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Why am I acting the way I am?

So for the past week, ive been on edge more than normal.

My boyfriend does these funny little things all the time and i use to think they were cute and sweet and i loved it. Now i get angry at him and freak out on him. We have been mad at each other for the past week everyday. And i dont know why.

When he wants to play games with me, i get angry when he helps me and tells me what i need to do. And i get all angry and upset cuz i dont want him telling me what to do. I dont know why i get like this either....

And i dont know what do to. Im going home today, to take a break from each other. And its not because we are around each other to much. Cuz the week before this one, i was at my gmas house. And then he came over when i came home. And i started being a bitcccH for no reason.

Ive cried sooo many times because i feel bad for how im treating him. I dont mean to be this rude and angry. I really dont. We even got upset with each other on Valentines day. And i dont know why and all i want to do is change how ive been acting.... what is wrong with ME!?

I havent started any meds since ive been freaking out.

I came home Thrusday and he came with me. I started acting all mean then. On Sunday i put in the Nuva Ring, but that has nothing to do with it because i acted this way before i put it in.

I havent stopped taking meds either.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Firstly you have addressed that you get angry and upset when you and your partner are around each other.. What triggers the reactions you put out there? Like is it just with your partner or with other people too? Do you really want to be with him or do you just think you should? Generally if something isnt working in a relationship then it usually means its not meant to be and also you have to let go of pass relationships to hes not your pass and just to take each day as it comes. Taking responsibility for your actions is good but doing something about it is even better. You will get through this and let it be a challenge that you as a person confront and deal with straight away, Good luck...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey Hey maybe its not you its him,maybe your going through a hard time and hes not supportive enough,or you just dont love him, as long as hes not crying you dont either phone him say your sorry your going through a hard time and you love him

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's what happens when you have un-protected sex.

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