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Is this the Hope and Change we were hearing about in 2008?

“Obama signs one-year extension of Patriot Act”

“Justice Dept. defends warrantless cell phone tracking “

In a novel privacy case, Obama administration tells an appeals court that police should be able to learn the locations of mobile devices without a search warrant.;_ylt=A0WT...


I don't think this makes him a Conservative, I think there are a lot of other terms to describe a person who campaigns against a policy and then not only extends it, but argues to expand it.

Update 2:

Stan, yes I did, the old version of the Act required warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court, and still does. Funny you didn't mention the warrantless cell phone tracking.

7 Answers

  • Spook
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is somewhat interesting though. The Democrats were screaming at the top of their voices about intrusion into civil rights and all. Now that Obama wants to track even their cell phones, it is suddenly ok? And how about the Patriot Act that they were so against? Now they want it?

    I know that 180's are not just the domain of the Democrats, it goes both ways, but I see an attempt to use this for political purposes already.

    A lesson to both sides, never pass a law that you may not want used by your political opposition..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Add that to the fastest growth in the National Debt,and Deficits in History,and we certainly have one fine President,don't we?

    But I'm sure that all of that is fine with Liberals now,since the 0bamassiah has come to power. Before then the Wars were immoral and illegal,the Patriot Act was an evil attack on our personal liberties,but now that 0bama has come,it's okay. He could build internment camps for his enemies and Liberals would applaud it as a betterment of society.


  • Stan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Did you read your own link?

    Two measures that have been changed now REQUIRE court orders before wire taps can be performed on U.S. citizens. (Something Bush ignored and even lied about to our faces.."A wire tap requires a court order")

    Another measure allows surveillance of non-U.S. citizens without a court order.

    This is not the same Patriot Act that Bush used to undermine our Constitution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it's here, the absolute worst president in history....has almost tripled the deficit. Taking away right after right of the people. putting admitted communist in his czardom. Yea change is here, now we'll be hoping it goes away SOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Glad you don't like the Patriot Act. Will you join me in helping to get it repealed?

  • 1 decade ago

    So you're telling me that Obama is a Conservative?

    Then will you be voting for him?

  • once again Obama was for it before he was against it!!!

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