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Do I need to go see a doctor?

Last Friday, February 19th, I injured my left knee playing flag football. To give you an idea of how it occurred, I jumped up and then landed (obviously incorrectly) and had instant pain and the inability to bear weight for about 30 seconds. At the time it didn't seem that bad so I continued to play although at a much slower pace and still with some slight pain in my knee.

After sitting for a few hours the joint got really stiff and became hard to walk on. Going up and down stairs hurts. Still today, February 24th, I have swelling over the entire knee and some constant dull pain in the lower outside part of my knee. It constantly feels like it's going to buckle when trying to walk normal, and there is intense pressure when I try to bend and pull my foot back to my butt to try stretching the quad muscles. Icing doesn't help, but prolonged warmth (such as a shower) seems to loosen it up a little for a while.

Thanks for any help.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds from the mechanisms you described possibly a torn tendon or ligament. That can cause intense pain and swelling. The fact you can bear weight on it to some extent is a good thing as some people cannot. I would make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as you can. The ER in your case will be a waste of time because when triaged, you would be considered a green patient, thus a longer wait in the waiting room. With a regular office visit alot of times you can get right in, and the doctor can do the same exam there, that they would in a ER. Some doctors offices have a x-ray / CAT scan machine in house to avoid having to pay more than a office visit. Most insurance plans also consider x-rays or CAT scans done at the doctors office as a regular office visit. So it can save you time and money in the long run. I left you a site to give you more detailed info. Hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    DEFINITELY go to your doctor or hospital. In fact, the first 72 hours after your injury is critical for you to apply first-aid or get assistance! You may have several things going on at once at this point. I left hospital after a motorcycle accident when they told me the x-ray was 'fine'. Still had pain and swelling a few days later, so they ordered an MRI and found a hairline fracture to my tibia! Would have required pins drilled in the knee to stabilize it for healing if they didn't catch it in time. You may have torn ligaments, tendons..who knows? PLEASE go have it looked at by a medical professional as SOON AS POSSIBLE.

    Source(s): Personal exp.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should go to the doctor or hospital to get it checked out, just to be safe. You don't want there to be prolonged damage or pain. I have a friend with a sore elbow, been like that for well over a year now, and it prevents her from certain sports (she swims everyday and lately has been unable to use her arms). It may be nothing but at least your mind will be at ease. Good luck.

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