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Single mom given admin discharge instead of Court Martial .... comments?

Well, it's official. The Army dropped charges and just gave her a discharge. So, she still has all of her VA benefits, etc. even though she refused to answer the call to duty.

How does everyone else feel about it?

Update 2:

Sorry... guess that's what happens when the kids interrupt the reading. Sorry about that! Still irritating, regardless!

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    She doesn't get the bennies, check your link, paragraph 5.

    Its still very irritating. The link indicates that she had planned to do this for some time. She could have applied for separation and got out.

    Instead, she basically stiffed her unit.

    Total lack of integrity. Good riddance.

    Source(s): AD AF
  • 1 decade ago

    I think she's a lying piece of garbage, and should have been charged with desertion, and imprisoned, at least, executed at best. Desertion during war time is punishable by death. Her excuses don't hold water. Her mother runs a day care out of her home, but suddenly had a change of heart about watching her own grandchild? Seriously. She enlisted, got pregnant out of wedlock, that alone being a violation of the UCMJ, and is now trying to use that violation to justify her subsequent violation. That's like somebody getting high on crack, shooting a police officer, and blaming the crack for their secondary crime. It's simply not a valid excuse. She loved the military when it was a monthly paycheck, not to mention free medical benefits for her and her bastard, but when it came time to deploy, she started crying the " single mommy blues. " If a white soldier, male or female, had tried that, there would have been a lengthy prison sentence handed down. I say it's time to give this young lady the equal treatment under the law that so many civil rights activists fought for, and treat her accordingly. Lock her up.

  • 5 years ago

    ok. She had a kinfolk care plan as required, yet her mom determined she couldn't guard her grandchild at the same time as her daughter deployed. the daddy isn't contained in the image. more suitable than likely, it replaced right into a blend of two aspects - she did not favor to installation and her mom sponsored out of the care plan. the placement is she never advised each person till the the same day she skipped out on the deployment. both way, we do not want human beings like her going into wrestle with us. i imagine she must have performed somewhat penitentiary time, yet not sufficient to have her baby taken from her. This time, the grandmother might want to ought to take care of the youngster.

  • Ray
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "The decision still carries consequences for Hutchinson. She is being demoted in rank to private and will lose benefits afforded to military service members and veterans, Fort Stewart spokesman Kevin Larson said."

    Thats from YOUR link.

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  • NWIP
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No she does not have all the benefits, it said "She is being demoted in rank to private and will lose benefits afforded to military service members and veterans," so that means she will not get the GI Bill, no pension, no Tricare or anything else. It could then be a dishonorable discharge.

  • 1 decade ago

    Too much Political PC BS commanding the military nowadays. WWAAWW!

  • 1 decade ago

    You do not read very well.

    You missed this part of the story, "She is being demoted in rank to private and will lose benefits afforded to military service members and veterans,""

    Seems to me she got punished.

  • BruceN
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Smart General. He didn't think that making an example was worth wasting time on a Court Martial.

    When you are dropping bombs that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a pop, the wasted effort on a bad recruit is such small potatoes, they just didn't want to be bothered. They wash people out or give compassionate discharges all the time. What good would she have been if they forced her to go? What do they gain by putting her in the stockade?

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