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Do people honestly not realise that sick dogs need vet care?

I'm astounded at the number of questions on this board asking unqualified strangers what to do when their dog is showing serious signs of illness. While I can understand asking for advice if nothing is seriously wrong, when a dog is obviously sick what do people expect strangers on the internet to be able to do?

Why own a dog if you know you are/will be unable to afford even basic vet care?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can understand them wanting advice. People's financial situation changes and you can't take it out on them for finances changing. However in saying that if their dog is bleeding or something serious like that I do not understand why they waste their time on here but if it's something like blood in the poo I can understand.

    As long as the dog gets the help it needs in the end :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    tell me about it.

    which is why I seldom take this facility seriously.

    Unless I'm convinced that I've received a v.good answer, I'll make it be known in that little feedback box with a detailed 'thank you v.much your answer really nailed it...' reply.

    most of the time I'll pick w/e answer I feel somewhat answers my question, or where somebody actually made an effort and put some thought into it - so i pick it and just leave 'thanks for the answer' in the feedback box.

    People who come on here seeking advice on what to do when their pets are in distress and physically ill, do so because they need an answer from another 'pet owners' perspective and will use this facility thereby to bypass the 2nd option to find out about their pets problems - the google search engine.

    To an extent - i don't see much problem with asking a question regarding behavioural problems or other minor ailments of your pet, because there will be Pet Owners on here - who have cats and dogs, and will gladly share their knowledge based on experience(s) of raising their pet(s).

    for instance, I had a dog , an energetic loving gorgeous Alsation around 12 years ago. Now I have just a cat.

    but if somebody asks a question about their dog or cat which I can relate to, based on my experiences of interacting with my own dog and cat I'll gladly share it.

    but i absolutely agree with you, that I am no Veterinarian - and that asking me to diagnose symptons and then provide a remedy is ludicrous.

    For the sake and welfare of the pet , go see a feckin VET.

    nobody on here is a VET - unless they can prove it.

    More importantly, you owe it to your Pet - not to seek a morons opinion/advice.

    At least give that much to your Dog or cat.

    Do not insult a great animal such as a dog or a cat, by steeping to an unpresidented low - by appearing on here and aquiring knowledge from a band of ill knowledged ill equipped people.

    Source(s): can they count to 5ive ?
  • Simple answer...

    Look around you while you are out and about in the world. How many people do you see that cannot even properly care for themselves or their kids while in a public place? The world is full of ignorant people who don't know any better. People who would rather save a buck than do things the right way.

    I just read a story about a pekingese who was KILLED by his own HAIR. How hard is it to buy a cheap pair of $20 clippers and shave the dog yourself if you can't afford professional grooming?

    I thought grooming, vet care, training, and feeding a dog were dog ownership 101... but so many people neglect their animals to the point where they don't know the dog's head from it's butt.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are in denial. They know the dog is really sick. They want someone to say, Oh just give the dog a baby aspirin and it will be fine. Of course that isn't going to happen. Actually sometimes it does happen, there are some 14 years olds on YA who don't know jack-**** and do make up answers like that. Not sure which is worse.

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  • Patty
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yes, It really is amazing how many people are out there that really don't have a clue or the common sense to realize when their pets are sick or hurt they need to go to the vets asap. It just goes to show how many idiots are really out there in this world

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mum, you must be new here. Everyday hundreds of questions about sick & dying dogs & people don't or won't take them to a Vet. I wish I knew the answer. <smh>

    Source(s): ssdd
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they ask because maybe someone in this forum went through a similar situation.

    when my dog was sick i went on yahoo answers and asked a question about it. i

    wanted to see if anyone else went through this with their dog. i got some great answers.

    but, we did take my dog to the vet because she was just too sick and really old (17yrs old).

    sadly, she passed away in '09.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are so many idiots in the world. These people are too cheap and selfish to get their pets the care they deserve. It disgusts me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the doggy is soooo cute, I just had to have him! What do you mean he needs medical care?? No one told me I had to pay for that! Can't one of the vets who post on Y!A just answer my question, plz?!


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