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Runescape - Tips for a newbie?

Ok, I have guild wars but have been getting bored so I decided to give Runescape a try and I've been having a lot of fun playing it. Any advice for a beginner on what skills I should be concentrating on and trying to level?

I'm interested in mining and runecrafting and would like to get these 2 skills up to a high level as well as smithing. So far though I'm still low level. Here's my info.

- Non-member. I probably won't become a member.

- Mining is level 25.

- Runecrafting level 13 and I've completed the Rune Mysteries quest

- Combat level 14 (yeah, I die a lot)

- Smithing level 31

Only been playing for 3 days so there is alot I don't know yet. I found the Runescape wiki and that has helped a lot. The one thing I'm struggling with is getting places. What's the best way to get around quickly? Any more options that will open up to me once I've been playing awhile?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here's the thing about mining/smithing: at low lvls it seems awesome and a really cool idea that you can make weapons/armor for yourself. But as you start to train it, it becomes apparent that its going to take FOREVER to lvl it up and a lot of $$$ if you're going to buy bars or ores to speed things up. After about lvl ~30 you will give up. Members have it much easier b/c they have facilities that are closer to banks so mining runs are much faster and efficient.

    Runecrafting used to be profitable b/c the essence was worth a lot. But since then, the devs have split essence into member/non member where the member one is worth much less :( I don't recommend doing this for money either.

    Ofc if you enjoy doing this then go for it, but if u want to make money I'd suggest wood cutting. Unfortunately, u need lvl 70 wc to start making money, but if you're determined it won't take that long. Its not like smithing where u need resources. All u need is an axe and a less populated world. Fishing lobsters/swordfish is also very profitable.

    Once you have money u can buy equipment instead of smithing them and you're set to raising combat lvls. Try training on monsters that do little damage, that way u can train for longer without having to get food. Its even better to find monsters near a fishing spot so u can always fish if u get low on food. In later lvls, u can try killing monsters with big bones which are always in demand and will make u very rich + give u good exp. The downside: a lot of players know this and they constantly compete for these monsters.

    Some advice to give u is to set goals. Say get mining lvl 30. Stick to it then switch it up. Keep this up and you will get there pretty fast. The day where u don't feel like doing anything is the day u get bored ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    ADD darkxangellx ill help u out anytime im a lvl 77 or 78 and got 76 wc so im not a nub kk hope to u see become a member its fun

  • 1 decade ago

    weeeell you can mine the rune essances in the one city and theres a crafting not too far away in the desert

  • 1 decade ago

    if u need help add my player `Axel Deity' ill help u whenever u see me online jus send me a message if u need to know something

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  • 1 decade ago

    go farm some weaker gais. then you are stronger. and it is safer to do stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeh heres a tip, ITS ****!

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