to say that universe is the internal projection or the will of the " absolute consciousness ",

    which is perceived by the beings of the universe in different individual ways depending upon their own level of consciousness unless and until they attain absolute consciousness.

    I think, it is more accurate to term ' collective consciousness ' as the ' absolute consciousness ',

    because perception of the consciousness becomes one and the same through out the universe as it moves up towards it's higher realms to become absolute in the end.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love this concept and have been enthralled by it for some years now.

    I have been reading books such as The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, as well as interesting information received in channelings with ETs, such as The Seth Material.

    I can't say much at the moment as I'm busy, but I found this:

    It is related to The Seth Material and discusses our creativity and how it is our greatest power.

  • 1 decade ago

    The collective consciousness is the self awareness of the universe,but it would rage on unknowing without the CC.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Most "beliefs" are soon shattered. Better to theorize and continue to question.

    The world seems to be in a collective state of unconsciousness at the moment.

  • 1 decade ago

    Could be. But even if it is, what difference does it make? Things like this don't feed anybody or make anybody healthier or happier. It's just something that keeps you from sleeping at night.

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